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Armenian Activist Reports from Anti-War Protest in NYC

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  • Armenian Activist Reports from Anti-War Protest in NYC
    A ug 6 2006

    Armenian Activist Reports from Anti-War Protest in NYC

    Photo by Aramazt Kalayjian On Saturday 8/5/06 at 4 pm, an Anti-War
    protest took place in Times Square, NYC. The rally was sponsored by
    Al-Awda, NY; the Arab American Muslim Federation; Defend Palestine
    NY; International Action Center; NJ Solidarity Activists for the
    Liberation of Palestine; Jorge Marin, Martin Luther King, Jr,
    Bolivian Circle; Josue Renaud, NE Human Rights Org. For Haiti, Chuck
    Turner of Boston City Council.

    The attendance was much more significant then at the previous rally
    held in front of Israel's Mission to the UN, not only because it was
    held on a weekend day but also due to the fact that the outreach
    through emails had been more effective and widespread. The relative
    small attendance by the Arab community can be ascribed to this group
    having been so closely monitored and persecuted by the US authorities
    that many are now afraid (especially those with a precarious visa
    status) to be seen as supporters of any Arab cause.

    The protesters were easily in excess of a thousand. The Armenian
    contingent was made of about 12 individuals, almost all familiar
    faces from the Armenian and the Left Conference. Many held signs that
    said "Armenians in solidarity with Lebanon." We discussed the current
    political situation, exchanged information, as well as listened to
    the speakers.

    As was the case with the previous protest-rally, this one too was
    packed with energetic slogans and chants. The speeches came from
    various ethnic, religious, and human rights groups and the speakers
    expressed their solidarity with the Lebanese and Palestinian people
    while condemning Israeli and US policies. There were speakers
    representing Iranians, Cubans, Palestinians, Arabs, LGBT, Filipino,
    African-Americans, Orthodox Jews, etc. as well as those representing
    the various leftist organizations that sponsored the rally.

    The most memorable and poignant speeches were those by Rashid Khalidi
    and Ramsey Clark. The latter asked that we cut US military budget by
    70% so the US can offer better education and universal free health
    care to children rather than kill children with US made bombs.

    Unlike the Boston rally on 8/2 there were no Armenian speakers in NYC
    -- something that needs to be changed. The rally ended with a march
    to the Exxon-Mobile building.

    Maro Matossian