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Armenia's Population Has Tendency For Aging

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  • Armenia's Population Has Tendency For Aging

    14.08.2006 20:59

    The Armenian population has a tendency for aging, the Armenian National
    Statistical Service reports. In particular, according to the NSS,
    the Armenian population currently totals 3,219,000, people at the age
    from 40 to 64 totaling 915,700. At the same time, the population above
    65 totals 346,500. The number of youth and middle-aged people from 15
    to 39 years totals 879,600. Children under 14 total 664,500 in Armenia.

    According to the NSS, 1.2mln out of the 3,215,000 people - the total
    number of the population, were young and middle-aged people. People
    at the age from 40 to 64 totaled 907,000, and those above 65 -
    337,700. At the same time, children under 14 totaled 659,800, ARKA
    news agency reported.

    While analyzing the data, it becomes clear that the number of youth
    and middle-aged people in 2006 decreased by 396,000 people compared
    with 2005. At the same time, the population at the age from 40 to 64
    increased from 907,000 to 915,000 - more 8700 people. And the number
    of people above 65 increased by 8800 in 2006 compared with 2005.

    According to the data from Demoscope magazine, the population aging
    is typical not only to Armenia, but also all the CIS countries.

    "Over the last years, the decrease in the number of children (0-14
    years), and, to a greater or lesser extent, the increase in the
    number of people at the age above 65 has become typical to all the
    CIS countries.

    At that, the middle age of the Ukrainian population is the highest: in
    1989 it reached 37, and in 2001 - already 39. The Russian population's
    middle age is slightly less - 35 and 38, Belarus' - 35 and 37, and
    Georgia's - 34 and 36.

    At the same time, the youngest population in the Commonwealth of
    Independent States is in Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, where the
    middle age totals only 23 years.However, the according to the official
    statistics, the overall population in Armenia steadily grows.

    In 2006, the country's population has totaled 3,219,000 people, in
    2005 it was - 3,215,000, in 2004 - 3,212,000, in 2003 - 3,210,000. In
    the first half of 2006 alone, the population grew by 0.2ths people
    compared wit the corresponding period of 2005.

    The similar population growth process is also typical to the other
    countries of the South Caucasian region. For example, the Azerbaijani
    population's number increased by 47,000 over the first half of 2006,
    and reached 8,483,000 by July 1.

    In Georgia, the population grew by 79,800 or 1.8% for 2005, and
    as of January 1, 2006, it totaled 4,401,300. At the same time, the
    department of statistics at the Ministry of Economic Development of
    Georgia reports that these figures do not include the population that
    is not under the jusdiction of the Georgian central authorities.

    According to the department, the births totaled 3528 in the country
    in 2005, which was the highest indicator after 1999 (1511 people).

    At the beginning of 2006, the overall number of the CIS population
    totaled 279mln.