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Caesar's From Caesar, How About God's?

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  • Caesar's From Caesar, How About God's?

    Hakob Badalyan
    9 Aug 06

    The Armenians did not stand up for the Catholicos when he was not
    received kindly in Turkey. Instead, the Russian president Vladimir
    Putin bolstered up his morale. The bolstering up was expressed in
    a definite medal, the medal of friendship. Garegin II received the
    medal from the president of Russia with a definite explanation,
    "significant contribution to the Russian-Armenian friendship". It
    should be taken into account that Putin does not distribute medals
    for nothing. After all, it is not a small contribution to keep silent
    about the killings of Armenians in Russia, thereby protecting the
    Russian-Armenian friendship from doubts. The parish of Armenian
    Christians shrinks, but not only the congregation but also the word
    of Russia is important for the church.

    And the word did not wait long. Consequently, it is natural that not
    the Christian Armenians bolstered up the morale of the Cathicos after
    the disgrace in Turkey but the Russians, moreover, the emperor. Well,
    the Caesar's from the Caesar, how about God's?

    To learn the answer to this question it is important to find out
    what God is. The church defines every such effort made by not only
    Armenians as heresy, denial, profane. Thereby the church seems to
    defend the belief. But perhaps the real purpose is to guarantee their
    own protection. As soon as a man recognizes God, he will see that
    the church, including the Armenian church has nothing to do with God.

    Especially the Armenian church which deserves awards not only for
    international friendship but also for its great contribution to the
    criminal brotherhood. Now perhaps nobody will be surprised to hear
    that the Armenian priests participate in and even bless the roundups
    and parties of local and foreign criminal authorities. Perhaps also
    few people will get surprised on listening that the Catholicos of
    All Armenians knows and encourages what the priests are doing. Very
    few people will get surprised because the Holy See gives a very weak
    and rare reaction to innumerable publications in the media about
    these facts. And it arouses dissatisfaction among the followers of
    the church, who can see that that at midday the priest baptizes an
    innocent baby or marries a couple after having blessed a gathering
    of criminals at midnight.

    Consequently, this is the reason why the honor of the Catholicos
    hardly worried 1700 representatives of the 1700-years-old Christian
    nation. And the rest are worried about the fate of the Apostolic
    Church, which receives and gives medals, having nothing to do with
    believers, and it is not clear who they are related with.