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Diplomatic Post Tangled In History

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  • Diplomatic Post Tangled In History

    by Michael Doyle

    Star Tribune (Minneapolis, MN)
    August 6, 2006 Sunday
    Sunday First City Edition

    The U.S. ambassadorship to Armenia is snagged on the nominee's refusal
    to call the slaughter of Armenians genocide.

    Washington, D.C.

    Armenian American activists are flexing their muscles to block approval
    of a new U.S. ambassador to Armenia.

    The delay is temporary, and career diplomat Richard Hoagland is
    probably still a good bet to win the Yerevan posting. He must wait,
    though, in a vivid illustration of how ethnic constituencies exert
    political clout.

    "We're pretty fortunate to have leaders who do listen to what we have
    to say," said Hygo Ohannessian, chairwoman of the Armenian National
    Committee's Central California chapter. "They know how the community

    Instead of routinely confirming President Bush's nominee as scheduled
    last week , the GOP-controlled Senate Foreign Relations Committee
    pushed Hoagland's fate over into September.

    Instigated by Democratic Sens. Joseph Biden of Delaware and John Kerry
    of Massachusetts, the confirmation delay is a symbolic gesture, a
    ratcheting up of pressure and a reflection of what Armenian National
    Congress spokeswoman Elizabeth Chouldjian termed a "full-bore,
    nationwide grassroots campaign."

    Sen. Norm Coleman of Minnesota last week became the first Republican
    to announce his opposition. Coleman, who is Jewish, told the Associated
    Press that he feels "heightened sensitivity to the reality of genocide
    and mass murder, and the importance of recognizing it for what it is."

    Chouldjian said she has sent out e-mail advisories to about 50,000
    activists nationwide and a postal mailing to an additional 15,000.

    "It's like anything; not everyone is involved," Ohannessian said,
    "but those that are interested in this, are quite interested."

    The activists and the senators dispute the Bush administration's
    refusal to acknowledge an Armenian genocide.

    Hoagland, a 21-year State Department veteran and one-time ambassador
    to Tajikistan, likewise sidestepped the word "genocide" at his June
    28 confirmation hearing. Instead, he used words like "horrific" and
    "tragedy" to describe the slaughter and deprivations in the Ottoman
    Empire between 1918 and 1923.

    Hoagland's own ambassadorial qualifications have not been questioned.

    Rather, he is more of a political hostage. The ambassador he seeks
    to replace, John Evans, is a diplomatic lame duck after apparently
    angering State Department officials with his public references to an
    Armenian genocide.

    "Mr. Hoagland is caught in the middle of the situation," said Natalie
    Ravitz, spokeswoman for Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif.

    Boxer is one of nine Senate Foreign Relations Committee members to
    press Hoagland on the Armenian genocide issue in follow-up written
    questions. The questions from Armenia's supporters are blunt; the
    answers are unfailingly discreet.

    "Please provide the State Department's definition of the term
    `genocide' and an explanation of how the killing and forced exile of
    1.5 million Armenians between 1915-1923 fails to meet that definition,"
    Boxer urged.

    Hoagland replied that "this tragedy is of such enormous human
    significance that its historical assessment should be based not on
    politics, but through heartfelt introspection among civic leaders,
    scholars and the societies at large."

    Although they don't vote on nominations, House members have likewise
    been weighing in. With 159 members, the Congressional Caucus on
    Armenian Issues has rallied. Sixty-one House members wrote the State
    Department protesting Evans' removal, including Minnesota Democrats
    Collin Peterson and Betty McCollum.

    Still, when the dust settles, most nominated ambassadors win
    confirmation. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has held hearings
    on 476 nominations since President Bush took office in January 2001,
    committee records show. Only a handful of would-be ambassadors have
    had their nominations thrown back to the White House.

    "Defining `winning' is always a challenge," said Bryan Ardouny,
    executive director of the Armenian Assembly of America, "but this has
    been a very good opportunity to have U.S. senators look at history
    and understand the past."