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Entrants Of Philological Departments Get In General Low Points On "A

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  • Entrants Of Philological Departments Get In General Low Points On "A


    Noyan Tapan
    Aug 16 2006

    YEREVAN, AUGUST 16, NOYAN TAPAN. Entrance exams of institutions of
    higher education finished on August 16. More than 12400 entrants
    were, in total, to participate in them. As Lilit Galstian, the
    Republican Entrance Commission Responsible for Press informed the
    Noyan Tapan correspondent, the exams went on in a calm atmosphere,
    no extreme incident was fixed. It, according to him, is provided by
    the circumstance that all, including entrants and parents, adapted
    to exams having been held in the same order for more than 10 years.

    According to L.Galstian, entrance commissions kept the same standards
    and principles of estimation, so "no flights of the average mark"
    were fixed. According to L.Galstian's words, this year as well,
    a "hot struggle" will be promoted for departments of the "Law,"
    "Economy" and "International Relations" professions.

    And taking into account results of exams on the "Mathematics" and
    "Physics" subjects, it's possible that the transitional point for
    departments of a number of natural and technical professions will
    be 0.5-1 point lower, compared with the previous year. According
    to the observation of the REC Responsible for Press, it's possible
    that vacant paid places will remain at philological departments
    as entrants chosen that faculty, in general, got low points on the
    "Armenian History" subject. It was also mentioned that as of August
    14, 3880 entrants got unsatisfactory marks and 8072 ones got 18-20
    points. Most of 18-20 points were for the "Armenian Language,"
    3337, and the "English Language," 2508, written exams. No 20 points
    were fixed in exams on the "Biology," oral "French Language" and
    "Russian Language," "History of Armenian People," "General History,"
    "Geography," "Creative Competition" and "Chemistry" subjects.

    Most of unsatisfactory marks were fixed for the "Mathematics," 1315,
    and "Physics," 591, subjects. 136 written works were presented for
    appeal till now, marks of 33 of which were raised by 0.5-1 point,
    and of 4 were reduced by 0.5-1 point.