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Armenian Defence Minister Makes a Move

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  • Armenian Defence Minister Makes a Move


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    Aug 3, 2006

    Serzh Sarkisian's elevation to a leading post in the governing party
    seen as the first shot in the election campaign.

    By Diana Markosian in Yerevan

    The recent congress of the Republican Party, the leading member of
    Armenia's governing coalition, saw the second most powerful man in
    the country, defence minister Serzh Sarkisian, elected chairman of
    the party's board.

    On one level the move meant very little, as Sarkisian has been
    working closely with the party for years. But he formally joined the
    Republicans only a week before the meeting, and his elevation is widely
    being seen as the party's first move to win next year's parliamentary
    elections - and perhaps also an opening bid by Sarkisian to run for
    the presidency in 2008.

    The congress also re-elected Prime Minister Andranik Margarian as
    party chairman.

    Sarkisian has been a close associate of President Robert Kocharian for
    more than 20 years, since the days when they both worked in Communist
    youth league or Komsomol in Nagorny Karabakh in Soviet times. He
    has served as Armenian defence minister twice, most recently since
    May 2000.

    The Armenian constitution prohibits Kocharian from running for a
    third term when his term expires in 2008, leaving Sarkisian a leading
    contender to replace him.

    However, many opposition politicians and analysts say it is
    inappropriate for the country's defence minister to be associated with
    one political party. Several observers pointed out that the previous
    defence minister, career officer General Vagharshak Harutyunian, was
    dismissed in 2000 on the grounds that he was too engaged in politics.

    "Of course, Serzh Sarkisian has a right to engage in politics actively,
    it's his civil right under the constitution," said political analyst
    Stepan Grigorian. "But if that happens, he should leave his defence

    Asked by IWPR whether he was contravening the constitutional
    requirement that "the army should have no party allegiances and
    be neutral", Sarkisian said, "It's true the law says that the army
    belongs to no party and is neutral, but my being chairman of the
    board does not introduce any new element.

    "What's the difference, when I've been collaborating with the
    Republican Party for some time and was second on the party's list
    in the last parliamentary election? Nothing has changed, the only
    difference being that this entire process has now been officially

    On the possibility that he might be positioning himself to replace
    Kocharian, Sarkisian insisted, "My friends can testify that I have
    never had the ambition to be president."

    Sarkisian has never admitted an interest in becoming Armenia's next
    president, although his name is frequently mentioned as a contender.

    The Republican Party congress also saw many businessman, government
    officials, regional governors and the mayor of Yerevan join the party,
    strengthening its reputation as the party of power. Several deputies
    from the People's Party group in parliament, who are for the most
    part businessmen, also joined up.

    Tigran Torosian, the speaker of parliament and deputy chairman of
    the party's ruling board, said the strengthening of his party was
    a positive development. "Political life in Armenia is becoming more
    mature, though not as quickly as one would like," he said.

    Torosian was happy to agree that joining the Republican Party was
    now seen as a route to high office in Armenia.

    Critics say this trend as a setback for democracy.

    "The Republican Party has concentrated its security resources in
    the person of the defence minister, its financial resources are
    represented by oligarchs and its administrative resources [allowing
    it to influence elections] are held by leaders of local government
    and ministers," said Grigorian.

    "These people are uniting not around some idea, but around an
    aspiration to keep power, which is a very dangerous scenario,"
    opposition leader and former defence minister Vazgen Manukian told

    Political analyst Aghasi Yenokian warned, "After the special congress
    of the Republican Party, Armenia is moving towards a one-party
    system. A strong party has been created - so strong that no other
    pro-government party will want to oppose or rival it.

    "The opposition has its own particular characteristics - it's quite
    malleable and associates itself with certain figures in power -
    so it won't want to pit itself against [the Republican Party] either."

    The Republican Party is not, however, the only pro-government political
    force. A new party, Bargavach Haiastan (Prosperous Armenia), set up
    by top businessman Gagik Tsarukian, has widely been seen as a support
    base for President Kocharian for his last two years in office.

    There is some tension between the two parties. Bargavach Haiastan
    has been registered for three years, but has not yet held a founding
    congress. This drew some denigrating comments from Sarkisian and
    other Republican leaders, to the effect that their rivals could not
    yet consider themselves a proper party.

    Tsarukian was among a handful of outsiders asked to attend the
    Republican congress, but he did not take up the invitation.

    Manukian said the activation of these two pro-government parties
    should serve as a wake-up call for the opposition. He predicted that
    the two could expect to win 30 to 40 per cent of the vote, and said
    the opposition needed to consolidate in order to maximise its appeal
    in next year's parliamentary election.

    Diana Markosian is a correspondent for À1+ television in Yerevan.
