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Wi-fi toy virtually a reality

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  • Wi-fi toy virtually a reality

    Sydney MX (Australia)
    August 11, 2006 Friday
    SYD Edition

    Wi-fi toy virtually a reality


    In the Darwinian evolution of electronic companions, first came the
    speaking doll, then the Tamagotchi virtual pet, then Sony's
    short-lived AIBO robot dog.

    Now, it could be the dawn of the Wi-fi rabbit era.

    The plastic bunny with ears like TV antennae can read out emails and
    text messages, tell children to go to bed, announce a stock collapse
    and give traffic updates by receiving internet feeds through a
    wireless Wi-fi network.

    ''It gives a visual and vocal representation of what is on the
    internet,'' explained Paul Jackson, an analyst at research house

    The bunny, which stands 23cm tall and has a white cone-like body that
    lights up when it speaks, is called Nabaztag, which means rabbit in
    Armenian, its creator's mother tongue. It can also wiggle its ears
    and sing songs.

    French entrepreneur Rafi Haladjian, who came up with the idea, says
    the rabbit sometimes carries more sway over children than their
    parents and can help men win forgiveness from angry partners.

    ''It is sad, but true,'' he said.

    Nabaztag, made in Shenzhen, China, costs about $195.

    Since its market debut last year, 50,000 Nabaztags have been sold in
    France, Britain, Belgium and Switzerland, and Haladjian hopes to sell
    150,000 by the end of this year.

    The businessman is now looking to conquer the US, where he has only a
    tiny presence, and is gearing up for the December shopping season.

    Last December, Haladjian appeared on nationwide US television for
    three minutes and received 350,000 online information requests.

    ''The only problem was that we had zero bunnies, we had sold them all
    already and we had not even started selling them in the US yet,'' he

    Jackson is among several analysts who predict the Nabaztag will find
    favour among the well-heeled and technology-savvy as it benefits from
    the spread of Wi-fi networks around the globe.

    Wi-fi technology is the latest must-have in many mass market consumer
    goods, from mobile phones to personal digital assistants, laptops and
    TV set-top boxes.