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BAKU: Second Azeri School To Be Opened In London

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  • BAKU: Second Azeri School To Be Opened In London

    Author: R.Agayev

    TREND Information, Azerbaijan
    Aug. 9, 2006

    An Azerbaijani school is already functioning in London, and the second
    one is intended to be opened, the chairman of London-Azerbaijani
    Society Taleh Heydarov told Trend.

    He stressed that the society has been functioning in London since
    2004. "I think that such type of organization assumes a great
    importance for Azerbaijan because there are few imagines about
    Azerbaijan in the world, especially in Europe. Therefore, our goal
    is to present Azerbaijan, its history, culture, etc to British people.

    We have held many measures in this direction. Our first measures
    was a cultural night of Azerbaijan and more than 200 British people,
    including students got familiar with our national music and kitchen,"
    Heydarov told.

    The second measure was dedicated to Karabakh, to which we had invited
    the American journalist Tomas Golth who has seen the horrors of
    Khojali tragedy committed by Armenians in 1992. During the measures,
    reports were delivered by Azerbaijani ambassador to Britain, former
    British ambassador to Azerbaijan Rojer Tomas and Prof. of Edinburgh
    University Gulam Rza Sabiri Tebrizi. Besides, the event brought
    together more than 100 students, professors and politicians.

    Heydarov pointed out that the society has very close relations with
    Turkish, Russian and Iranian organizations which support each others.

    "We participate in each other's measures. Yet our relations with Moslem
    organizations are inactive, but we will activate them," he said, adding
    that together with many organizations, including Anglo-Azeri Society we
    have provided assistance to refugees and orphan children in Azerbaijan.

    Besides, the chairman of the society mentioned the intention of the
    society to actively participate at the forum world Azerbaijani youths
    scheduled for August 12 in Baku.