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BAKU: "Echo": Second Armenian "Warning"

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  • BAKU: "Echo": Second Armenian "Warning"

    Ïðaâî Âûaîða, Azerbaijan
    Democratic Azerbaijan
    Aug 4, 2006

    "Echo": Second Armenian "Warning"

    This time "veterans of Arzakh war" threatens

    Diplomatic activity in regulation of Garabagh conflict observed today
    can be interrupted by drastic aggravation of home policy in Armenia.

    Thus during visit of American mediator, Mathew Brayza to the region,
    Armenian leaders of "Veterans of Arzakh war" political movement,
    those who were directly involved with fights and "ethnic cleaning" in
    Azerbaijan, made notable political statement. Commander of "Arzakh"
    regiment, Mikael Apresyan and chairman of "Union of Veterans of
    Arzakh war" "Erkrapa", Arkadiy Karapetyan, made public point of view
    on present stage of Garabagh conflict regulation: "We repeatedly
    declared about liberated territories of our motherland - we won't let
    anybody have our motherland". We should remind here that Armenia
    calls occupied regions of plain Garabagh not being the part of former
    Nagorni Garabagh Autonomous Region, "liberated territories".

    Accordingly to the statement of veterans, statements of M. Brayza and
    head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Armenia, V. Oskanyan, and
    statements of other top-brass representatives demonstrate direction
    of negotiations which have been held in secrecy within last years.

    Authors of the statement hold that position of official Yerevan is
    not in line with the view of Armenian people. They said that conflict
    should be regulated on the basis of... Sevres agreement.

    In any other country attempt "to resuscitate" this agreement in 2006,
    signed in 1920 and finally cancelled in 1923 when Lausanne agreements
    were signed between Turkey and countries of former the Entente,
    would be the part of political odds at best. But it doesn't concern
    Armenia. In Armenia attempts to resuscitate Serves agreement has been
    going on more than 80 years since the moment this agreement
    representing realization of the plans of European countries "to bring
    Ottoman Empire to Konya vilayet" at the same time promising creation
    of "Great Armenia" on Azerbaijani and Turkish territories, has been
    send to "archive", precisely, into the dustbin of history. And if
    respectable international organizations unlikely resuscitate Serves
    agreement, in Armenia calls to regulate Garabagh conflict on its base
    may succeed. Especially if the fact that "veterans" are supported by
    influential "Dashnaktsutsun" is taken into account. It is worth
    reminding that some weeks ago one of its leaders head of "ay data"
    office, Kiro Manoyan declared before journalists that "Armenian
    revolution federation "Dashnaktsutsun" doesn't share readiness of
    official Yerevan to compromise within the frames of frame agreements
    on regulation of Garabagh conflict, presented by OSCE Minsk Group

    --Boundary_(ID_Au7rS7kDqj2 vyCH3Q1dxhA)--