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RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly - 08/11/2006

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  • RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly - 08/11/2006

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Russian Political Weekly
    Vol. 6, No. 15, 11 August 2006

    A Weekly Review of News and Analysis of Russian Domestic Politics

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    Russia's arms export body Rosoboroneksport and the Sukhoi
    aircraft manufacturer may put a two-year freeze on business dealings
    between those firms and private U.S. companies -- including the
    aeronautics giant Boeing. What's behind the sanctions, and how
    will they affect U.S.-Russian ties?
    WASHINGTON, August 11, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- The U.S. State
    Department's August 4 announcement that it was imposing sanctions
    on the two Russian defense firms set off a firestorm in Moscow.
    It also sent many American enterprises running to review
    their Russian contracts.
    The sanctions were leveled against a total of seven firms --
    in Russia, North Korea, India, and Cuba -- for their dealings with
    U.S. government agencies and private firms are facing a
    two-year block on working with any of the targeted companies on
    projects that could be interpreted as having a military function.
    Russia has no direct military contracts with the United
    States. But the sanctions could still hit private companies with
    long-standing business ties in Russia.
    The most notable of these is Boeing. It is working with
    Sukhoi on a Russian civilian regional jet, the SuperJet 100. It is
    also the main consumer of titanium produced by a Russian firm
    (VSMPO-Avisma) that is set to be purchased by Rosoboroneksport.
    And it also hopes to hold on to a $3-billion contract to
    supply Russia's Aeroflot with Boeing 787 jumbo jets.
    Boeing spokesperson Tim Neil says the company is attempting
    to gauge the impact of the sanctions.
    "Boeing is still assessing the effect of these sanctions on
    our business in Russia," Neil said. "However, based on our initial
    review, we do not believe that the sanctions will affect our
    commercial relationships with Russian suppliers of titanium, or our
    work with Sukhoi on the SuperJet 100 program. That said, we are
    continuing to assess the situation and coordinate with the U.S.
    government to make sure that we're in full compliance."
    Such assessments are meant to ensure that private firms are
    collaborating with Russia on civilian, not military, projects.
    Items like titanium parts do not appear to fall under the
    current U.S. restrictions; Boeing officials have said the
    company's projects in Russia "fully adhere" to both U.S. and
    Russian export law.
    Boeing is one of a number of U.S. firms to review its
    contracts with Sukhoi and Rosoboroneksport.
    Sharon Weinberger, the editor of "Defense Technology
    International" magazine, says companies are racing to determine how,
    and if, the sanctions will affect their business dealings.
    "When these State Department regulations go out, the first
    thing that companies will tell you is that it's very, very hard,"
    Weinberger said. "U.S. companies struggle a lot with State Department
    regulations -- most notably, trying to figure out which items are
    civil items, and not necessarily controlled by the State Department,
    and which items are military items."
    Spokespeople like Boeing's Tim Neil say it is not the job
    of private firms to second guess political decisions by the
    government -- even those that may affect their business.
    But Russian officials openly criticized the sanctions as an
    "unfriendly act" that will only exacerbate existing tensions in the
    Moscow-Washington relationship.
    Sergei Chemezov, the director of Rosoboroneksport and a
    former KGB colleague of Russian President Vladimir Putin, said this
    week that the sanctions would hurt "the effectiveness of U.S.
    contingents in Iraq and Afghanistan."
    Chemezov's remarks were an apparent reference to a
    proposal that would allow U.S. trading firms to sell Russian weapons
    to those countries.
    The United States says the sanctions were imposed because the
    seven targeted firms were involved in the sale of materials to Iran
    that could contribute to the development of weapons of mass
    But, Weinberger notes, many Russian officials are skeptical.
    "Of course that's the stated reason," Weinberger said.
    "People are certainly looking, especially in Russia, for subplots.
    There's certainly a political motivation to this. One has to look
    at the timing. There was the recently announced $3 billion in arms
    sales to Venezuela that the U.S. has protested repeatedly. So yes,
    that should, by the letter of the law, be separate from the concerns
    over Iran. But I think you'd have to be very, very optimistic not
    to think that the two are related, at least in timing."
    Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez, an open critic of the United
    States, drew condemnation from Washington for his highly publicized
    arms deal with Russia, which was signed July 27.
    The U.S. sanctions were officially registered two days
    earlier, on July 25.
    It remains to be seen how the sanctions will affect
    Russia's defense exports. (Heather Maher)

