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Abkhazia Less Separatist Than Already Separated

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  • Abkhazia Less Separatist Than Already Separated

    By Jeffrey Sweetbaum

    The Moscow Times, Russia
    Aug. 10, 2006

    While traveling around Abkhazia by bicycle in recent weeks, visiting
    most of its cities and peddling through much of its countryside,
    I became extremely skeptical about Georgia's efforts to reassert
    itself in the region. I spoke with many Abkhaz and Armenians, who
    are the dominant ethnic communities in Abkhazia, and they expressed
    a unanimous sentiment that any future Georgian presence would be
    absolutely undesirable. After an ugly war and unlikely victory
    against Georgia in 1993, the Abkhaz feel that it is their right to
    choose their own destiny. It is a point against which it is difficult
    to argue. Whatever Georgia's historical claims, and whatever legal
    arguments might be posed in the debate, an attempt on Georgia's part
    to reintegrate Abkhazia into its political sphere would be considered
    by the Abkhaz to be an invasion.

    While the United States and European Union continue to support
    Georgia's position for certain strategically opaque reasons, the
    reality is that Abkhazia is already a separate political entity and
    not a separatist movement. Attempting to reverse that status would
    undoubtedly cause a long drawn out military conflict that could
    not be won in any permanent sense. While there are many wrongs to
    be recognized and righted on both sides, embroiling the region in
    another war would be the worst way to achieve this. The world doesn't
    need another hot spot, especially one as attractive and conducive to
    bicycle riding as Abkhazia.

    >From a traveler's perspective, Abkhazia has the look and feel of
    an independent country; the Abkhaz flag flies ubiquitously, while a
    range of government institutions provides public services. Chronic
    underdevelopment, however is evident. I got a surreal sensation as
    I walked along stretches of pristine beaches and peddled past large
    tracts of land that anywhere else would be considered prime real
    estate. Charming in its own way, the quiet Abkhaz coast has the feel
    of an artificial phenomenon. In Sochi, just a few kilometers down the
    coast, the density of sunbathers on the beaches jumps by a factor of
    20. With the exception of a few adventurous tourists and entrepreneurs,
    the incredible potential for tourism in Abkhazia remains locked in
    an imposed limbo.

    A considered examination makes it clear that the Abkhaz have carved
    out a de facto independence that they will never rescind voluntarily.

    Moreover, no pretender to Abkhazia could subdue this independent spirit
    with any lasting success, so the sooner the facts, and Abkhazia,
    are recognized, the sooner a more peaceful, prosperous era in the
    region will begin.

    Jeffrey Sweetbaum is an American entrepreneur who has lived in Moscow
    since 1990. He spent three weeks in July cycling through Abkhazia.