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RFE/RL Iran Report - 08/10/2006

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  • RFE/RL Iran Report - 08/10/2006

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Iran Report
    Vol. 9, No. 29, 10 August 2006

    A Review of Developments in Iran Prepared by the Regional Specialists
    of RFE/RL's Newsline Team

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    PREPARING FOR A DEFINING ELECTION. Buoyed by success in municipal,
    legislative, and presidential elections in recent years,
    fundamentalists associated with President Mahmud Ahmadinejad have now
    set their sights on the Assembly of Experts, the popularly elected
    body of 86 clerics that supervises and selects Iran's supreme
    The fundamentalists want Ahmadinejad's spiritual guide,
    Ayatollah Mohammad Taqi Mesbah-Yazdi, to head the assembly. Their
    support has put him in competition with Ayatollah Ali-Akbar
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani, the assembly's deputy speaker, who lost the
    presidency to Ahmadinejad in a runoff vote in 2005.
    Mesbah-Yazdi's supporters shouted down Hashemi-Rafsanjani when he
    tried to give a speech in Qom on June 4.
    A commentary in a conservative weekly connected to
    Mesbah-Yazdi, "Parto-i Sokhan" on May 10, also took shots at
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani when it interpreted regulations on eligibility for
    the Assembly of Experts. The weekly said that critics of Ayatollah
    Ruhollah Khomeini's stance on the 1979-81 hostage crisis or on
    the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq War are ineligible. So, too, it said, are those
    who caused delays in the acquisition of peaceful nuclear technology
    or who advocated backing down in the diplomatic process.
    Mesbah-Yazdi's opponents have retaliated. They have
    criticized the president's spiritual guide for his lack of
    activism against the monarchy before Iran's Islamic Revolution.
    They have also hinted that he is a member of a banned
    religio-political organization called the Hojjatieh Society.
    Mesbah-Yazdi has denied Hojjatieh membership. A prominent
    intellectual and scholar of Islam, Abdolkarim Soroush, backed that
    denial in a January 30 interview published on,
    asserting that Mesbah-Yazdi is a follower of Iranian philosopher
    Ahmad Fardid, who espoused fascistic ideas and derided the value of
    individual voting.
    Success in the assembly has more than a symbolic value. The
    assembly plays the key role in selecting the supreme leader. But the
    expectation that the incoming assembly will choose the next supreme
    leader seems far-fetched. Ayatollah Khamenei is just 66 years old,
    and Shi'ite clerics can achieve impressive longevity.
    There was a rapid turnover in leading Shi'ite clerics in
    the early 1990s, but when Grand Ayatollah Abolqasem Khoi died in
    1992, he was 97 years old; Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Golpayegani died
    in 1993 at the age of 96, and Grand Ayatollah Ali Araki died in 1994
    at more than 100 years old. Predictions of Khamenei's passing
    seem premature, therefore, as he would only be 75 by the time the
    incoming assembly's term of office ends.

    Forming Factions

    The rivalry between Mesbah-Yazdi and Hashemi-Rafsanjani for
    leadership of the Assembly of Experts reflects the divisions and
    rivalries among factions that have appeared in the last two years. In
    the last few months, there has been talk among the reformists of
    creating alliances ahead of the assembly balloting in an effort to
    head off the fundamentalist juggernaut. The former speaker of
    parliament and current head of the National Trust Party, Hojatoleslam
    Mehdi Karrubi, -- was quoted in the June 20 "Kargozaran" daily as
    saying he is "looking for a coalition more than anyone." But he added
    that he believes in "a coalition of the efficient, strong, and active
    forces of the true reformists -- not with opportunists."
    To this end, there have been meetings of pro-reform political
    parties (specifically, the Mujahedin of the Islamic Revolution
    Organization, the National Trust Party) with pro-reform clerical
    This latter group includes the Militant Clerics Association
    (Majma-yi Ruhaniyun-i Mobarez), the Qom Theological Seminaries
    (Hozeh-yi Elmieh-yi Qom), the Society of Teachers and Reformers of
    the Qom Islamic Theological Center (Majma-yi Mudarissin va Moshaei-i
    Hozeh-yi Elmieh-yi Qom), and the Society of the Islamic Students
    Following the Line of the Imam (Majma-yi Talab-i Khat-i Imam).
    There also has been talk of shared lists of candidates the
    parties might back. There could even be a joint list backed by
    Hashemi-Rafsanjani, Karrubi, former President Hojatoleslam Mohammad
    Khatami, and Ayatollah Seyyed Hussein Musavi-Tabrizi of the Qom
    seminaries, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on July 23.

