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International Aviation Controls Over Its Activity Independently

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  • International Aviation Controls Over Its Activity Independently


    Yerevan, August 14. ArmInfo. The crash of Armavia's A-320 and the
    investigation of its causes continue being the key topic of the
    Armenian press, especially after the crash of Siberia's A-310.

    When A-320 crashed, the International Aviation Committee (IAC) said
    semi-officially that the crash was caused by the fault of the pilots.

    After the crash in Irkutsk, IAC also hurried to blame the crew, but
    this time, unlike the A-320 case, it faced much stronger resistance
    and later said it was caused by technical problems. The newspaper
    cites a document adopted by Russia's Federation Council in July:
    "The recent chain of air accidents within a short period of time
    has proved that there is an urgent need to improve the technical
    control over airports and planes and to raise the qualification of
    air personnel. In the last years Russia's civil aviation sector has
    got into serious crisis." The Russian senators specially noted the
    necessity of delimiting the powers of certification and air accident
    investigation. The logic is that a crash may well happen through the
    fault of the one who has issued the certificate. So, it is inadmissible
    that IAC control its own self.

    The last two big air crashes - A-320 and A-310 - have vividly shown
    what negative consequences self-control may have, say Armenian experts.

    Iravunk says it is not for the first time that the Kremlin questions
    IAC's efficiency. In 2003, after IAC's ban on IL-86 flights, Vice
    Speaker of Russia's State Duma Vladimir Zhirinovsky said: "They have
    put a ban on the safest air liner. 5 Boeings fall every year, and our
    Transaero (company whose 45% belong to the family of IAC Chairwoman
    Tatiana Anodina and 3.25% to her personally) is engaged in lobbying.

    Why did they ban IL-86? Because Transaero buys only foreign planes.

    This will only benefit them, while for our economy this will be a heavy
    blow, and huge money will again start flowing out of the country."

    After the ban on IL-86, the State Duma asked the Russian President
    to consider stopping IAC's activities. They said: "The State Duma
    believes that the International Aviation Committee, set up in 1991,
    does not contribute to the strengthening of the aviation security as
    IAC has undertaken functions it didn't have initially: certification
    of radio-technical equipment, engines and signal systems of Russian
    planes. As a non-governmental organization IAC does not pay taxes
    from the profits it gets from certification and spends colossal sums
    to meet its own purposes rather than to raise the aviation security.

    With both the certification and air crash investigation functions
    in its hands, IAC prefers to say that all air crashes are caused by
    "human factor" rather than by the state of air equipment."

    Such combination of functions permits the IAC not to be responsible for
    air catastrophes and lay all the blame on the pilots. The deputies of
    the Russian Parliament considered that certification of airplanes and
    air crash investigations must be realized by structures, controlled by
    the Government. They came to conclusion that the IAC activity on the
    territory of the Russian Federation does not benefit the country. The
    deputies found at last necessary to dismiss IAC and establish national
    governmental structures for the supervision on civil aviation.

    Those days the Russian press reported that the IAC gave permission
    for "Il" flights and started active lobbying in order to prevent its
    dismissal from Russia. Taking into account that the Committee exists
    so far, it is clear that the lobbying was a success. The Committee
    also managed to make use of its status of an international structure.

    It was found in 1991 by the initiative of 12 states and has never
    been reformed since then, although numerous constitutor countries
    left it for different reasons. The officers of the IAC have immunity
    and are not to be brought to any criminal responsibility even after
    their resignation. Thus, the Committee can cause the state a damage
    of many million dollars (by such groundless prohibition of "Il-86"
    flights) and suffer no punishment for that. IAC will not be brought
    to responsibility even in case it is found out that the ArmAvia A-320
    air liner crashed at the fault of the Sochi airport, certified by
    the IAC. It must also be noted that since 1991 head of IAC Tatiana
    Anodina has had status of a Russian Federal Minister, although the
    Committee has never been a part of the Federal system.

    The Armenian 'Iravukn' newspaper calls upon the Civil Aviation
    Department and the Government of Armenia to make certain obvious
    conclusions of the A-320 crash investigation story. To the opinion
    of 'Iravaunk' staff it is important that independent international
    structures once again investigate the catastrophe. Their impartial
    estimation would permit the Armenian aviators to decide whether the
    activity of the IAC is welcome in Armenia or not. 'Iravunk' says it
    is time for the Armenian aviation to take example of Russia and start
    thinking of developing the aviation system of Armenia.