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Armenian Activist Speaks at Boston Rally for Lebanon

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  • Armenian Activist Speaks at Boston Rally for Lebanon
    A ug 3 2006

    Armenian Activist Speaks at Boston Rally for Lebanon

    Boston, MA - On August 2, around 200 demonstrators gathered in Copley
    Square in front of the monument dedicated to the Lebanese-American
    poet Gibran Khalil Gibran, to demand an immediate ceasefire in
    Lebanon. This was the third rally held at Copley Square in the past
    three weeks. The protestors lined Dartmouth street for several hours,
    waving Lebanese flags and chanting "stop the bombing now! ceasefire
    now!" or "not another nickel, not another dime, no more funding for
    Israel's crime!" and - for those of you who speak Arabic, "bassita,
    shou sar, lubnan metl el nar!"

    The first speaker was Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner. Then a
    number of young people recently returned from Lebanon spoke about
    their experiences of this latest war. The last speaker was one of the
    organizers of the Armenians and the Left conference. Her rousing
    speech, reproduced below, was one of the best received at the rally.
    The protest ended with a candlelight vigil.

    Thus spoke Alik:

    I am a Lebanese-Armenian-American, and I have five questions to
    president George Bush.

    Mr. President,
    Why is it that you endlessly bring up Israel's right to exist to
    support its barbaric attacks that are destroying Lebanon and the
    Lebanese people?
    Is it because you think Lebanon does not have that same right to

    Why is it that you are so excited about this UN Resolution 1559 that
    you so enthusiastically support Israel's illegal war on a whole
    How come you and your predecessors didn't give a damn about UN
    Resolution 425, which called for the withdrawal of Israeli Forces
    from Southern Lebanon for 22 years, and which was finally imposed by
    force by the people whom you call terrorists.
    Is it because you think the rights of the Lebanese do not matter?

    Why is it that the killing of more than 800 Lebanese civilians does
    not move you enough to call for an immediate cease-fire?
    Is it because they are dark-skinned?
    Is it because some of them wear headscarves?

    Or do you think that they were used as human shields and therefore
    were responsible for their own deaths?
    Why is it that you so easily believe that the Lebanese are able to
    use their own family members as human shields?
    Why do you so easily believe that the Lebanese sacrifice their women,
    children and elderly like sheep?
    Is it because you do not think they are human?

    And finally, Mr. President,
    If the bombing of Israeli civilians is terrorism, why is it that you
    call the aerial bombing of a minibus driving Lebanese civilians to
    What about the bombing of Lebanese children who were sleeping in a
    shelter, thinking they were safe?
    What do you call the bombing of an ambulance with a giant red cross
    on its top?
    Why isn't THAT terrorism?
    Is it because the lives of innocent Lebanese civilians are less
    valuable than those of Israelis?
    Or is it because you are RACIST?

    And to us, the people who are horrified when they witness the loss of
    innocent human lives, the people who are angered when they witness the
    destruction of a whole nation, the people who are outraged when they
    witness the indifference of world leaders, here's what Martin Luther
    King Jr. would have probably said to comfort us:
    "The arc of history is long, but it bends towards Justice."