    Setting A Date

    The legislature on July 26 approved the general outlines of a
    bill that would permit holding elections for the Assembly of Experts
    and municipal councils concurrently this year, Fars News Agency
    reported. Some 149 out of 219 legislators reportedly backed the bill.
    The elections are scheduled for November 17.
    But a government spokesman, Gholam-Hussein Elham, said
    recently that Ahmadinejad's administration opposes holding
    concurrent elections, Mehr News Agency reported on July 19. The
    spokesman argued that campaigning for the entities differs, and that
    holding the elections simultaneously requires additional planning and
    There are other potential logistical difficulties. A bill
    that would increase the voting age only for municipal elections was
    recently approved by the parliamentary National Security and Foreign
    Policy Committee, according to a Mehr News Agency report quoting
    legislator Kazem Jalali on July 12. The current voting age is 15, and
    the bill in question would raise the minimum to 18.
    The Guardians Council, which supervises Assembly of Experts
    elections and vets candidates, has announced that it approves
    concurrent elections.
    The Interior Ministry, which runs elections, has already
    prepared its timetable, culminating in voting on November 17, "Mardom
    Salari" reported on July 20.
    Under the Interior Ministry's scenario, election
    executive boards will be set up (September 2-6), candidates
    registered (September 7-13), and paperwork forwarded to the proper
    authorities by mid-September (September 14-16 from local governorates
    to the Interior Ministry, and from there to the Guardians Council).
    The Guardians Council will then have until October 16 to
    assess the candidates' qualifications, and two additional days to
    inform disqualified candidates.
    Appeals can be filed from October 19-21, and the Guardians
    Council's clerical members will review the appeals from October
    22-31 and advise the Interior Ministry accordingly. The names of
    eligible candidates will be announced on November 1, campaigning will
    take place from November 2-15, and the election will be on November
    The Guardians Council's work will continue until late
    December, as it investigates possible complaints about conduct of the
    elections and campaigning, "Etemad-i Melli" reported on June 7.

    Controversial Vetting Process

    Guardians Council Secretary Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati warned in
    a late-July interview that the law determines the vetting of
    candidates for the Assembly of Experts, and that this could upset
    people who have individual preferences, "Farhang-i Ashti" reported on
    July 24. The Guardians Council's vetting of candidates has always
    been controversial. Disqualifications of parliamentary hopefuls --
    particularly incumbents -- met with protests in 2004. It took the
    supreme leader's intervention to get disqualified cabinet members
    reinstated in the 2005 presidential election.
    Balloting for the Assembly of Experts takes place every eight
    years. In the past, potential candidates had to demonstrate
    "ijtihad," the highest form of Islamic learning, which enables
    Koranic interpretation. They also had to have clean political and
    legal records, and believe in the Islamic republic's system. In
    the run-up to the October 1998 Assembly of Experts election, an
    announcement emerged that all potential candidates must demonstrate
    the proper political inclination, as well.
    In the last Assembly of Experts election in 1998, the
    Guardians Council accepted fewer than half of the 396 applicants. It
    rejected eight of the nine women who applied, and the ninth
    subsequently withdrew her candidacy. The council allowed a number of
    incumbents to run again despite their having failed the "ijtihad"
    examination -- arguing that they could run because Ayatollah Khomeini
    had approved their credentials for previous elections.

    New Questions

    It is therefore unsurprising that questions over the vetting
    process have preceded the upcoming Assembly of Experts election. At
    the assembly's September meeting, some members reportedly
    submitted a motion requiring more stringent academic qualifications
    -- advocating "absolute ijtihad" rather than simply "relative
    ijtihad." The daily noted that the former qualification permits one
    to interpret Islamic law, while the latter qualifies one to issue
    religious decrees (fatwa). Sponsors of that motion reportedly also
    wanted the job of vetting candidates withdrawn from the Guardians
    Council and given to seminarians. They argued that because some
    council members also compete for the assembly, the normal vetting
    procedure represents a conflict of interest.
    In mid-June, the Interior Ministry declared in a communique
    that individuals whose "ijtihad" abilities were endorsed by Ayatollah
    Khomeini need not be vetted by the Guardians Council, "Aftab-i Yazd"
    reported on June 15. A member of the Assembly of Experts,
    Hojatoleslam Majid Ansari, added that there are other people whose
    "ijtihad" skills have already been tested and proven -- including
    noted seminarians and appointees of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali
    Khamenei, like the head of the Judiciary and clerics on the Guardians
    There also have been suggestions that prospective
    candidates' religious skills should be examined by the
    seminaries, rather than the Guardians Council. This is of particular
    concern in instances when members of the council are candidates
    All this factional jockeying and rivalry could be countered
    by the actions of the 12-man Guardians Council, which arguably
    counters any democratic credentials of Iranian elections. This
    unelected body is the ultimate arbiter in the voting: It has
    overturned results in the past. All the more notable, then, that its
    six clerical members are appointed by the supreme leader and the six
    lawyer members are selected by the Judiciary chief and approved by
    the parliament. The council has a tendency to reject the candidacies
    of individuals it fears might aggressively oppose the status quo. Its
    paring down of available candidates could also have an adverse impact
    on voter participation. (Bill Samii)

    politician associated with former President and Expediency Council
    Chairman Ali Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani believes Rafsanjani is no
    longer a popular option at elections, but that his pragmatic ideas
    are widely accepted among politicians, Fars news agency reported on
    August 3. Mohammad Atrianfar, a member of the Executives of
    Construction, a centrist party considered close to Rafsanjani, said
    he believes "the [Rafsanjani] period in the executive sphere has come
    to an end, but his ideas are brilliant." He said that -- as shown in
    the 2005 presidential elections -- Rafsanjani "personally lacks the
    capacity to win the people's votes, but people continue to
    support his ideas." Atrianfar said reformers have moved toward these
    ideas -- considered moderately conservative and pragmatic -- and
    "even Mr. [President] Ahmadinejad resorts to this thinking...when he
    wishes to win people's votes." He said Ahmadinejad, who competed
    for the presidency against Rafsanjani in 2005, is legally president,
    but "not in terms of...votes." Who, he asked, paid for a nationwide
    publicity campaign that allowed posters of Ahmadinejad, then
    Tehran's mayor, to appear in far-off villages in Iran? "There is
    still a great question mark over [the polls] and great doubts on its
    outcome, but everyone is keeping quiet to maintain national
    cohesion," Fars quoted him as saying. (Vahid Sepehri)

    Ministry is proposing changes to election rules, and reformers are
    concerned the proposals would further restrict the range of aspirants
    allowed to run for public office, local media reports from July 28
    and 31 and August 1 suggest.
    On July 28, the head of the ministry's electoral affairs
    department, Ali Asghar Karandish, said a comprehensive
    electoral-system bill would, among other conditions, require
    presidential hopefuls to obtain the written support of 50 legislators
    from 20 provinces and 20 members of the Assembly for Experts in order
    to become candidates. The bill also tasks the paramilitary Basij
    militia with reviewing informal reports by members of the public
    concerning would-be candidates' private lives or reputations.
    Jurist Bahman Keshavarz said on July 31 that the bill could
    pave the way for intrusive inquiries into would-be candidates'
    private lives, which he said is illegal, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported the
    next day.
    Mohammad Salamati of the reformist Mujahedin of the Islamic
    Revolution Organization said such "proposals will...add to the
    atmosphere of concern," the same daily reported on August 1.
    Former legislator Yadollah Islami said such bills ensure "the
    gap between the people and state will never be filled," "Aftab-i
    Yazd" reported.
    But Interior Minister Mustafa Pur-Mohammadi predicted on
    August 1 that the bill will "open" the environment for voters and
    candidates, and urged specialists and politicians to study it before
    reacting, the Islamic Republic News Agency (IRNA) reported. (Vahid

    jailed for his involvement in 1999 Tehran demonstrations, died in
    Tehran's Evin prison on July 30 after what was described by
    authorities as a nine-day hunger strike, Radio Farda reported on July
    31, citing the Tehran provincial prisons chief Akbar Suleimani and
    the Student Committee of Human Rights Reporters.
    The Student Committee of Human Rights Reporters stated that
    other prisoners saw marks on Mohammadi's body suggesting that he
    had been beaten, Radio Farda reported. "This regime brings
    Palestinian children to be treated in Tehran hospitals, and gives
    them money and homes, but is destroying our children under torture,"
    Mohammadi's father told Radio Farda on July 31. Mohammadi had
    been sentenced to death but his sentence was commuted to 15 years in
    prison, according to Radio Farda.
    One of his lawyers, Khalil Bahramian, said Mohammadi had been
    on indefinite leave in the past year but "recently he was rearrested
    by agents without any warning and transferred to prison."
    Another lawyer, Nemat Ahmadi, said prison doctors confirmed
    Mohammadi was ill and should receive treatment outside prison but
    Mohammadi told him by phone that prison authorities were depriving
    him of necessary medicines, including for asthma, Radio Farda
    Mohammadi was swiftly buried near the town of Amol in
    northern Iran despite a request by his parents for an autopsy, Radio
    Farda reported on August 1. Radio Farda reported that Mohammadi's
    parents flew to Tehran from Turkey late on July 31 to see his body
    but were detained by security forces at Tehran airport, then taken at
    about 4 a.m. with their son's body toward Amol for a burial. Some
    5,000 security agents were in the vicinity for this process, Radio
    Farda quoted Reza Mohammadi, Mohammadi's brother, as saying.
    Agents also prevented some 700-800 well-wishers and relatives who had
    come to the airport to see the parents from entering the airport
    building on July 31.
    Another brother, Manuchehr Mohammadi, is also in prison for
    political activism, and the parents asked that he be allowed to see
    his brother's body, although it was not clear whether he did,
    Radio Farda reported.
    In Tehran on August 1, a spokesman for the state
    coroner's office said Mohammadi's body had been delivered to
    his family after an autopsy, presumably by a prison doctor, the
    Iranian Labor News Agency (ILNA) reported. "The results of the tests
    and cause of death will be announced in one month," the spokesman
    Amnesty International said on August 1 that Mohammadi's
    death "casts a pall" on Iran's judicial system, adding that
    "thorough reform of the criminal justice system is urgently needed"
    to prevent "more deaths in Iranian custody," Radio Farda reported.
    Amnesty International urged Iranian authorities to end torture,
    provide fair and open trials for dissidents, and end the practice of
    "delaying or denying medical care." Mohammadi was denied some of his
    own medicines, according to a lawyer quoted by Radio Farda, but
    Amnesty cited reports that he might have been administered another
    drug that could have contributed to his death. His detention, since
    1999, was reportedly characterized by routine torture, including
    beatings by Intelligence Ministry operatives as he hung upside down,
    Amnesty reported, attributing the accusation to "information
    The U.S. State Department condemned the "severe repression"
    of dissidents in Iran and said Mohammadi's death in prison in
    late July was "not an isolated case" but symptomatic of Iran's
    repressive treatment of dissidents, AFP reported on August 2, quoting
    State Department spokesman Sean McCormack. McCormack said Iranian
    government measures against opponents are part of a "deliberate
    campaign" to "silence the student movement, in particular, and civil
    society more broadly." McCormack expressed concern over the fate of
    two other prominent detainees -- former legislator Ali-Akbar
    Musavi-Khoeni and trade unionist Mansur Osanlu. (Vahid Sepehri)

