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Anniversary is a time of reflection for the families

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  • Anniversary is a time of reflection for the families

    Anniversary is a time of reflection for the families
    By John Leonidou

    Cyprus Mail
    13 Aug 06

    IT WAS meant to be day of excitement for most of the passengers on
    board Helios Airways flight ZU 522 as families boarded for their
    summer holidays. It ended a day of national tragedy, shock and
    mourning as their plane crashed into the hills of Grammatikos near
    Athens, killing all 121 passengers and crew on board.

    On the eve of the first anniversary of the disaster - the worst
    inCypriot aviation history - the Head of the Helios Crash Victims
    Relatives Committee Nicolas Yiasoumis told the Sunday Mail, `This is a
    very sad time for us as the anniversary approaches.

    `Memories of that fateful day come back to us, in which we said
    goodbye, or rather au revoir, to our relatives who were going on
    holiday only to be told some hours later that we were not to see them
    again... ever.' Around 190 relatives of the victims will fly to
    Grammatikos to attend a memorial service tomorrow, August 14, he said,
    `and then pray at the site of the disaster'.

    Twelve entire Cypriot families, including a family of four Armenian
    Cypriots, were wiped out in last August's horrific crash. The
    youngest victim was four years old.

    In all, 17 children under the age of 16 died in the crash. Three of
    the children, aged 16, 14 and five died along with their parents.

    The oldest passengers were a couple aged 63 and 65.

    Few people in Cyprus did not know one of the victims, but places like
    Paralimni and Dhali lost more than most.

    Sixteen resident of Paralimni died, half of them children.

    Three entire families from the town were wiped out, including Christos
    Pyrillis 40, his wife Antonia, 36 and their three children Eva 12,
    Xenios 10 and Marcos six, who had gone on a week-long holiday

    Another Cypriot family in Paralimni, who were visiting from Australia,
    left their 20-month old baby at home with its grandparents because it
    had a fever. The boy, George Xiourouppa, is now an orphan.

    His father Demos, 39, his mother Margarita, 34, and sisters Sophia,
    10, and Joanna, nine, died in the crash.

    It has been a daunting time for the relatives, who have had to go on
    with their lives thinking of what might have been had their loved ones
    just nothad chosen that day or that plane to fly.

    The relatives' committee was formed in the aftermath of the crash`to
    protect the orphans who have been left behind by this horrible
    event,' said Yiasoumis.

    Maintaining those rights has not been without its problems.

    The relatives have more than once come into confrontation with the
    Communications Ministry, mainly over what they believe is the
    Ministry's loose handling of some of Helios Airways' activities
    after the accident.

    But as the eve of the anniversary approaches, Yiasoumis believes that
    it is a time of reflection and a time to remind ourselves that those
    responsible must not escape unpunished.

    `I call on the authorities also to reflect on what happened and get to
    find out once and for all what happened aboard Helios Airways flight
    ZU 522,' said Yiasoumis.

    He added: `However, right now we are just waiting for the commentsof
    Boeing and Helios to be reviewed so Mr Kallis' investigating team in
    Cyprus can get to work and bring those responsible to justice.'