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A Friend Full Of Gas

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  • A Friend Full Of Gas

    by Alexander Kabakov

    Kommersant, Russia
    Aug. 9, 2006

    The Price Of The Question

    The average observer, a thinking consumer of openly accessible
    political and economic news, will be mystified by the Russian-Armenian
    natural gas problem. In the public consciousness, the word "gas" has
    been associated lately with political pressure on Ukraine, and that
    pressure is logical, whether it is correct from the point of view
    of international relations or not. Some say that the Russians are
    acting unconscionably to take revenge with their energy resources on
    the Orange Ukrainian democrats who defeated pro-Kremlin forces the
    year before last. Others approve of that revenge because the overly
    independent should be put in their places by reminding them whose
    hand turns the valve. But no one, not even the most naive, fails to
    understand the essence of what is going on.

    The situation in Armenia is completely different. Unlike loudly
    independent Ukraine and arrogant Georgia, Armenia has had an
    unswervingly pro-Russian orientation. A faithful friend might expect
    an allowance to be made in the form of cheap gas in light of the
    friendly feelings and good behavior. But then again... It turns
    out that obedient Armenia is being charged as much as willful (even
    pro-American!) Georgia. Can't Russia be cajoled somehow? It could do
    Armenia a good deed if it wanted to.

    Of all the possible explanations for Russia's behavior, one cynical
    one sticks in the mind. It is that Armenia has been used to lend
    credence to the official Russian account of the causes of the gas war
    with Ukraine. That account sounds like a quotation from a Hollywood
    action film. "Nothing personal. It's only business." Please. They are
    even charging their friends money. It's the law of the market and
    nothing to do with the Ukrainian Orange. Armenia was just the most
    convenient demonstration model. They even offered it credit for the
    more expensive gas, just as they did Ukraine. And if you don't want
    credit, then pay with property like our real friends the Belarusians...

    Leaving aside ethical fine points, the plan makes sense. But, as it
    often happens with Russian foreign policy strategies, they failed
    to reckon with at least one possible scenario that will completely
    foil their plans. What will happen just as soon as that pipe from
    Iran stretches onto Armenian soil? Russia had a faithful strategic
    ally, whose faithfulness was controlled by Gazprom. Now there will be
    one more offended and annoyed state in the Caucasus independent of
    Gazprom. It is well known that there are those who are always ready
    to soothe the offended and even help them materially. In any case,
    Armenia already has a plan for individual partnership with NATO and
    money is already on its way from America.