    PRAGUE, August 8, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- The United States has imposed
    sanctions on two major Russian arms dealers -- state arms exporter
    Rosoboroneksport and the aviation firm Sukhoi -- for allegedly
    selling high-tech equipment to Iran. The August 4 move has been
    widely condemned in Russia as an "unfriendly act" aimed at crippling
    Russia's arms industry.
    It comes against the backdrop of strained bilateral relations
    in recent weeks. Moscow and Washington have failed to reach agreement
    on Russia's World Trade Organization bid and continue to disagree
    on resolving the Middle East conflict and on dealing with Iran's
    nuclear program. And during a recent high-profile Moscow meeting,
    Russian President Vladimir Putin and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez
    inked arms deals worth about $1 billion. RFE/RL's Russian Service
    spoke with Nikolai Zlobin, the director of the Russia and Eurasia
    Program at the Washington-based Center for Defense Information, about
    the U.S. sanctions.
    RFE/RL: Is there any foundation behind the U.S. decision to
    impose sanctions on Rosoboroneksport and Sukhoi?
    Nikolai Zlobin: I think that, of course, the motivation is
    serious. The Americans usually act on the basis of laws and facts and
    evidence. Of course, they might choose not to use these facts and
    evidence, but I have no doubt that their decision has a logical
    basis. From a purely legal point of view, it won't be possible to
    contest this decision. You can contest it at the political level, but
    from the economic and legal points of view, I'm sure that
    everything has been thought through. The Americans usually think
    about these things carefully and don't make mistakes.
    RFE/RL: The U.S. State Department spokesman said that this
    decision is not directed against state organs, but only affects
    private companies in the United States. How can we speak of a
    political component?
    Zlobin: Whenever the State Department or the Commerce
    Department or the Justice Department advises defense contractors,
    arms producers, not to deal with certain companies around the world,
    you can be sure that the advice is seriously thought out on the legal
    level. There can be no questions about the legal side of this. As for
    the political side, the State Department made a decision about when
    and how to announce this decision and even whether to announce this
    decision regarding these companies. The fact that they made this
    decision, I think, means that it has a political nature.
    RFE/RL: Do you think it is connected to recent developments
    in Russian-Venezuelan relations?
    Zlobin: I think that it is connected with a whole complex of
    factors, including the fact that the Americans suspect that Russia
    occasionally violates international agreements and directly or
    indirectly sells or transfers weapons -- or at least facilitates the
    sale or transfer of weapons -- to countries, regimes, or companies
    that the United States does not approve of or that are under
    international sanction. So, there is definitely a political
    component, and Venezuela plays a role -- the Russian-Venezuelan
    military contracts have alarmed the Americans. There are various
    points of view on this, but it is a fact that possible future
    Russian-Venezuelan military cooperation -- not so much what is
    happening now, but what could happen in the future -- played a role.
    I completely agree with that.
    RFE/RL: Judging by press reports, the head of Sukhoi has
    repeatedly sworn that for at least the last seven or eight years, his
    firm has not sold a single screw to Iran. Can we believe such
    Zlobin: I think you can. Of course, one should look into the
    matter concretely. The Americans generally look into such situations
    carefully because a firm like Boeing can hire very competent, very
    professional, very expensive lawyers to prove that the U.S.
    government is wrong. Statistics show that American firms win cases
    against the government rather more often than the government wins
    such cases against firms.
    RFE/RL: That means there is something to fight for if the
    sanctions are enforced?
    Zlobin: Of course there is. And I think they will fight; they
    will appeal. If they are able to prove that the sanctions were
    introduced with even the slightest violation of some law or other,
    they can succeed in having the sanctions lifted.


