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Senator Biden Delays Vote on Hoagland Nomination

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  • Senator Biden Delays Vote on Hoagland Nomination

    Senator Biden Delays Vote on Hoagland Nomination
    02.08.2006 10:41

    Senator Joseph Biden (D-DE), the Ranking Democrat on the Foreign
    Relations Committee, was joined today by Senator John Kerry (D-MA) in
    forcing a month-long delay in the Committee's vote on the controversial
    nomination of Richard Hoagland to replace the current U.S. Ambassador
    to Armenia John Evans, reported the Armenian National Committee
    of America.

    The controversy within the Foreign Relations Committee over the
    Hoagland nomination began with Senator Biden's June 23rd letter asking
    Secretary of State Rice Condoleezza Rice to respond to a series of
    questions, including specific inquiries about reports that the current
    Ambassador had been recalled due to his having "accurately described
    the Armenian Genocide as genocide." The debate over the merits of the
    nomination heated up during the June 28th confirmation hearing due
    to the nominee's evasive and unresponsive answers to straightforward
    questions posed by panel members about U.S. policy on the Armenian
    Genocide. Following the hearing, Ambassador-designate Hoagland, in a
    sharp departure from established Administration practice, responded
    to a written Senate inquiry by questioning the genocidal intent of
    the perpetrators of the Armenian Genocide, a denial tactic frequently
    used by the Turkish government.

    As a result of the intervention of Senators Biden and Kerry,
    Ambassador-designate Hoagland's nomination will not be considered by
    the Committee until the Committee's next business meeting in September.

    "The ANCA welcomes the leadership of Senators Biden and Kerry in
    ensuring that the Foreign Relations Committee has the time to more
    carefully consider the implications - for both our foreign policy and
    our values as a nation - of confirming a U.S. Ambassador to Armenia
    who is on record denying the Armenian Genocide," said ANCA Chairman Ken
    Hachikian. "We appreciate, as well, the principled efforts of Senators
    Allen, Boxer, Chafee, Coleman, Dodd, Feingold, Kennedy, Reed, Sarbanes,
    and others to seek an honest explanation of the firing of Ambassador
    Evans, to explore the role of the Turkish government in his recall,
    and to insist that the Administration clearly articulate its stand
    on the recognition of the Armenian Genocide."

    The panel's decision comes in the wake of a nationwide campaign by
    the ANCA - in Washington, DC and in grassroots communities across
    the country - to demand answers concerning the recall of Amb. Evans
    and to educate Senators about the adverse impact of sending an envoy
    to Armenia that has called into question the genocidal character of
    Ottoman Turkey's systematic destruction of its Armenian population. The
    ANCA has mobilized thousands of activists to share their views with
    their Senators and Representatives about the need for an honest
    explanation of Ambassador Evans' recall and, more broadly, the exact
    outlines of the State Department's policy on the Armenian Genocide.

    As early as this February, Members of Congress, at the urging of
    the ANCA, began pressing the State Department for a full, open, and
    official explanation of the firing of the current U.S. Ambassador
    to Armenia, over his truthful comment last year on the Armenian
    Genocide. Despite a series of Congressional letters and questions posed
    during Congressional testimony by Secretary of State Rice and other
    senior officials, the Administration failed to provide a meaningful
    explanation of its decision to recall Ambassador Evans.

    In the shadow of this controversy, Ambassador-designate Hoagland
    came before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on June 28th
    for a confirmation hearing, alongside the President's nominees to
    represent the U.S. in Ireland and Switzerland. During this hearing,
    Senators George Allen (R-VA) and Norm Coleman (R-MN) pressed
    Ambassador-designate Hoagland for answers about U.S. policy on the
    Armenian Genocide. Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) expressed serious
    reservations concerning the circumstances of the nomination and the
    Administration's policy on the Armenian Genocide.

    Ambassador-designate Hoagland's responses during the hearing, and
    later to written questions submitted by panel members, were largely
    evasive, characterized by repeated - often strained - efforts to
    avoid using the term genocide, even while refusing to acknowledge
    that he had been instructed not to use this term. The following day,
    on June 29th, the panel, and then the full Senate, voted to confirm
    nominees for the ambassadors to Ireland and Switzerland, but chose
    to not take any action on Hoagland's nomination.

    In the days that followed his confirmation hearing, Ambassador-
    designate Hoagland responded to several dozen written questions
    concerning U.S. policy on the Armenian Genocide, the recall of
    Ambassador Evans, and the instructions he had received regarding
    how to address this matter if confirmed by the Senate. Among his
    written responses to a series of questions posed by Senator Barbara
    Boxer (D-CA), was a deeply troubling, morally objectionable and
    historically inaccurate indication that the Armenian Genocide did
    not meet the U.S. definition of genocide because of the absence
    of a "specific intent" on the part of the perpetrator. This denial
    of the Armenian Genocide - which went far beyond the bounds of the
    Administration's traditional policy - prompted the ANCA to announce
    its formal opposition to Richard Hoagland's nomination on July 18th.

    Soon after, the ANCA determined that, according to Department of
    Justice records, the State Department had misled the U.S. Senate
    about its communications with the Turkish government concerning the
    February 2005 public affirmation of the Armenian Genocide by Ambassador
    Evans. In a letter, dated June 28th, written on behalf of Secretary of
    State Condoleezza Rice to Senator Biden, the State Department denied
    that the Turkish government had even approached the Administration on
    this issue. However, official Foreign Agent Registration Act filings
    by the Turkish government's registered foreign agent, the Livingston
    Group, document that, in the days following Ambassador Evans' February
    19, 2005 remarks, one of Turkey's agents communicated on at least
    four different occasions with State Department officials concerning
    the envoy's statement and his subsequent retraction.

    To date, half of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, including
    Senators George Allen (R-VA), Joseph Biden (D-DE), Barbara Boxer
    (D-CA), Lincoln Chafee (R-RI), Norm Coleman (R-MN), Christopher Dodd
    (D-CT), Russell Feingold (D-WI), John Kerry (D-MA) and Paul Sarbanes
    (D-MD), have contacted Secretary Rice or questioned Ambassador
    Designate Hoagland directly regarding the Armenian Genocide. Senators
    Edward Kennedy (D-MA) and Jack Reed (D-RI), along with over sixty
    members of the House have also expressed serious concerns to the
    State Department on this matter.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress