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Turkey revives controversial dam project

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  • Turkey revives controversial dam project

    Turkey revives controversial dam project
    11.08.2006 16:41

    Turkey has revived plans for a dam that will force more than 50,000
    people from their homes and destroy the priceless remains of
    Hasankeyf, one of the oldest towns in the world.

    The Ilisu project was abandoned four years ago when the British
    construction company Balfour Beatty pulled out after a campaign
    against the dam backed by environmentalists and archaeologists.

    But, in a decision that will be greeted as a disaster by the
    inhabitants of Hasankeyf and the villages around them, the Turkish
    Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, has said the Ilisu project is
    back on, after a consortium headed by an Austrian company agreed to
    build it.

    Most of the 50,000 people who will lose their homes are members of
    Turkey's Kurdish minority, who have endured decades of repression at
    the hands of Turkish governments. At one time, even speaking the
    Kurdish language was illegal.

    Hasankeyf is one of the world's oldest continuously inhabited
    settlements. It survived 15 years trapped in the middle of the bloody
    civil war between Turkish security forces and Kurdish separatists,
    only to face annihilation now by the dam.

    The Ilisu dam is part of the South-East Anatolia Project (GAP), a
    series of 22 dams on the Euphrates and Tigris rivers to provide
    irrigation and hydroelectric power. Mr Erdogan said the government
    will safeguard the historical treasures of Hasankeyf from the dam.
    But since most of Hasankeyf is carved from rock, archaeologists agree
    it is impossible to protect it from the flooding.

    At most, 20 per cent of what is "culturally valuable" could be saved,
    said Professor Olus Arik, the former head of excavations at Hasankeyf.

    Turkey has also promised to resettle those who are displaced and pay
    them adequate compensation. But when the Ataturk dam was finished in
    1990, 50,000 people were displaced, none of . whom received any money
    from the government. When the Birecik dam was being finished in 1999,
    the government pledged to do better. But payments were delayed and
    many of the displaced woke up to find water pouring into their homes
    because they did not have the money to buy a new house in time.

    The government also failed to allow for the devaluation of the Turkish
    lira, leaving the displaced with next to nothing. The area along the
    Tigris and Euphrates rivers is considered the cradle of
    civilisation. With many of the remains along the rivers in Iraq feared
    damaged in the fighting, GAP is threatening those on the Turkish side
    of the border.

    As the Birecik dam was being completed, archaeologists excavating the
    ancient city of Zeugma, which was to be flooded, found mosaics
    considered to rival the finest in the world. They begged the Turkish
    authorities to delay filling the dam so they could save the
    mosaics. The authorities delayed by only one week, and many mosaics
    were lost.

    A consortium of international companies headed by Austria's VA Tech
    Hydro is seeking export credit guarantees from the Austrian, Swiss and
    German governments to build Ilisu.

    History submerged

    * 10,000-8000BC First settlement built at Hasankeyf

    * 1978 Hasankeyf declared area of historical importance by the Turkish

    * 1982 Turkey decides to build Ilisu dam at a site that will submerge

    * 1990 Atuturk dam, the biggest in the South-East Anatolia Project, is
    completed; 50,000 are displaced, with nocompensation

    * March 1999 UK Government considers £200m export credit guarantees
    for Balfour Beatty

    * Summer 1999 Ancient mosaics at Zeugma, an ancient city are lost to
    the Birecik dam

    * December 1999 British Government says it is "minded" to grant
    Balfour Beatty the export credit guarantees after Tony Blair overrules
    cabinet opposition

    * November 2001 Balfour Beatty pulls out because the dam fails to meet
    ethical, environmental or commercial criteria

    * August 2006 Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, says a new
    consortium has been found to build Ilisu dam.