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Plot Would Have Killed 100's of Thousands. Really? Let's Do The Math

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  • Plot Would Have Killed 100's of Thousands. Really? Let's Do The Math

    Aug. 11, 2006

    Chertoff: Plot Would Have Killed 100's of Thousands. Really? Let's Do
    The Math

    by Linda Milazzo

    "Had this plot been carried out, the loss of life to innocent
    civilians would have been on an unprecedented scale." These are the
    words of British Secretary of Home Security, Dr. John Reid, when
    forecasting the catastrophic outcome had the airline terrorist plot
    taken off.

    "Unprecedented"? Compared to what??

    "We cannot stress too highly the severity that this plot represented.
    Put simpler, this was intended to be mass murder on an unimaginable
    scale." This is how a uniformed high ranking Brit, featured on CNN,
    described what he thought would be the carnage had the terrorist plot
    carried out.

    "Unimaginable"? Compared to....

    - Darfur with 200,000 innocent civilians murdered since 2003, and
    over 2 million current refugees?
    - Rwanda with 800,000 innocent civilians slaughtered in 100 days?
    - The Holocaust with 6 million innocent civilians exterminated?
    - The Armenian Genocide with 1.5 million innocent civilians

    Far be it from me to undermine the tragedy of innocent deaths had
    this alleged plot succeeded. I deplore terrorism. And murder. But
    when assessing the current air-scare by Drama Queens George Bush and
    Tony Blair, I'm shocked the Brits use the words "unprecedented" and
    "unimaginable" to project civilian casualties had the terrorist plot
    been born out.

    Obviously, no life should be lost to the folly of deranged
    fundamentalism. Not even one!!

    Nonetheless, I'm dumbfounded by the catastrophic numbers forecast by
    British and American officials. Michael Chertoff, United States'
    Secretary of Homeland Security, said the presumed plot "had the
    potential to kill hundreds of thousands of people."

    Really? H-O-W????

    Let's do the math. Twenty four men were arrested in England for
    planning to hijack ten commercial airliners. Had they hijacked
    Boeing's large 767-400ER, they would have had 304 passengers at their
    mercy. Had they hijacked Airbus' 330 and 340 series airliners, they
    would have had up to 350 passengers at their mercy.

    350 innocent civilians x 10 airliners = 3,500 innocent civilians

    Add innocent civilian flight crews to each fully loaded plane and
    these 24 supposed terrorists would have murdered somewhere around
    3,600 people; 848 more victims than the 2,752 innocent civilians
    believed to have perished on September 11th.

    The fact is, had this sorely overstated plot been realized, its
    ramifications would have been horrific. No one should suffer so
    gruesome a fate.

    My purpose here is not to undermine the horror of such an act. But to
    diffuse the hyperbole of fear-mongers, and maintain an honest
    perspective of the situation. The death of even one person resulting
    from violence is unimaginable. But, come on, lay off the scare
    tactics and propaganda.

    Dissenters may counter that beyond this single plot lies the
    potential for many more. This is true. But the propagandists aren't
    discussing future plots. They're discussing this one, which they have
    purposely misrepresented. They need to be challenged on their lies.
    They need be admonished for their distortions, lest we be permanently
    mired in propaganda and fear.

    3,600 innocent deaths would have been reprehensible. But considering
    the state of our inhumane world, they fail to meet the requirements
    for the "unimaginable" and "unprecedented" scale.

    More in line with "unimaginable" and "unprecedented" are the deaths
    of over 100,000 innocent civilian Iraqis, countless innocent civilian
    Afghanis, and the mounting deaths of innocent civilian Lebanese,
    Palestinians and sub-Saharan Africans.

    No need for hyperbole here. These numbers are honestly appalling. How
    'bout foiling them??

    Linda Milazzo is a Los Angeles based writer, educator and activist.
    Her writing has appeared in numerous newspapers, magazines and
    domestic and international journals. She's a member of CodePink Women
    For Peace and Progressive Democrats of America. Over the past three
    decades Linda has divided her time between the entertainment industry,
    community projects and education. A political and social activist
    since the Vietnam War, Linda attributes her
    revitalized-fully-engaged-intense-head-on-non- stop-political activism
    to the UNFORTUNATE EXISTENCE OF GEORGE W. BUSH and her disgust with
    greed-ridden American imperialism, environmental atrocities, egregious
    war, nuclear proliferation, lying leaders, and global tyranny! linda_mi_060811_chertoff_3a_plot_would.htm