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It Is Not Favorable For People Who Rely On Armenia

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  • It Is Not Favorable For People Who Rely On Armenia

    James Hakobyan
    11 Aug 06

    In Armenia a home political panic occurred, and the reflection of it is
    not only the "maneuver" of the Republican Party. The exchange rate of
    the dollar is perhaps a more vivid example of this panic. Of course,
    when it is 40 degrees C outside, not only the dollars but also the
    presidents on it would love to float, but it is impossible to float
    all the time, for one can become tired and get drowned. And it is
    not only impossible to swim all the time but also to remain in the
    government. The elite in Armenia understood this, or part of this
    elite. And the panic shows that they not only understood but also
    understood everything may happen earlier than they could imagine. And
    since it is not too late, they must use the possibilities of power. And
    the exchange rate is one of these possibilities, maybe even the best
    one. It is clear to a young child that with a low exchange rate of the
    dollar one can buy a lot of dollars with fewer drams. It seems that
    presently it is not favorable to buy dollars because it is growing
    cheaper. On the other hand, it is not favorable for those people who
    rely on Armenia, in other words, the citizens who do not have bank
    accounts abroad and offshore companies. The same child would realize
    that the government elite and big businessmen have such bank accounts
    and companies. Consequently, they prefer the dollar to the dram. Hence,
    by bringing down the exchange rate of the dollar they manage to buy
    millions of dollars for a cheaper price at the expense of citizens,
    who receive transfers, and tourists. It should be done as quickly as
    possible, as long as they are in power. And they do.

    However, they do this not only at the expense of citizens and
    tourists. They accumulate millions at the expense of foreign projects
    implemented in Armenia. These are implemented in dollars. It is clear
    that in Armenia the dollar is exchanged for drams, consequently, the
    cheaper they buy the dollars of Lincy, for instance or international
    loan projects, the more they will buy. In fact, they are not worried
    that the dropping exchange rate causes the costs of these projects
    implemented in dollars to go up. For instance, if Lincy's 60 million
    dollars was calculated several years ago by an exchange rate, during
    the implementation of the project, when the dollar amount comes to
    Armenia, the exchange rate is quite different. With 60 million dollars
    we deal with a difference of several million drams.

    But we the citizens of Armenia deal with this difference. The
    government does not have anything to do with it, the government is
    concerned only about their own purse.

    Especially that the sudden fluctuations and dropping of the exchange
    rate of the dollar provides excellent conditions for maneuvers. The
    point is that during implementation of Lincy or any big loan projects
    some amount of money becomes "material for digestion".

    Therefore, the money is never enough for the projects. The evidence
    to this is the first project of Lincy, when the volume of work was
    reduced because the money was not enough. For instance, in Gyumri
    high rises were built with fewer floors. Hence, the juggling of the
    exchange rate of the dollar is an excellent way for the government
    to justify the shortage of money. The exchange rate went down, day
    by day, and the money of the project is not enough. Let them not give
    more money, at least they will not demand account for the past.