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Some Armenian Jews Afraid As Country Takes In Hundreds Of Lebanese R

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  • Some Armenian Jews Afraid As Country Takes In Hundreds Of Lebanese R

    By Yasha Levine

    Jewish Telegraphic Agency, NY
    Aug. 10, 2006

    YEREVAN, Armenia, Aug. 10 (JTA) - Armenia's Jewish community is bracing
    for a possible wave of anti-Semitism as hundreds of Lebanese Armenians
    taking refuge from the fighting in southern Lebanon stream into the
    former Soviet republic.

    Weeks after Israel began its retaliation against Hezbollah forces,
    more than 500 Lebanese Armenians and Armenian nationals living in
    Lebanon had arrived in Yerevan, Armenia's capital, on chartered
    flights from Aleppo, Syria.

    More are expected to arrive as the fighting continues and creeps
    closer to the Armenian quarter in eastern Beirut.

    "I'm really scared. I think that politically motivated anti-Semitism
    is beginning to show itself," Inna Astvatsatryan, a contributor to
    Magen David, the community's newspaper, told JTA.

    Astvatsatryan was vague about the details, but her fear is echoed by
    many in Armenia's tiny Jewish community, which numbers anywhere from
    100 to several hundred.

    The Israeli army is not targeting Beirut's Armenian quarter, nor are
    there reports of Armenians being killed by Israeli fire, but Lebanese
    Armenians feel affected by Israel's war on Hezbollah.

    "People talk about the fact that they are only bombing south Beirut,
    but they don't realize that Beirut is a tiny city. If you're bombing
    one part, you're bombing the entire city," said Shogher Margossian,
    23, a Lebanese Armenian who flew to Yerevan from Beirut a few days
    after the conflict broke out.

    Lebanese Armenians have close ties with Lebanon, as harbored Armenian
    refugees fleeing the Turkish massacre of Armenians in the early 20th
    century. An estimated 80,000 ethnic Armenians live in a tight-knit
    community in Beirut.

    On the streets of Yerevan, Lebanese Armenians are unanimous: They do
    not support Hezbollah's military activity, but they consider Israel's
    offensive unwarranted and counterproductive.

    Some local Jews fear that anti-Israeli sentiments the displaced
    Lebanese Armenians are bringing with them may translate into
    anti-Semitic views that remain long after the rockets stop falling.

    Other than the defacement of a Holocaust memorial stone in Yerevan two
    years ago in connection with the conviction of an extremist politician
    for inciting ethnic hatred, Armenian Jews are hard pressed to remember
    an anti-Semitic incident. Swastikas can be seen in graffiti around
    Yerevan, but they hardly seem fresh or connected to Israel's conflict
    with Hezbollah.

    Evgenia Kazaryan, editor of Magen David, is taking a wait-and-see

    "I think that it is only a matter of time for the effects to be seen,"
    she said.

    According to Kazaryan, there have not been open cases of anti-Semitism
    because the Israel-Hezbollah conflict is too fresh.

    "Not enough time has passed for the impression the Lebanese Armenians
    bring back with them to sink in," she said.

    The worry has prompted Rimma Varzhapetyan, chairwoman of the Jewish
    community of Armenia, to consider organizing an Armenian-Jewish
    roundtable to discuss Israel's political motivation behind its conflict
    with Hezbollah, as well as Israel's failure to officially recognize
    the Armenian genocide by the Ottoman Turks almost a century ago.

    Suren Gregoryan, an Armenian journalist, supports Varzhapetyan's idea
    and believes disinformation and stereotypes about Jews flow into
    Armenia from the Armenian Diaspora in Syria and Iran. He insists
    there needs to be more freely available information in Armenia on
    Israel and Jewish culture.

    Rabbi Gersh-Meir Burshtein remains skeptical about the possibility
    of anti-Semitism. Burshtein, who heads a small Chabad-sponsored
    community center, school and synagogue, rejects the idea that the
    Hezbollah-Israel conflict will cause a spike in anti-Semitic sentiment
    in Armenia.

    Unlike Jewish communities in Georgia and Azerbaijan, which have long
    Jewish histories, Armenia's current Jewish community is made up of
    Jews who began settling in the country from elsewhere in the Soviet
    Union during World War II.

    Some came first as evacuees from the Nazi advance into Ukraine and,
    as word spread of the absence of anti-Semitism in Armenia, many other
    Jews came as professionals, Burshtein explains. He said he has walked
    the streets of Yerevan in Chasidic garb for more than 10 years without
    confronting bigotry.

    Burshtein believes the fact that Israel does not recognize the Armenian
    genocide is not as important to the Armenian population as some think:
    Poverty, energy self-sufficiency and the possibility of conflict with
    neighboring Azerbaijan are more pressing issues.

    For her part, Margossian doubts that the conflict between Hezbollah
    and Israel will affect Armenian Jews. She explained that her accounts
    of life under Israeli bombing make little impression on local Armenians
    because they have suffered so much: During the early 1990s, Azerbaijan
    imposed an energy and trade blockade that forced Armenia's population
    to ration electricity and food.

    Armenians do not feel sympathy for Lebanon because "most Armenians
    think of Lebanon as a Muslim country," Margossian told JTA. "They view
    the conflict as a war between Israel and a terrorist organization
    in which civilian casualties are justified. And if Armenians viewed
    Lebanon as a Christian country, things would be much different for
    the Jews."