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Corrupt Government Threatens Nagorno Karabakh Most of All

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  • Corrupt Government Threatens Nagorno Karabakh Most of All

    03 Aug 06

    Several days ago the leader of the Aryan Armenian Order Armen
    Avetisyan stated referring to the recent statements of the U.S.
    co-chair of the Minsk Group Matthew Bryza that the future of the
    governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan depends on the willingness to
    make a compromise over the Karabakh issue. In other words, he drew
    the attention of the public to the threat of infringement upon the
    national interest in the period of elections in 2007 and 2008.

    Considering that the present "chief strategist", the Republican
    defense minister Serge Sargsyan approved the proposals of the Minsk
    Group long ago, we may state that Armen Avetisyan's warning is quite
    logical. In fact, in an effort to find support for their aspirations
    to power the Armenian politicians make a deal with forces from the
    outside. It is possible to understand the Aryan. It is also possible
    to understand that he relies on the will of thousands of Armenian
    citizens, who are ready to resist deals.

    We would like to warn brave patriots, however, that the danger of the
    game of those who hold the power and those who protect this power is
    not realized. This is half of the trouble that the weakening Armenian
    officials are ready to make a deal with the outside world. The main
    danger is somewhere else - our worthy patriots and many honest guys
    fail to understand everything.

    They fail to understand that by their statements that they will
    not allow return of territories they keep the mill of our political
    merchants working, who are wiser than our patriots. They are wise
    because they have learned to play on the patriotic feelings and
    speeches of our society. And only they are interested in Armen
    Avetisyan's statements. No, not because they are going to extend the
    statements of patriots to their Western sponsors: these cheap games
    have stopped being interesting to anyone in the world.

    The cynicism of our corrupt officials should not be underrated. They
    understood the value of the "party of the war" for their political
    games long ago. They need these patriots to make them scapegoats in
    possible military provocations. What provocations? one may ask. The
    provocations that these political merchants may undertake to justify
    their deal with the outside forces. To cause the war to ignite,
    accuse patriots and appear to the Armenian people and the world as
    a savior and wise prophet.

    Our figures are not fools to sit at the wheel of power with the
    appearance of a loser. Therefore, dear patriots, if you can discern
    danger in the action of our corrupt government, before calling the
    public for resistance demand the public officials who have a direct
    lever of influence on the situation in the conflict area to dismiss
    these figures. Do not forget that presently we deal with the cynical
    criminal holding the power, which feels its imminent death against the
    background of the elections in 2007 and 2008. These people have already
    managed to announce that "their end would be the end of Armenia".

    The situation is, in fact, more complicated than it seems to dear Armen
    Avetisyan. The end of the criminal will not be the end of Armenia,
    but it can harm Karabakh considerably. Especially that the key levers
    there are held by a man also appears unlikely to quit in 2007,
    as the law provides for. And in this case one should be guided by
    consciousness, not feelings. The presence of the politician criminal
    at the wheel of the military and civilian government becomes highly
    dangerous. Experienced Bryza did not tell the Azerbaijani president
    Ilham Aliyev accidentally that the first half of 2007 may become a
    favorable period for the settlement of the Karabakh conflict. He
    hinted that there are people in Armenia and Karabakh who would
    sacrifice everything to stay at power.

    It is not accidental that Bryza said Armenia is keeping to the right
    path to democratization. He was right because he finally realized that
    it is the end of the criminal. So he decided to play the last game with
    the criminal in the Karabakh sphere. To play and discard finally, both
    the criminal and the Karabakh issue. But the criminal does not want to
    be discarded. It only wants to play a successful game because there is
    no more place to play. Therefore, before becoming engaged in the game,
    dear patriots, think how it would end for our Homeland and for you.
