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Tigran The Great's Citadel Found In Artsakh

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  • Tigran The Great's Citadel Found In Artsakh


    AZG Armenian Daily

    August 10, The expedition "Tigranakert" of the institute of Archaeology
    and Ethnology of the Academy of Sciences of Republic of Armenia
    with the initiative and financing of "France-Karabagh" and "Yerkir"
    Union of NGOs for Repatriation and Settlement has made astounding
    discoveries. The expedition, led by the Doctor of Historical Sciences
    Hamlet Petrosian, managed to find the citadel constructed by Tigran
    The Great. The structure was built by huge plain stone blocks tied
    to each other with the so-called "swallow-tail bounds" - an advanced
    Hellenic technique. Such a complicated and advanced technique is used
    here for the first time and serves as evidence for the hypothesis
    of the research group, in particular that Tigranakert of Artsakh is
    located at the same place as the current archaeological excavation. One
    of the fenced terraces of the city, which is also constructed from
    plain blocks, is also under excavation. The excavations of the urban
    district and adjacent burial mounds have also been initiated.

    These excavations have come to prove that Armenian identity has been
    present in the lower stream of Khachenaget (former region of Aghdam)
    at least since the first century B.C.

    The same article in French

    Le 10 août 2006, l'expedition archeologique "Dikranakert d'Artsakh" a
    l'initiative de l'Union Yerkir et de France-Karabagh en partenariat
    avec l'institut d'archeologie et d'ethnologie de l'academie
    des sciences de la Republique d'Armenie a fait des decouvertes
    etonnantes. L'expedition, menee par l'archeologue Hamlet Petrossian
    est parvenue a trouver la citadelle de la ville construite par Dikran
    Le Grand. La structure a ete construite par des blocs de pierres
    attaches entre eux avec la technique hellenique innovatrice pour
    l'epoque dite de "la queue de l'hirondelle". Les fouilles de la zone
    urbaine et des monticules adjacents ont ete egalement lancees.

    Ces decouvertes prouvent que la presence armenienne est anterieure a
    l'epoque de Khatchenaked (ancienne region d'Aghdam, VI-eme siècle) et
    que les armeniens sont present dans la region depuis le 1-er siècle av.
