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Aliev Is Inspired

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  • Aliev Is Inspired

    28 April 06

    We hope that the US as a superpower and the OSCE MG cochairman will
    assist the NK conflict settlement and it will be possible to make
    peace in the region' , - the President of Azerbaijan said in the
    council of foreign relations of the US Carnegie foundation in
    Washington. The latter also made some other declarations about
    Karabakh. `Karabakh today is the main problem of preventing the
    development of Azerbaijan, otherwise we are in excellent conditions,
    budget is multiplied, energetic projects are enlarged', - Aliev has
    said. To the question to what concessions Armenia, which won in the
    war can go Aliev answered; `First of all, Armenia hasn't won in the
    war, maybe the RA had some privileges in the first battle with the
    assistance of other countries. Everybody knows that the Armenians
    weren't able to occupy our territories without the assistance of
    Russian army. Besides the war isn't over yet. I think it's already the
    time for the RA authorities to take a decision and try to make a
    decision what will happen in Armenia in 10, 15 years if the conflict
    isn't settled' , - Aliev said.

    The speech of the President of Azerbaijan has turned into obvious
    threat; ` The future of Azerbaijan is rather clear. Azerbaijan will be
    become a strong, prosperous country with a powerful economy and
    society. A country with which is better to become a neighbor'. Peace
    is [profitable for both sides. In case of mutual concessions Armenia
    will have ways of communications, way to the RF which is `very
    important for Armenia', and will be able to take part in the regional
    project. The NK people will get the right of living in peace. He has
    produced his version of settlement; `The Armenians who live in
    Karabakh have right to have a high level of autonomy round territorial
    integrity of Azerbaijan, which we see in many other countries,
    including in Europe. Strong political guarantees must be given to them
    that the peace will be indestructable in the region'.

    By the way the OSCE MG American cochairman Steven Mann has said to the
    mass media `it is possible to refuse of attempts of entire and
    immediate settlement of the conflict. The opposite approach must act
    now, to go ahead step by step and give some difficult problems to the

    Summarizing we should mention that Aliev's these strong declarations
    are made in Washington and before the meeting with Bush. It is obvious
    that he has been inspired.

    Tigran Avetisian