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Gloom Over Karabakh Peace Process

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  • Gloom Over Karabakh Peace Process


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    Aug 3, 2006

    Revelations about the latest peace deal leave the conflicting parties
    still far apart.

    By Elshad Guliev in Baku, Karine Ohanian in Stepanakert and Tatul
    Hakobian in Yerevan

    All sides remain pessimistic about the peace process in Nagorny
    Karabakh, despite a visit by the newly-appointed American negotiator
    to the region intended to breathe new life into negotiations.

    Matthew Bryza - who was appointed as the United States co-chair of
    the OSCE's Minsk Group on Karabakh in June - has visited Karabakh,
    Armenia and Azerbaijan during the past week. He said little in public
    following his meetings, but some saw his trip as a sign Washington, at
    least, is determined to move the process along despite recent setbacks.

    He arrived unaccompanied by his French and Russian co-chairs on the
    Minsk Group, a month after the three had delivered an unusually blunt
    report to the OSCE, which presides over negotiations on the Karabakh
    dispute, signalling that the current peace process had stalled.

    The co-chairs said they had "reached the limits of our creativity"
    and put the onus on the leaders of Armenia and Azerbaijan to
    carry the peace process forward. "We remain ready to assist,"
    said the statement. "As mediators, however, we cannot make the
    difficult decisions for the parties. We think the parties would
    be well-served at this point by allowing their publics to engage
    in a robust discussion of the many viewpoints on these issues."
    Before arriving in the region, Bryza broke with precedent by giving
    an unusually frank interview to Radio Liberty in which he revealed
    details of a peace agreement that the two sides had been discussing
    over the past two years. The two presidents, Ilham Aliev and Robert
    Kocharian, rejected the deal in two meetings this year.

    Under discussion has been a phased withdrawal of Armenian forces from
    the Azerbaijani territories around Nagorny Karabakh, a referendum on
    the status of Karabakh itself, and the deployment of a peacekeeping

    In their report to the OSCE, the negotiators issued a stark warning
    of what was at stake if the process collapses and the deal is
    not accepted, "Ultimately, it is the two sides that will be held
    accountable by their peoples and by the international community if
    their actions lead to war and not peace."

    Many commentators said that these statements expressed a hitherto
    unseen level of exasperation from the trio.

    "It is possible to see this new emphasis constitutes a form of pressure
    on the presidents," Gerard Libaridian, Armenia's negotiator on the
    Karabakh issue under former president Levon Ter-Petrosian, and now
    professor of history at the University of Michigan, told IWPR by email.

    But Libaridian doubted that this pressure was having an effect. "It
    will require more than the discomfort these statements have caused
    these presidents for the latter to make the necessary concessions.
    The main energy is emanating from Mathew Bryza, it seems to me,
    who is not new to the process," he said.

    For their part, the Armenian and Azerbaijani leaders are, as ever,
    striking very different positions in public.

    The day before he met Bryza, Aliev told a cabinet meeting that he
    still adhered to the principles of a phased solution for the dispute.
    But he added that the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan is not
    up for discussion, "not today, not tomorrow, never and under no

    Akif Nagi, head of the radical pro-war Karabakh Liberation
    Organisation, struck a more aggressive note, saying Azerbaijan should
    now cease contact with the Minsk Group. "The main aim of Matthew
    Bryza's visit to Azerbaijan is an attempt to force a peace deal on us
    which really does not meet our interests," he said. There has been
    anxiety in Azerbaijan about the idea of a referendum on the status of
    Nagorny Karabakh. But Mubariz Ahmedoglu, director of the Centre for
    Political Technologies and Innovations, told IWPR that Azerbaijanis
    should take heart from the fact that "the co-chairmen are not saying
    that it ought to take place only on the territory of Nagorny Karabakh"
    - a process that would almost certainly lead to the Armenian-majority
    population of Karabakh voting to secede from Azerbaijan.

    Earlier, during Bryza's visit to Armenia, foreign minister Vardan
    Oskanian put the blame on Baku for the breakdown of the peace process,
    saying Armenia had agreed to the two-and-a-half page document under
    discussion and that it should still be the basis for talks.

    "This is not an ideal document, but if Azerbaijan agrees to the
    arguments advanced in it, then I think that on this basis we can
    move towards settling the issue and trying to convince our people,
    which at the current time is the only way of settling the issue,"
    Oskanian told IWPR

    Other Armenians say that the process is flawed because the Armenians
    of Karabakh, the disputed territory itself, are not participating
    directly, as the government in Baku insists on negotiating only with
    the government in Yerevan.

    "There will be no progress until the unrecognised but legitimate
    authorities of the Nagorny Karabakh Republic take part in the talks as
    a full member," Aram Sarkisian, leader of the opposition Democratic
    Party told IWPR. "The Armenian side represented by Robert Kocharian
    does not have the right to sign any agreement."

    Bryza heard these arguments from Karabakh Armenian officials when he
    visited the territory last week.

    After meeting Bryza, Karabakh's foreign minister Giorgy Petrosian also
    expressed doubts about the latest plan. He said, "The proposals made
    by the co-chairs foresee as a first stage, compromises being made
    by the Nagorny Karabakh Republic, which could have serious negative
    implications for the security of the republic and its population,
    as they do not contain sufficient guarantees that military action
    would not resume in the conflict zone."

    Libaridian identified five obstacles blocking progress to a final
    peace settlement, more than 12 years after the conflict was halted
    by a ceasefire.

    First, he said, domestic concerns of both leaders have led to a
    "deficit in political capital" which leaves both presidents having
    to accept compromises and sell them to their peoples. Second, there
    was a belief on both sides that time is on their side that hardened
    positions. Third, he argued, the absence of the Karabakh Armenians
    from the negotiating table "has resulted in the inability of the
    mediators to explore fully some of the available options".

    For Libaridian, the fourth problem is one of accountability, "The
    parties to the conflict have devised elaborate escape mechanisms to
    derail the process every time it reaches a critical point, without
    any perceived risk."

    Finally, he said, the mediators did not "share a common vision for
    the region" and their different interests were "pulling in opposite
    directions" and undermining the conditions whereby the conflict could
    be solved.

    Elshad Guliev is a freelance journalist in Baku and Karine Ohanian is
    a freelance journalist in Nagorny Karabakh. Tatul Hakobian works for
    Public Radio in Armenia. Shahin Rzayev in Baku and Thomas de Waal in
    London contributed to this report.