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AAA: Successful Assembly Internship in Washington Comes To A Close

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  • AAA: Successful Assembly Internship in Washington Comes To A Close

    From: Assembly <[email protected]>
    Subject: AAA: Successful Assembly Internship in Washington Comes To A Close

    Armenian Assembly of America
    1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
    Washington, DC 20036
    Phone: 202-393-3434
    Fax: 202-638-4904
    Email: [email protected]

    August 11, 2006
    CONTACT: Karoon Panosyan
    E-mail: [email protected]


    Washington, DC - This summer, twenty Armenian college students from
    across the United States, including three from Armenia, took part in
    the Terjenian-Thomas Assembly Internship Program in Washington,
    DC. During their eight-week stint in the nation's capital, students
    took part in a full schedule of activities designed to advance their
    professional development and encourage community and public service.

    Several Assembly interns spent the summer working in the offices of
    prominent lawmakers including Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Carl
    Levin (D-MI) and Representatives Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Ed Royce
    (R-CA), Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Anthony Weiner (D-NY), while others
    worked at federal government agencies, non-governmental organizations
    (NGOs), media outlets and think tanks.    "I've had a great time here
    in DC learning not just about the American political system but also
    about Armenia," said Joel Cretan, a Stanford University student who
    interned for Senator Boxer. "My work in the Senate has been
    instrumental in helping me decide what I want to do later in life in
    the political sphere, and spending time with a lot of Armenians and
    Armenian groups has been rewarding."

    In addition to educational and career building opportunities, the
    students developed a greater understanding of their common Armenian
    heritage by interacting with their fellow interns from across the
    United States, as well as Armenia.

    "In Armenia I had little idea what it meant to be an
    Armenian-American. I didn't know how much work that's been done for
    Armenia by the Diaspora," said Margarita Tadevosyan, a Yerevan State
    University student who interned at the Offices of the Nagorno Karabakh
    Republic. "Now that I'm aware, I will make sure that all my friends
    back home know that we are one nation. No matter where we live, what
    we do, there is one thing that unites all of us - it is being

    To date, more than 800 students have participated in the program since
    it was established in 1977.


    In addition to their busy internships, students also met with Armenian
    issues supporters including Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) and
    Representatives Mark Kirk (R-IL), James Langevin (D-RI),  Edward
    Markey (D-MA), Betty McCollum (D-MN), Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ) and
    Mark Souder (R-IN). During these meetings, lawmakers discussed Armenia
    specific legislative items such as the Rail Measure and the Genocide
    Resolution, and learned more about the policymaking process.   The
    Assembly interns also attended a briefing at the United States
    Institute of Peace where Parliament Speaker Ashot Ghulian and Foreign
    Minster Georgi Petrosian of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic discussed
    prospects for peace in the region. This event was followed by a
    reception for the NKR officials co-hosted by the Office of the Nagorno
    Karabakh Republic, the Armenian Embassy, and the Armenian Assembly of
    America and in cooperation with Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Joseph
    Knollenberg (R-MI) and Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ). The interns also had
    a chance to meet with Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA) during this
    reception.   Additionally, students met Armenian Ambassador to the
    U.S. Tatoul Markarian at the Armenian Embassy and visited the
    Department of State where Elizabeth Rood, Office Director for Caucasus
    Affairs and Regional Conflicts, Bureau of European and Eurasian
    Affairs, provided a briefing on the State Department's
    mission. Dr. Levon Avdoyan who specializes in Armenian and Georgian
    studies at the Library of Congress, led a tour of the facilities and
    discussed the vast collection of Armenian artifacts. The interns also
    met with Assistant Administrator Joseph Bogosian at the Federal
    Aviation Administration (FAA) and Armenian National Institute (ANI)
    Director Dr. Rouben Adalian provided the interns with a preview of the
    planned Armenian Genocide Museum and Memorial (AGMM).   Interns also
    learned more about the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) during a
    presentation by Deputy Resident Country Director of Operations for
    Armenia Myron Hirniak and discussed several issues in the news with
    journalists Michael Doyle from McClatchy Newspaper Inc. and
    T.K. Malloy from United Press International (UPI). Interns also met
    with Executive Director Mark Kirkorian from the Center for Immigration
    Studies (CIS), Policy Advisor Noris Balabanian from Department of
    Homeland Security and Dean Shahinian of the Senate Banking
    Committee. Additionally, Assembly Board Member and founder of
    Birthright Armenia Edele Hovnanian and founder and Director of Project
    Save Ruth Thomasian visited the Assembly office to inform interns on
    their organizations.   


    Other program highlights included museum tours and visits to historic
    landmarks, such as the Washington Monument and the Lincoln and
    Jefferson Memorials. The interns also took a special weekend trip to
    longtime Fellow Trustee Harold and Melissa Keshishian's farm in
    Maryland. Some students also displayed their talents by participating
    in a variety show at St. Mary's Armenian Church where they met with
    local Armenians.   Intern Levon Keushkerian of Los Angeles, CA has
    chronicled his experiences and those of his fellow classmates on an
    online blog. To access this blog go to:  
    The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
    nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness
    of Armenian issues.  It is a 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt membership



    Photographs available on the Assembly's Web site at the following
    links: ss/2006-069/2006-069-1.JPG

    CAPTION: Interns met with Parliament Speaker Ashot Ghulian (center)
    and Foreign Minster Georgi Petrosian (far left) of NKR at an event
    held by the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) in Washington. 06-069/2006-069-2.JPG

    CAPTION: Levon Keushkerian (left) interned at the Armenian Embassy
    where he worked closely with Armenian Ambassador to the U.S. Tatoul
    Markarian. ess/2006-069/2006-069-3.jpg

    CAPTION: Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD) (center) and Dean Shahinian,
    counsel, Senate Banking Committee (far left) met with the interns on
    the steps of the Capitol building. -069/2006-069-4.JPG

    CAPTION: Representative Mark Souder (R-IN) discussed legislative
    issues with interns on Capitol Hill. /2006-069-5.jpg

    CAPTION: Assembly interns at the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial. -069/2006-069-6.JPG

    CAPTION: Along with the other interns, Taron Burris and Caroline Hogan
    enjoyed a pleasant summer day at the Keshishian farm in Maryland.