    August 10, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- As tensions rise in the Middle East with
    the conflict between Israel and Hizballah and the continuing Iran
    nuclear crisis, Russia continues to play a careful game.
    Moscow has called on Hizballah to stop its rocket strikes
    against Israel and return the captured Israeli soldiers, while it has
    also appealed to Israel to stop its aerial and artillery bombardment
    of Lebanon and withdraw its troops from the south of the country.
    Even Yevgeny Primakov, one of Russia's leading experts on
    the Islamic world and known for his pro-Arab stance, said that
    Hizballah should be disarmed and did not exclude the possibility that
    Russian troops could participate in a multinational force on the
    Israeli-Lebanese border.
    And Moscow, together with Beijing, on July 31 supported a
    U.S.-backed UN Security Council resolution on Iran demanding that
    Tehran stop its nuclear program in the course of a month or face
    international sanctions. Moscow said, however, it could not support
    the sanctions as it is "against a language of threats and ultimatums
    toward Iran."
    Now, a new wrangle between the United States and Russia over
    Iran is possibly on the horizon. On August 4, the United States
    announced that it has imposed sanctions on two Russian arms companies
    that had violated a U.S. Congress ban on selling material to Iran
    that could be used to make weapons of mass destruction. Moscow has
    denounced the sanctions as "groundless."
    These diplomatic maneuverings are consistent with
    Russia's policy in the Middle East, which attempts to strike a
    balance between the major protagonists: Iran, Syria, Israel, China,
    the European Union, and the United States.
    But if war escalates in the Middle East, Russia would most
    likely have to abandon its balancing act. That would probably mean
    that Moscow, if not allying itself directly with Israel and the
    United States, would distance itself from Iran and its Arab partners
    -- just as Moscow did with Saddam Hussein's Iraq.
    In many respects, Moscow's policy converges with the
    position of the United States. Both countries do not want to see
    nuclear weapons in the hands of Tehran's ayatollahs. Especially
    as Iran poses a more immediate threat to Russia as its medium-range
    missiles could penetrate into the European part of the country.
    Moreover, if Iran obtained nuclear weapons it could become
    less dependent on Russia diplomatically and militarily and could
    compete more fiercely against Russian interests in Central Asia and
    the Caspian basin.
    Russia and the United States are also united by their
    antipathy toward the "revolutionary Islamic" ideology propagated by
    Tehran and Hizballah.
    Shi'a Hizballah, which was the brainchild of Iran and
    created in the early 1980s, originally aimed to drive Israeli troops
    from Lebanon and pioneered the use of suicide bombers, known as
    shaheeds. In 1983, suicide bombers carried out two terrorist acts in
    which 242 U.S. servicemen and 58 French paratroopers were killed in
    two strikes in Beirut. The identity of the bombers was never proven
    and a number of groups claimed responsibility. Many within past and
    current U.S. administrations believe Hizballah was responsible for
    the attack.
    Hizballah's ideology incorporates traditional Islamic
    elements along with radical leftist and Marxists teachings. The group
    sees its allies not only among Islamists, but has the support of
    various leftist, Marxist, and antiglobalization groups in the West.
    Russia could, however, feasibly benefit from an escalation of
    hostilities in the Middle East. As a major energy exporter, Russia
    would benefit from the likely major rise in oil and gas prices. China
    and the EU, on the other hand, would likely face severe economic
    Not only would Russia profit financially, but could gain new
    geopolitical ground, with the EU more dependent on Russia for energy.
    That could also push China to rely more on Russian energy resources,
    causing Beijing to invest in building pipelines in Russia's Far
    East. (Victor Yasmann)