    ANOTHER STUDENT SENT BACK TO JAIL. A student sentenced to prison for
    involvement in the 1999 riots, Ahmad Batebi, was arrested at his home
    on July 29, apparently while on prison leave, the Iranian Students
    News Agency (ISNA) and the "Aftab-i Yazd" daily reported on July 30
    and 31, citing lawyer Khalil Bahramian and Batebi's father. The
    latter told ISNA on July 30 that family members "have no news of
    Batebi for now." Tehran deputy prosecutor Mahmud Salarkia said Batebi
    was arrested for failing to return to prison six months after his
    prison leave had ended, "Aftab-i Yazd" reported.
    Separately, a group of legislators visited Evin prison on
    July 30 to inspect prisoners' conditions but were not allowed
    into Section 209, where political or security-related prisoners are
    kept, ILNA reported on July 30, quoting legislator Akbar Alami. Alami
    said the visitors previously coordinated their visit with officials,
    including a deputy intelligence minister, but "most regrettably" the
    wing was closed, and this, he said, has "contributed to doubts" about
    what goes on there. Alami said that if the "law is respected" in this
    as in other wings, "there was no reason not to let [legislators]
    visit" it, ILNA reported.
    Batebi's wife, Somayeh Binat, told Radio Farda on August
    2 that "my opinion is they are trying to physically eliminate Ahmad
    and other political prisoners." She added, "They are effectively,
    through torture, implementing the execution sentence they had
    initially given Ahmad." (Vahid Sepehri)

    the head of Iran's Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Mines, said
    in Tehran on August 2 that there is a "startling difference" between
    state officials' verbal commitment to privatization and their
    actions, ILNA reported. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
    recently instructed the government to implement parts of Article 44
    of the constitution, which is expected to initiate a large-scale
    privatization drive. But business circles remain skeptical of the
    government's willingness to withdraw from vast sectors of the
    economy. Khamushi asked at a meeting why "the government should sign
    11 agreements with Venezuela without anyone from the private sector
    being present." Particularly, he said, when Khamenei's written
    instructions on Article 44 urge the government not to involve itself
    in "operational" areas, presumably specific business projects, ILNA
    reported (see "RFE/RL Newsline," July 31, 2006). "Iran's economy
    has turned a page and, after 80 years, the overall policies in
    Article 44 were announced," and this requires "a strong private
    sector that can gain the capacity to engage in large investments,"
    Khamushi said. He complained that the industries minister in late
    July prevented a scheduled meeting between visiting Venezuelan
    President Hugo Chavez and trade-chamber representatives. (Vahid

