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ANC-PN NEWS: ANC-PN Concludes Second Annual Trip to Armenia

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  • ANC-PN NEWS: ANC-PN Concludes Second Annual Trip to Armenia

    Armenian National Committee - Professional Network
    104 North Belmont Street, Suite 200
    Glendale, California 91206
    Phone: 818.500.3500 Fax: 818.246.7353
    [email protected]
    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +

    For Immediate Release: Friday, August 11, 2006

    Contact: Lerna Kayserian
    Tel: (818) 500-3500


    YEREVAN, ARMENIA - The Armenian National Committee - Professional Network
    (ANC-PN) hosted its 2nd Annual summer trip to Armenia this August. Over 20
    Armenian American young professionals embarked on a 14 day trip to the
    Republics of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The participants began their journey at Zvartnotz International Airport on
    Saturday, July 15th and spent their days visiting Khor Virab Monastery,
    Dzidzernagapert, the Madenataran, Yeraplur National Cemetery, Etchmiadzin,
    Sardarabad, the temple of Garni, Geghard Monastery and Lake Sevan, among
    other historic places. The participants also toured various museums such as
    the Erebuni Museum and the National Gallery and attended several academic

    Five days into their journey to their homeland, the ANC-PN trip participants
    visited the Armenian Revolutionary Federation's (ARF) Bureau Office, where
    they attended a lecture delivered by Giro Manoyan, Director of ARF Bureau's
    Central Hai Tahd Office. Manoyan touched on number of topics, including the
    upcoming parliamentary elections in 2007 and the presidential election in
    2008, challenges facing Nagorno-Karabagh, the status of Turkish- Armenian
    relations and the current situation in Javakhk. Following the lecture, the
    group arrived at the National Assembly, where they toured the chambers of
    the Parliament and met with Vahan Hovanissian, National Assembly
    Vice-Speaker and ARF Bureau member and Armen Rustamian, ARF Armenia Supreme
    Body Representative and Chairman of the National Assembly's Foreign
    Relations Committee.

    "Meeting with dignitaries and leaders of the ARF gave me a greater
    understanding of the current state of affairs in our homeland as well as the
    challenges facing our nation. I am grateful to the ANC-PN for organizing
    this trip to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabagh," commented Vicken Chitilian,
    ANC-PN trip participant.

    A major highlight of the trip was a four day excursion to Nagorno-Karabakh,
    which included visits to Gandzasar Monastery, Nigol Douman Museum, and the
    cities of Shoushi and Stepanagerd. While in Stepanagerd, participants
    attended a roundtable discussion at the ARF office in Stepanagerd. The
    discussion was led by ARF representative Ara Balozyan, who engaged the
    attendees in a discussion about the challenges and opportunities facing the
    government of Nagorno-Karabagh.

    Participants also spent a day in Ashan, a village located in the Martuni
    region, where funds raised from the ANC-PN's 2004 and 2005 Christmas Party
    were used to improve and renew one of the Armenian Relief Society's Sosseh
    schools. Funds were also donated by last year's Armenia trip participants to
    purchase new computers for Ashan's Anita Hovsepian school.

    Upon their return from Nagorno Karabagh, ANC-PN trip participants attended a
    presentation on the California International Trade and Investment Office
    (CATO). CATO, operating under the auspices of the California Business,
    Transportation and Housing Agency, assists California companies to increase
    their sales to Armenia and the Newly Independent States of the former Soviet
    Union. Dr. Arthur Khachatryan, Director of the office in Yerevan, gave a
    briefing on CATO goals, operations, and sources of funding. Chairman of the
    Armenian National Committee of America - Western Region (ANCA-WR), Steven J.
    Dadaian and ANCA-WR Board Member Armen Martin were also present at the

    The ANC-PN also organized a forum for trip participants entitled "Business
    in Armenia for Diasporans", which exposed attendees to the challenges facing
    diasporans in Armenia who are currently doing business in their homeland.
    Among the repatriates that participated in the forum were Madlene Minassian,
    Director of Public Relations and Events for the Cafesjian Museum Foundation,
    Alex Sardar, Chief of Party for USAID's Civic Advocacy Support Program,
    Vahan Bournazian, Faculty at the American University of Armenia (AUA) Law
    Department, and Arsineh Khachikian, Creative Director of Deem
    Communications, Edit Khachatryan, Executive Director of International Legal
    Consulting, and Tom Samuelian, Attorney at Arlex International and faculty
    of AUA.

    After 14 days of being immersed in their homeland, the group returned home
    on July 28, 2006. The leadership of the ANC-PN, encouraged by the positive
    feedback received from the trip participants, is proud to offer such an
    informative and enlightening experience for young Armenian American

    The Armenian National Committee Professional Network (ANC-PN) is an
    association composed of Armenian American professionals living in the
    western United States. Beginning with nine original members, the ANC-PN has
    grown to hundreds of active members. ANC-PN members are brought together by
    heritage, social responsibility and a desire to expand the civic awareness
    and involvement of Armenian American professionals working in both the
    public and private sectors. The ANC-PN values excellence in education,
    professional pursuits and leadership skills. ANC-PN members achieve
    excellence through integrity, empowerment, diversity and continuous
    improvement - the skills and attributes needed to succeed in today's world.
    In an open and inviting atmosphere, the ANC-PN appeals to civic minded
    Armenian American professionals of all political persuasions who want to
    advance the Armenian cause.