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Putin Meets Eurasian Economic Community Counterparts In Sochi

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  • Putin Meets Eurasian Economic Community Counterparts In Sochi


    Channel One Worldwide (for Europe), Moscow
    15 Aug 06

    [Presenter] A summit of the Eurasian Economic Community, EAEC, is
    opening in Sochi right now. [passage omitted] Our correspondent Pavel
    Pchelkin is speaking with us live from Sochi.

    [Correspondent] Hello. You can see that it is already late evening
    here. It is not by accident that the opening of the summit was
    scheduled for the evening. It has long been very hot in Sochi, more
    than 30 degrees centigrade and absolute humidity. It was decided
    that the meeting should open after the temperature had subsided. The
    meeting is informal. The leaders came to visit Vladimir Putin in
    order to discuss without rush ways of speeding up integration with
    the EAEC. It will be unusually long for such summits and will last
    three days. [passage omitted]

    Before the start of the summit, Vladimir Putin met Nursultan
    Nazarbayev, the president of Kazakhstan. This country, like Russia,
    is in fact the driving force of post-Soviet integration processes.

    Our economies are developing energetically and this is pushing them
    towards acting in concert, opening up commodity, service and capital
    flows. [passage omitted]

    [Putin] Relations between Russia and Kazakhstan are developing rather
    effectively, including in the humanitarian sphere and in the economy.

    They have remained very good on the political level. Our foreign
    ministries are cooperating nonstop, agreeing their positions on
    the main international problems. And I do expect that Kazakhstan
    will play a part in the international arena. I am referring to the
    possibility of Kazakhstan taking over the OSCE presidency. We will
    provide comprehensive support for the candidacy of Kazakhstan.

    [Nazarbayev, in Russian] I am always ready to discuss integration
    within the scope of the EAEC. This is why we gathered here. I can see
    and feel that very interesting things are happening. We have prepared
    38 documents on the Single Economic Space. An agreement has been
    prepared on reciprocal transit of goods via Kazakh territory and the
    transit of Russian goods to Central Asia and China via our territory.

    [Correspondent] The Russian president today also met his Armenian
    counterpart, Robert Kocharyan. Armenia is an EAEC observer. [passage

    [Putin] As regards our economic relations, trade turnover is growing.

    And I am certain the outlook for growth in the near future is good.

    There are more than just projects. There is the desire of the business
    community to develop partnership.

    [Kocharyan, in Russian] I agree that the trade turnover is growing.

    The positive dynamic trend is just excellent. There is a whole range
    of very promising projects. Perhaps, we should now focus on the
    investment component. I am convinced that in this case the future
    will be exceptionally good.

    [Putin] Excellent.

    [Correspondent] I will just add that the summit is informal. [passage

    [A report by ITAR-TASS news agency at 1537 gmt quoted Nazarbayev
    as saying Russia and Kazakhstan planned to sign an agreement on
    cooperation in the gas sphere that would develop the memorandum signed
    in St Petersburg in July. This envisages the establishment of a joint
    venture to develop the Karachaganak gas deposit.

    "In October during the meeting of governors of border regions in
    Uralsk, we will sign an agreement on gas, as well as several other
    agreements, including one to simplify border crossing arrangements,"
    Nazarbayev said, according to the agency. Nazarbayev added that
    the agreement on transit freight would increase goods traffic by 30
    per cent.]