    IRAN DISMISSES UN SANCTIONS THREAT. Rejecting a July 31 Security
    Council resolution (1696) ordering Iran to suspend nuclear enrichment
    activities, President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said in Bojnurd in
    northeastern Iran on August 1 that Iran is peaceful and law-abiding
    but has a right to obtain "peaceful nuclear technology" and will not
    allow itself to be addressed in a threatening manner, IRNA and
    Reuters reported. "Iran's enemies should know that the Iranian
    people consider the use of nuclear science a right, and will not
    forego this right," IRNA quoted him as saying. Western powers are
    concerned that Iran's nuclear know-how could help it make bombs.
    On August 1, Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hamid Reza
    Assefi said the resolution has no "legal facet or basis," IRNA
    reported. Assefi said the resolution serves the purposes "of certain
    states" and seeks to "swiftly close the road to negotiations." It
    will have "no constructive results," he said, and "can only worsen
    the situation."
    A member of the parliamentary National Security and Foreign
    Policy Committee, Kazem Jalali, said the same day that the "Americans
    seem to be trying their best" to move the dossier from "the path of
    dialogue" toward "creating some kind of crisis," ISNA reported.
    Assefi said on July 30 that Tehran will reject a package of
    international incentives designed to curb Iran's nuclear program
    if the UN Security Council approves a draft resolution obliging Iran
    to stop uranium enrichment by August 31 or face possible sanctions,
    agencies reported. "If a resolution is issued" against Iran, Western
    proposals "will no longer be relevant," ISNA quoted Assefi as saying.
    He said the package of incentives is part of a negotiating process,
    but that EU states have "changed their method" and are moving away
    from talks by turning to the Security Council. He said Iran thinks
    "those who wish to issue a resolution" targeting Tehran are trying
    "to make the region's conditions" more critical, adding that this
    "is very clear, and needs no explanation." He did not specify what
    Iran would do in response to a resolution, but "my message to Western
    parties is very clear," ISNA reported. (Vahid Sepehri)

    President Hugo Chavez arrived in Iran on July 29 for a visit that
    included meetings with President Ahmadinejad and Supreme Leader
    Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. The leaders used their meetings to affirm
    mutual support and to denounce Israel. They also signed several
    On July 29, Khamenei told Chavez that the Americans are using
    Israel to wage a war intended to create an "American Middle East,"
    but "they had overlooked the Lebanese people in their calculations,"
    ISNA reported the same day. He said Hizballah resistance has
    obstructed plans to "create a Middle East made of puppet regimes,
    with [Israel] as the main axis."
    On July 30, Ahmadinejad presented Chavez with a medal for his
    "outstanding efforts against imperialism" at a ceremony in Tehran
    University, the setting for more condemnations of Israel, ISNA and
    Fars News Agency reported the same day. Ahmadinejad said Israel was
    created "as a permanent aggression and threat" to regional states and
    a means to "loot" their wealth through fear, leading to arms
    purchases from Western firms. Chavez denounced Israel's "fascist
    actions" in Lebanon and Gaza. The United States, Chavez said, is
    stuck in a "quagmire" in Iraq, Palestine, and Afghanistan, and "we
    can together defeat America's imperialism and save the world.
    America is defeated," ISNA reported.
    Iran and Venezuela signed 11 agreements at the end of
    President Chavez's visit to Tehran in sectors that include oil,
    petrochemicals, and housing, IRNA reported on July 30. The two states
    agreed to form a joint housing-construction firm, cooperate to
    provide petrochemicals and oil-related training and education, and
    launch joint ventures to make bicycles and pharmaceuticals.
    The directors of state-affiliated Petropars and Petroleos de
    Venezuela (PDVSA) signed a memorandum of understanding on oil
    exploration and extraction, while Petroleum Ministers Kazem
    Vaziri-Hamaneh and Rafael Ramirez Carreno signed an agreement on
    cooperation between their ministries. Other documents signed were in
    aviation, the environment, and manufacturing, IRNA reported. The
    presidents and oil ministers of Iran and Venezuela, and Iran's
    health and industry ministers were among senior officials attending
    the ceremony. Chavez left Tehran for Hanoi late on July 30, IRNA
    reported. (Vahid Sepehri)

    **************************************** *****************
    Copyright (c) 2006. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Iran Report" is a weekly prepared by A. William Samii on
    the basis of materials from RFE/RL broadcast services, RFE/RL
    Newsline, and other news services. It is distributed every Monday.

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