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Israel Asks U.S Jews to Lobby

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  • Israel Asks U.S Jews to Lobby


    AZG Armenian Daily #145, 03/08/2006

    Middle East

    For Azerbaijan, Against Armenia

    It is common knowledge that Azerbaijan, following Turkey's footsteps,
    tries to use the political clout of Israel and American-Jewish
    organizations in Washington, D.C. to counter Armenian interests. Israel
    obliges the Azeri demands out of an interest in importing oil and gas
    from Azerbaijan and exporting various products, possibly including
    weapons. Israel also needs access to Azerbaijan in order to collect
    intelligence on neighboring Iran.

    The details of this close cooperation, more aptly described as "mutual
    exploitation," are not usually made public. The July 10, 2006 issue of
    The Jerusalem Report, however, published a 13-page article by Netty
    C. Gross disclosing some of the ties between Azerbaijan, Israel and
    American Jewish organizations. The Report covered the visit to Baku of
    "a delegation of Israeli dignitaries and Russian Jewish functionaries"
    in mid-May. The article titled, "The Azeri Triangle," started with a
    straightforward statement: "Israel and Diaspora Jewry are deepening
    their own links with oil-rich Muslim Azerbaijan and helping the Azeri
    regime win friends in Washington."

    Describing "a strong Azerbaijani-American-Israel-Jewish
    connection...[t hat] benefits everyone," Gross wrote that Israel
    "is deeply interested in consolidating its relations" with
    Azerbaijan. "Israel has seen it in its interest to encourage U.S. Jews
    to take up the Azeri cause in the Washington corridors of power,
    at the same time reinforcing the notion held by many Azeris and
    others in the Third World that the way to Washington leads through
    Jerusalem." It is noteworthy that Gross implicated "U.S. Jews"
    in carrying out the instructions of Israel -- a foreign power --
    in the United States to serve the interests of Azerbaijan.

    In addition to its connections in Washington, Gross reported that
    Israel is using the services of "rich and influential Russian Jewish
    businessmen, some of whom have powerful contacts from the old Soviet
    days -- and who proudly point out to me that [Pres.] Ilham [Aliyev]'s
    son-in-law has a Jewish mother and a Muslim father."

    Gross provided the list of visits made to Azerbaijan earlier this
    year by various Jewish individuals and groups: "In recent months,
    a parade of several high-level Israeli and Jewish delegations,
    who have been mobilized to help Azerbaijani interests in the U.S.,
    passed through Baku.... In early February, a 50-strong delegation
    from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Organizations
    was received by Aliyev. In April, the Azeri president welcomed
    Israeli tycoon Lev Leviev.... And in early June, Israeli National
    Infrastructures Minister Binyamin Ben-Eliezer arrived in Baku, to
    explore the idea of purchasing Azeri oil or gas at some time in the
    future.... Underscoring the close ties between the Russian Jewish
    machers and the locals, EAJC [Euro-Asian Jewish Congress] operatives
    move about Baku's corridors of power like kings, freely initiating
    press conferences and government meetings...."

    Gross gave the details of some of the links between the two countries
    as relayed to him by Israel's ambassador to Azerbaijan, Arthur Lenk, a
    native of New Jersey: "The weekly Azerbaijani Airlines flights between
    Tel Aviv and Baku are packed, and there are Jewish studies programs,
    with local and Israeli students and some Israeli faculty, at Baku State
    University.... Israeli agro-businesses recently visited Baku for a
    bilateral trade forum and Israeli technology in telecommunications and
    waste management is being used in Azerbaijan. (In the past, Israelis
    have had financial interests in, among other things, Azerbaijan's
    second-largest cell phone firm, a hospital project and a turkey farm)."

