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Application of First Instance Court Judges' Specialization Principle

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  • Application of First Instance Court Judges' Specialization Principle


    YEREVAN, AUGUST 7, NOYAN TAPAN. In the first half of 2006, the Armenian
    courts of first instance accepted 2,184 cases, rulings were made
    on 1,503 cases, incliding 57 cases of juvenile offence. Chairman of
    the RA Cassation Court Hovhannes Manukian stated this at the August
    7 press conference. According to him, 57 out of the cases accepted
    by courts were suspended (including two juvenile cases), in 15 cases
    medical constraint measures were taken with respect to insane persons,
    15 cases were sent for additional investigation, and 594 cases,
    incuding 26 cases of juvenile offence, will be examined in the second
    half of 2006. H. Manukian reminded that in the first half of 2005,
    2,110 criminal cases went to the Armenian courts of first instance:
    rulings were made on 1,484 cases (including 35 juvenile ones), 85 cases
    were suspended, including 3 juvenile cases. H. Manukian explained the
    increase in the number of criminal cases that ended with a ruling
    to the application of the principle of judjes' specialization in
    criminal and economic cases' examination. It was noted that in the
    first half of 2006, 1,879 persons (including 80 minors) were convicted
    in connection with 1,575 criminal cases. Cases against 60 persons
    (one minor) were suspended, medical constraint measures were taken
    with respect to 15 insane persons, cases against 18 persons were
    sent for additional investigation, and 4 persons were acquitted. The
    RA Cassation Court Chairman said that in the period under review,
    5,106 petitions were examined by the RA courts of first instance,
    5,004 petitions were upheld, and 102 dismissed. 417 appeals against
    1,575 court rulings and decisions were filed to the RA Appeal Court
    on Criminal Cases, with 106 appeals being dismissed. 30 cassation
    appeals were registered at the Criminal and Military Cases Chamber of
    the RA Cassation Court, 3 appeals were dismissed. 1,128 court rulings
    were not appealed and took effect. Stability of rulings of the first
    insance courts made 78.6% in the first half of 2006.