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Policy Watch: Azerbaijan's Geopolitics

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  • Policy Watch: Azerbaijan's Geopolitics

    By Mark N. Katz

    United Press International
    Aug. 20, 2006

    WASHINGTON, Aug. 20 (UPI) -- The geopolitics of Azerbaijan are
    complex. And they could become even more so.

    But first, something must be said about what exactly geopolitics are,
    and what is involved.

    1. Identifying a country's strengths and weakness vis-a-vis others,
    but also the rivalries and alliances of that country, its neighbors,
    and global and regional powers concerned with it;

    2. Assessing whether these strengths and weaknesses, rivalries and
    alliances are stable or likely to change; and

    3. Exploring the impact of change in any of these on the existing
    rivalries and alliances concerning a country.

    Complicating all this is that a country's geopolitics can be different
    with regard to different issues. This applies to Azerbaijan, where
    there are five important geopolitical issues: pipelines, division of
    the Caspian, Nagorno-Karabakh, Southern Azerbaijan, democratization.

    Pipelines: When first proposed, it was uncertain whether the
    Baku-Ceyhan pipeline from Azerbaijan's oil fields through Georgia and
    Turkey to the Mediterranean coast would ever be built, or whether Azeri
    oil would continue to be exported via the existing pipeline through
    Russia -- with all it implied for continued Russian predominance in
    Azerbaijan. But Baku-Ceyhan was built, is functioning, and Azerbaijan
    is less dependent on Russia.

    On the pipeline issue, Azerbaijan's allies are the U.S., EU, Turkey,
    and Georgia, while its rivals are Russia and Iran (both of which
    would have preferred Azeri oil to transit their territory).

    The issue now is: Can a pipeline under the Caspian be built so that
    Kazakhstan can export oil via Azerbaijan, thus also reducing its
    dependence on exporting via Russia? Russia could block this project if
    it wanted. But this would be self-defeating since Kazakhstan can also
    export its oil eastward to China. Azerbaijan is in a good position
    regarding its own oil exports.

    Possible side effect?

    A U.S.-Iranian rapprochement: Azeri oil could then also be exported
    via Iran since the U.S. would no longer object. But a U.S.-Iranian
    rapprochement does not seem likely any time soon.

    Turmoil in Turkey and/or Georgia: Either would shut down Baku-Ceyhan.

    Both are possible. Indeed, Russia seems to be working for this in
    Georgia. Azerbaijan would then have to export oil either via Russia
    or Iran. Absent a U.S.-Iranian rapprochement, its oil would probably
    have to go through Russia -- and be subject to Russian obstruction.

    Caspian Delimitation: Ever since the collapse of the USSR, the
    maritime border in the Caspian between Iran and Azerbaijan has been
    in dispute. Further, significant oil deposits are believed to be in
    the disputed area. Since July 2001 when Iran successfully employed
    gunboat diplomacy to halt British Petroleum exploring in the disputed
    area on Azerbaijan's behalf, no further exploration has been possible.

    On the Caspian delimitation issue, Azerbaijan's allies are Russia,
    Kazakhstan, Turkey, and the U.S., while its rivals are Iran and
    Turkmenistan (which also has a boundary dispute with Azerbaijan in the
    Caspian). Neutral (or more accurately, neutralized) parties include
    EU countries with oil interests in Iran that they do not wish to risk
    by supporting Azerbaijan.

    Azerbaijan's allies here, though, are not all allied with each other.

    Russia in particular does not want "outside" powers (the U.S. and
    Turkey) to be involved. Azerbaijan is nervous about depending solely
    on Russia for support against Iran. It is possible that Azerbaijan and
    Iran could reach a compromise on this issue. Until then, stalemate
    is likely to continue. A U.S.-Iranian rapprochement would probably
    result in the U.S. being less an ally of Azerbaijan on this and more
    of a neutral.

    Nagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan lost this region as well as other
    territory to Armenia in fighting that took place in the years just
    before and after the breakup of the USSR. A cold peace has lasted up
    to the present with Azerbaijan unable to get back any of the territory
    occupied by Armenia.

    On the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, Azerbaijan's only real ally is Turkey,
    while its rivals are Armenia, Russia, and (because of the Southern
    Azerbaijan issue that will be discussed next) Iran. Torn between the
    desire both to please their influential Armenian diaspora communities
    and to obtain Azeri oil, the U.S. and the EU have made efforts to
    resolve this conflict, but so far without success.

    Azerbaijan might hope one day to use its increasing oil wealth to
    build up its forces vis-a-vis Armenia, but Azerbaijan's unfavorable
    geopolitical position vis-a-vis Armenia casts doubt on its ability
    to regain any territory from Armenia by force.

    One possible change that could affect this calculation would be
    the rise to power of a nationalist or Islamist government in Turkey
    alienated from America and the EU -- which is something that might
    well occur if Turkish aspirations to join the EU are spurned. Such
    a Turkey might threaten the use of force against Armenia unless it
    relinquishes the territory it captured from Azerbaijan. Under these
    circumstances, Russia, the U.S., and even Iran might support Armenia.

    A regional war could develop.

    Southern Azerbaijan: There are more Azeris living in Iran than
    in independent, former Soviet Azerbaijan. Baku has been extremely
    self-restrained about the "Southern Azerbaijan" issue. But unrest
    among Azeris in Iran has been increasing.

    If the situation worsens, Tehran is unlikely to blame itself for
    this state of affairs but to blame Azerbaijan. If Tehran believes
    (whether accurately or not) that Baku is seeking the breakup of Iran,
    it might well behave threateningly toward Azerbaijan.

    Although no other country supports Azeri secession from Iran,
    Azerbaijan's allies in any Iranian-Azeri confrontation would be the
    U.S. and Turkey, while its principal rival would, by definition,
    be Iran. Russia would oppose both Iranian meddling in Azerbaijan
    and an American presence there too. The risk that this scenario
    might develop does not seem high at present, but Iran's mercurial
    president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has already demonstrated a proclivity
    for confrontational behavior.

    Democratization: Here we need to focus on the perceptions of
    the current authoritarian Azeri government -- which has already
    demonstrated its disinclination toward democratization as well as
    its inclination to halt meaningful progress toward it.

    On the democratization issue, the Azeri government's main allies
    are Russia and Iran (which equate democratization with the spread of
    American influence), while it perceives as rivals the U.S., neighboring
    Georgia (where the "Rose Revolution" ushered in democratic government
    in 2003), and the EU.

    The current Azeri government fears that a democratic "color revolution"
    would lead to its downfall. Strong U.S. support for an Azeri democratic
    movement (or even the perception of it) could lead Azerbaijan to
    move closer to Russia and even make concessions to it in other areas
    in exchange for protection. The U.S. might even be pushed out of
    Azerbaijan. On the other hand, if a democratic revolution does occur
    -- either with or without much U.S. support, the U.S. probably would
    become closely allied to the new government.

    What this analysis shows is that, with the exception of Armenia, none
    of Azerbaijan's rivals are always rivals. And the Azeri government
    undoubtedly feels that none of its friends are always friends either.


    (Mark N. Katz is a professor of government and politics at George
    Mason University.)