    Gross then disclosed the political connections between Azerbaijan,
    Israel and American Jews regarding Armenian issues: "Israel's main
    selling point with Azerbaijan is not Israeli. Rather, it's the American
    Jewish lobby, which, encouraged by Israel, has helped Azerbaijan
    in Congress. The background to the story is the Nagorno-Karabakh
    conflict.... A particularly painful sore point is Section 907,
    a U.S. congressional amendment to the 1992 Soviet [sic] Freedom
    Support Act, aimed at boosting economic and humanitarian aid to all
    of the 15 emerging former Soviet republics except Azerbaijan. Passed
    at the urging of the Armenian-American lobby in 1993, when the
    Nagorno-Karabakh conflict was flaring, 907 barred the U.S. from
    military or other cooperation with Azerbaijan.... Encouraged by Israel,
    influential American Jewish groups have since acted on behalf of Baku
    as a bulwark against the powerful American-Armenian lobby in Congress
    and have tried to get 907 repealed. Since 2002, when the U.S. needed
    Azeri airspace to reach Afghanistan, the U.S. has agreed to annual
    presidential waivers of 907, which lift restrictions."

    Gross then specifically cited Mark Levin, the executive director of the
    National Conference on Soviet Jewry, a Washington-based organization
    that is "a member of the coalition of Jewish groups that have
    worked on behalf of Azerbaijan's interests on Capitol Hill." Levin,
    who traveled to Baku with the Conference of Presidents in February,
    told Gross that the organized Jewish community has "worked closely
    with the administration to implement the presidential waiver of 907
    in 2002," and that the coalition "continues to express support on a
    regular basis for the waiver."

    Gross quoted Levin as stating that the American-Armenian lobby in
    Washington "is very strong and organized, and speaks in a unified
    voice. On other political issues, we have partnered with [the
    Armenians], but when it comes to Azerbaijan, we are on different sides
    of the fence." Levin acknowledged that, on the whole, American Jewish
    policymakers feel comfortable in their strong support of Azerbaijan
    on the Hill and take their cue from the U.S. and Israel.

    Various Azeri officials confirm the value of the Jewish lobby
    in countering Armenians: "American Jews have helped us lobby in
    Washington against the Armenians and their help is very important. We
    are very appreciative," Azerbaijan's Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov
    told Gross. Sheikh Alla Shukur Pasha Zade, the Spiritual leader of
    Azerbaijan, is also quoted telling the gathered Jewish delegation
    in Baku: "I know that Jewish groups have played a role against
    the Armenian lobby in trying to find a positive alternative to the
    conflict. I would like to express my gratitude to these groups for
    lobbying on Azerbaijan's behalf."

    Regrettably, Gross misleads his readers by not pointing out that
    not all Jews sell out their souls to Azerbaijan or Turkey. As it
    has been repeatedly documented in previous columns, many Jewish
    individuals and organizations in both Israel and the United States
    are strong supporters of Armenian issues, despite the pressures from
    the government of Israel!

    Gross balanced the effusive pro-Azeri comments in his article by
    including statements that accuse Azerbaijan's leaders of "corruption
    and political repression." He referred to critics who said that the
    cozy relationship between Israel and Azerbaijan "will unravel just
    as Israel's romance with Iran did." He quoted Dr. Asim Mollazade,
    the chairman of an Azeri opposition party, as saying that the
    United States, Israel and Jewish Americans would someday be "deeply
    disappointed" for supporting the undemocratic and corrupt regime in
    Azerbaijan. Gross also pointed out the double standards practiced by
    Azeri leaders who present themselves to Jews as being pro-Israeli while
    distancing themselves from Israel in front of the Muslim world. He
    mentioned, for example, the fact that Israel opened its Embassy in
    Baku in 1993, and yet Azerbaijan has not opened its Embassy in Israel
    in order to appease fellow Muslims. Last month, Azerbaijan assumed
    the chairmanship of the Organization of Islamic Countries which held
    its annual conference in Baku.

    Furthermore, Gross reported that the Jewish community in Azerbaijan has
    dwindled from 80,000 to around 10,000 during the past decade. He also
    pointed out another telltale sign of potential trouble in "paradise"
    when he revealed that "all the Jewish institutions in Baku appear to
    be protected by armed guards."

    Obviously, Israel is free to establish economic and political ties
    with any country, including Turkey and Azerbaijan. American Jewish
    organizations are likewise free to send delegations to various
    countries. But when they agree to place their considerable political
    clout at the services of Azerbaijan or Turkey against Armenia's
    interests, Armenians worldwide then have the perfect right to expose
    their sinister arrangements and counter their every move.