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Karabakh human rights activist: "There are no Azerbaijani prisoners

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  • Karabakh human rights activist: "There are no Azerbaijani prisoners

    Regnum, Russia
    Aug 3, 2006

    Karabakh human rights activist: "There are no Azerbaijani prisoners
    of war in Nagorno Karabakh"

    "The Azerbaijani authorities have been exaggerating the subject
    of Azerbaijani prisoners of war in Karabakh captivity to conceal
    the true number of its Army losses in the war imposed upon Nagorno
    Karabakh. Instead of cooperating with Armenian and Azerbaijani NGOs
    in solving this humanitarian problem, Baku is politicizing it,"
    Karen Ohanjanyan, head of Helsinki Initiative '92 organization,
    commenting on a report by TURAN news agency, which says that allegedly
    "Azerbaijani prisoners of war are being exploited in tunnels of gold
    mines in Kelbajar District."

    "Since May 12, 1995, there has been no prisoners of war and hostages
    in Nagorno Karabakh. All of them were extradited to Azerbaijan. Today
    there are only separate cases of Azerbaijani servicemen becoming
    prisoners of war because of their attempts to carry out subversive
    activity, however, Nagorno Karabakh authorities immediately inform
    Stepanakert Office of the International Red Cross Committee and in
    two or three months these prisoners are extradited to the Azeri side
    with the Red Cross assistance," Karen Ohanjanyan stressed.

    It is worth mentioning, recently, a regional conference on issues of
    missing people with participation of Armenian, Azerbaijani, Georgian
    and Nagorno Karabakh representatives initiated in the framework
    of The Yellow Tulips Project with support of The Interchurch Peace
    Council (the Netherlands) was held in the Nagorno Karabakh capital,
    Stepanakert. The reporters spoke on carious aspects of the missing
    people problem, gave a brief on history of cooperation of the Helsinki
    Citizens Assembly in South Caucasus, role of mass media in solving
    the problems of missing, attitudes of the governmental institutions
    to the problem of missing.