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Students act out The Last Tango

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  • Students act out The Last Tango

    ic NorthWales, UK
    Aug. 11, 2006

    Students act out The Last Tango Aug 11 2006

    The Chronicle

    MORE than 40 of the country's most talented young music and drama
    students from Youth Music Theatre will be performing a musical
    version of Lev Nussimbaum's 1929 novel Ali and Nino for two
    performances at Manchester's Library Theatre on August 17-18.

    Set in Baku, the capital city of former Soviet republic Azerbaijan,
    just after the end of the First World War, the story centres on Ali,
    a Muslim boy who falls in love with Nino, the daughter of a wealthy
    Armenian trader, who happens to be Christian.

    Forced to escape the city as a re-drawn Europe slowly recovers after
    the end of the conflict, the couple wander the continent before
    eventually returning to Baku, only for tragedy to befall them.

    Peta Lily directs The Last Tango, one of seven productions the
    company is currently touring the UK. Serbian composer Milos Matic has
    composed the music for the production, which although set in the
    1920's, has much that is relevant to today's turbulent times.