    Russian government has announced plans to make the Kurile Islands in
    the Pacific Ocean the best-funded region in Russia. The 2007-15
    program will boost federal funding to more than $600 million -- the
    equivalent of $1,000 per person per month - on the sparsely populated
    islands. The announcement is likely to anger Japan.
    PRAGUE, August 9, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- Which part of the Russian
    Federation -- a country deep in demographic crisis -- has suffered
    the worst population decline of the last decade?
    Chechnya, you might suppose, after years of bloodshed and
    population flight, or the rapidly emptying spaces of northern
    But you would be wrong -- at least in percentage terms. The
    record is held by the Kurile Islands, a string of rocky outcrops
    stretching south from the Kamchatka Peninsula to the Japanese island
    of Hokkaido.
    Sixty-one years after the Kuriles were seized from Japan by
    the Soviet Union at the end of World War II, scarcely 6,000 civilians
    still make a living on the islands. They are outnumbered by soldiers
    almost two to one.
    But, says Russian Economic Development and Trade Minister
    German Gref, enough is enough. His 17 billion-ruble program to
    develop the islands promises a transformation.
    And not just in the economy. According to Dmitry Trenin,
    deputy director of the Moscow Carnegie Center, Russia is sending an
    unequivocal message to Japan that the Kuriles are no longer up for
    "The message is unambiguous: The limit of Russian potential
    concessions to Japan, which was made clear by both President
    [Vladimir] Putin and Foreign Minister Lavrov, would have Russia, in
    case of a peace treaty being signed with Japan, transferring the
    island of Shikotan and the Habomai group of islands to Japan," Trenin
    said. "That limit is now being confirmed by the development project."
    Shikotan and the Habomai group, which form part of the
    southern Kuriles and are of little economic or strategic interest to
    Russia, were first offered to Japan in 1956 by the Soviet Union in an
    effort to reach agreement on a formal peace treaty pertaining to
    World War II. Tokyo didn't agree then and is unlikely to do so
    now. It insists on the return of all the Kurile Islands.
    Japan refers to the islands as the Northern Territories. Even
    before Moscow's investment program was unveiled, Prime Minister
    Junichiro Koizumi, speaking ahead of July's G8 summit in St.
    Petersburg, complained that the impasse over the islands was having a
    damaging effect on Japanese investment in Russia.
    Why though has Moscow decided to act now?
    Trenin sees the plan as part of a wider attempt to address
    weaknesses along Russia's vast border.
    "It also sends I think a very clear signal that the exposed
    territories of the Russian state are now being taken care of and you
    look at Kaliningrad, which now has received much more attention than
    it was getting for many years; you look at the North Caucasus; and
    you look at the money which the government is about to spend on
    reconstructing Chechnya, and to me this is all part of the pattern,"
    Trenin said.
    The Kremlin must have considered, too, how the program will
    be received by Japan. John Swenson-Wright is an expert on Japan and
    North-East Asian security issues at Chatham House, a London-based
    international affairs think tank.
    "I suspect that this may in part be an effort to anticipate
    the change of leadership in Japan," Swenson-Wright said. "The prime
    minister [Koizumi] steps down in September. Some people have argued
    that there is growing nationalism in Japan and the Russians may be
    attempting to reassert their position in the face of what they
    anticipate may be a more hard-line position by whoever takes over as
    prime minister."
    The strategy appears to be to present Japan with a fait
    Until now, the future of the islands was kept in doubt by
    Moscow's apparent lack of interest and their isolation from the
    mainland. The only airport is too short for most aircraft. It was
    built by the Japanese for kamikaze pilots who showed little concern
    for the length of the landing strip.
    That is about to change. By 2017 the Kuriles will have a new
    all-weather airport linking them with the mainland, a port, new
    roads, 20 fish-processing factories in place of the ramshackle pair
    that exist today, and, it is hoped, a precious-metals mining
    But, as Trenin argues, Moscow cannot afford to alienate the
    "Japan is a significant player and the potential for
    Russian-Japanese collaboration is not to be ignored," Trenin said.
    "The development of the Far East and Siberia is one of the most
    important, if not the most important geopolitical problem that Russia
    is facing in the 21st century and in order to have Japan as a bona
    fide partner you would have to give Japan something from the
    territories that they are claiming."
    By putting facts on the ground -- like the airport and new
    infrastructure -- Russia may calculate that Japan will ultimately
    have little choice but to accept the reality of Russian sovereignty.
    But, says Swenson-Wright, Moscow may be misjudging the Japanese mood.
    "The Russia-Japan relationship has always been one in which
    the economic incentives have been relatively limited in terms of
    swaying political and diplomatic opinion within the Japanese
    political establishment," Swenson-Wright said. "This is one bilateral
    relationship where economics have taken a back seat to these larger
    territorial and political issues. There is a great deal of emotional
    sensitivity on the part of the Japanese. The legacy of the war is
    still in many ways a live issue in the minds of Japanese negotiators
    and their political leaders."
    Which, if he is right, may yet undermine the scheme for the
    regeneration of the islands. Federal investment is undoubtedly
    needed, but without private investment from Japan -- the Kuriles
    nearest neighbor - the long-term future of the islands may be little
    brighter than it is today. (Robert Parsons)


