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BAKU: Turkish Ex-FM: No Turkish Government Will Take Any Step Concer

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  • BAKU: Turkish Ex-FM: No Turkish Government Will Take Any Step Concer


    Azeri Press Agency, Azerbaijan
    Aug. 10, 2006

    Abdullah Gul government's foreign minister Yashar Yakish's exclusive
    interview to APA's Turkey bureau.

    Dossier: Yashar Yakish was born in Akchakoja district in Turkey. He
    graduated from Ankara University, faculty of political sciences in
    1962 and started working at the Foreign Ministry on the same year.

    Mr.Yakish worked in Turkish embassies in Lagos, Rome and Aleppo as well
    as in Turkish permanent representation to NATO in different years. He
    was appointed ambassador to Saudi Arabia in 1988 and then ambassador
    to Egypt and UN office in Vienna. Yakish was adviser on economic
    affairs at the Foreign Ministry in 1992-1995 and retired on a pension
    in 2001. He is one of the founders of the current ruling Justice and
    Development Party. Yakish was elected parliament member from Duzja
    in 2002, and was Foreign Minister in the 58th Abdullah Gul government.

    Now he is the chair of Turkish Grand National Assembly standing
    commission for European Union relations. Yakish was awarded King
    Abdulaziz order by Sauddi Arabian government for his contributions
    to development of Turkey-Saudi Arabia relations.

    -How do you assess the current situation regarding the settlement of
    the Nagorno Garabagh conflict?

    - I must say we were dissatisfied with the view appearing after the
    February meeting between Azerbaijani and Armenian Presidents.

    International community does not exert pressure on Armenia. If Armenia
    felt the least pressure of the international community, it would
    refrain from its position, I think. During the European Union meetings,
    they claimed we were wrong regarding Turkey-Armenia relationships. We
    heard the claims such as Turkey should take the initiative, "open the
    border". In response to such claims, we stress that Armenia should pull
    out its troops from the occupied Azerbaijani territories and accept
    fair peace in Nagorno Garabagh. In addition, Armenia has territorial
    claims against Turkey-they call Eastern Anatolia "Western Armenia". We
    cannot possible establish any relations with Armenia until it refrains
    from these claims. No government in Turkey will take any step to have
    relations with Armenia without consulting with Azerbaijan.

    -US Congress subcommittee imposed veto on Eximbank to finance the
    Kars-Akhalkhalak-Tbilisi-Baku railway line project. European Union
    authorized representative Waldner also declared the EU will not finance
    this project basing on Armenia's remaining outside of this project.

    -A railway line will connect three countries, and it is up to these
    three countries to decide weather or not to involve Armenia in the
    project. Turkey-Armenia border remaining closed is due to Armenia's
    policy. On the other hand, the Kars-Ghumru railway is a narrow line,
    it cannot be used without being repaired. The reconstruction of
    Akhalkhalak road will spend as much as the reconstruction of Ghumru
    line. So, Armenia's claims "there is already a railway" are not true.

    Secondly, no other country but Armenia is responsible for this road
    remaining closed.

    -Turkey and Azerbaijan have already voiced their views regarding
    financing of this project...

    - As Azerbaijan's oil revenues are increasing, both Baku and Ankara
    can allocate $350 million to the construction of the railway line. I
    think, Georgia's participation in financing is not so necessary in
    current situation. On the other hand, the United States and European
    Union would not allow interest-free loan to us.

    -Resigned US Army Colonel Peters has drawn a new map of the Middle
    East. Though the map shows united Azerbaijan, the important city
    Tabriz is shown as the territory of "Kurdustan".

    -It is incredible. This map is absolutely wrong. I received an
    American delegation. When I touched on map issue, I was told it is
    author's opinion. And I asked such a question, "I write an article
    saying Armenia causes a lot of problems to the Caucasus region. So it
    should be removed. Would the "Armed forces Journal" publish it?" they
    said "No". So, I asked, "You told everyone can publish everything
    it likes on the journal". Such things are disgusting. Division of
    many countries into artificial borders is not acceptable. Several
    years ago, when Iran proposed to give Mecca and Medina the status of
    "Holy land", Saudi Arabia's reaction was severe to this proposal. The
    above-mentioned map shows Kurdustan's border lying till the Black Sea
    coast, including Artvin and Hopa. There is no single Kurd living in
    these territories while the map shows these as Kurdustan's territory.

    Even, Tabriz-center of South Azerbaijan is given to Kurdustan in the
    map. How many Kurds are there in Tabriz?

    - The US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group has been substituted.

    However, there are attempts to exert pressure on Azerbaijan. Do
    you think the Minsk Group is established for the purpose of making
    Azerbaijan make trade-offs?

    -I think the Minsk Group aims to calm down emotions, distract the
    attention of the world community from this problem and put forward
    unacceptable proposals in the end. No more vital thing can I imagine
    compared to the return of displaced Azerbaijanis to their occupied
    homelands in Nagorno Garabagh. The attempts to part Nagorno Garabagh
    from Azerbaijan are doomed to failure. The international law says
    the same. Regrettably, when Armenians intend to occupy land from
    Azerbaijan, international organizations ignore their decisions.

    -As an experienced diplomat and former Foreign Minister, how can you
    explain Armenia's incompliance with the decisions of international

    - Armenia has a strong lobby in the West, in particular in US
    and France. They are establishing relations with rich men in
    other countries and influence them. Azerbaijan is also developing
    economically. Though these problems cannot be solved today, everyone
    can easily imagine the way of solution in future. Azerbaijan should
    never say "yes I agree to such trade-offs". Because, time is going
    for Azerbaijan, which is developing its economy.

    -The European Parliament has many times called for Turkey to open the
    border with Armenia and recognize the so-called "Armenian genocide".

    Do you think in the process of EU membership discussions, Turkey
    will have to take this step? There are no such items in Copenhagen
    political principles...

    -I began to consider this issue as a joke. The discussions on Turkey's
    EU membership consist of concrete paragraphs. For instance, while
    discussing in what standard a cucumber should be in agriculture in
    European Union, "Turkey cannot say it cannot discuss standard of
    cucumber without recognizing the genocide." Because, these are quite
    different issues. Copenhagen principles do not have any paragraph
    that stresses the importance of our recognizing Armenia. We regard
    these appeals as the European Union's consoling itself with.