    revelation that St. Petersburg's renowned Hermitage Museum had
    been systematically robbed of 221 precious art objects has
    underscored yet again the vulnerability of Russia's cultural
    PRAGUE, August 7, 2006 (RFE/RL) -- It has all the elements of
    a classic mystery novel.
    Hundreds of icons and precious objects worth an estimated $5
    million are systematically stolen from Russia's most storied art
    museum, the Hermitage in St. Petersburg.
    The majority of the items, it becomes clear, were taken from
    a single storeroom -- whose guardian, a curator identified as Larisa
    Zavadskaya, died suddenly late last year.
    Museum officials bring in investigators, suggesting the heist
    is an inside job.
    Those suspicions gains credence when the first two arrests in
    the case, made this weekend, are Zavadskaya's husband and son. A
    third person has since been reported arrested as well.
    Museum Director Mikhail Piotrovsky has called the theft "a
    stab in the back."
    It isn't the first time such a crime has been committed.
    Russian museum workers are notoriously underpaid, and museum security
    admittedly lax.
    But in a press conference today in Moscow, federal cultural
    officials sought to lay blame with museum officials and their
    lackadaisical approach to record-keeping.
    Boris Boyarskov, the director of Rosokhrankultura, the
    federal service for the protection of Russia's cultural heritage,
    said that keeping track of the Hermitage's material and cultural
    valuables is a problem that has existed for a long time.
    "This could be seen as early as 1993, in inventories that
    were done by what was then the Culture Ministry. A number of
    subsequent checks offer the same conclusion -- museum authorities
    were conducting very incomplete inventories," Boyarskov said. "In
    recent checks we conducted together with the federal cultural agency
    [Roskultura], we became convinced that the inventory records are a
    Frequent inventories are key to museum security, says Julian
    Radcliffe, chairman of the Art Loss Register, a private international
    firm specializing in tracking stolen art and antiques.
    Radcliffe says the Hermitage theft bears all the trademarks
    of a standard museum theft: nearly all of the 221 items were in
    storage, none were insured, and the records keeping track of them
    were sloppy at best
    "The great majority of thefts from museums are from storage.
    The ones that are given the great headlines are the thefts of major
    items which are on public display, but the much bigger and constant
    problem is theft from items in storage where they can only undertake
    a stock check once every three or four year because of the volume of
    items," Radcliffe says.
    Speaking from London, Radcliffe says large British museums
    like the Victoria and Albert -- which, like the Hermitage, has close
    to 3 million items -- are lucky to be able to take stock of their
    collection every three or four years.
    Police in St. Petersburg have suggested that it may have been
    30 years since some of the stolen items were checked. They also said
    that only 19 of the items were in the care of curators who were still
    Radcliffe says clean records and external auditors are key to
    keeping a collection secure, particularly in a museum like the
    Hermitage that has 2,500 employees -- who may not always have the
    museum's best interests at heart.
    "The other necessity is to make certain that the staff of the
    museum are well-motivated and security is good in relation to your
    own staff as well as to the public who are viewing," Radcliffe says.
    "The great problem for museums has been theft by curators or
    contractors. And for many years, a lot of those thefts were never
    reported, because the curator couldn't work out which of his
    staff was dishonest and just didn't want to rock the confidence
    of his directors, potential donors, and the public, by admitting that
    he had staff that were corrupt."
    Boyarskov of Rosokhrankultura says between 50 and 100 thefts
    are registered each year in Russian museums, many of them inside
    Such recent crimes include the theft of more than 300 works
    from Moscow's State Historical Museum, and the disappearance of
    nearly 200 objects from the armory of St. Petersburg's Peter and
    Paul Fortress.
    The Hermitage has posted a detailed list of the missing items
    on its website ( Several objects have
    been returned to the museum in recent days, although it is unclear if
    they are among the stolen works.
    Radcliffe says it's unlikely the Hermitage will see many
    of the objects ever again. "The recovery ratio for expensive, good
    paintings is probably 15 percent. But for smaller, decorative art
    objects like these [taken from the Hermitage], I'm afraid the
    usual recovery ratio is much lower," Radcliffe says. (Daisy Sindelar)
    (RFE/RL's Russian Service contributed to this report.)

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    on the basis of a variety of sources. It is distributed every

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