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Baku Plotting Attack Against Armenian Diaspora And Mediators

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  • Baku Plotting Attack Against Armenian Diaspora And Mediators

    By Gayane Movsessian
    August 18, 2006

    Baku has discovered a new scapegoat for its diplomatic failures -
    the Armenian Diaspora.

    The activities of the Armenian Diaspora aimed at moral and material
    support to the policies of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh Republic have
    been bothering Azerbaijan and Turkey for a long time. The latter have
    been trying to oppress politically and economically the two Armenian
    states for more than ten years.

    There are very few people in Baku who do not talk about the
    "omnipresent and omnipotent Armenian lobby". The Azeris have been
    trying in vain to mobilize their nationals living abroad for the
    benefit of the homeland.

    At last, Ilham Aliyev decided to mobilize his diplomats against the
    successors of those who survived the Turkish yataghan and escaped to
    different parts of the world from the Western Armenia. At a meeting
    with representatives of diplomatic missions in Baku Aliyev expressed
    his concern that the international community's sympathy lies with
    Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh. He demanded that all Azeri diplomats
    exert their best efforts to change the situation.

    "We have to launch an information attack and reveal the true nature of
    Armenia's policies," Aliyev stated expressing his discontent with the
    fact that the Azeri diplomacy fails to counter the activities of the
    Armenian Diaspora and change the international community's sympathy
    towards Azerbaijan. "The international community sympathizes with
    Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh," Aliyev stated in a very nervous manner
    and demanded that his diplomats do everything to change this situation.

    One can easily make guesses as to how this will be achieved: the
    Azeri propaganda machine will most likely increase the flow of lies
    and dirt poured against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh Republic in
    an attempt to present Azerbaijan as "the unfortunate victim of the
    Armenian aggression". Baku does not seem to care that Azerbaijan,
    with its population of 7-8 million people, its oil reserves and
    increasing wealth, sounds ridiculous because of its constant weeping
    and complaints against Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh Republic and its
    tendency of accusing everyone for its failures.

    OSCE Minsk Group might become another target for activation of Azeri
    diplomacy. At the same meeting with the Azeri diplomats a proposal was
    made that USA, Russia and France chair the Minsk Group on a rotation
    basis. Of course, the proposal was not made with the purpose of making
    the negotiation process more efficient. On the contrary, the Azeri
    diplomats are looking for a scapegoat to blame for the failures in
    the Karabakh negotiation process. Official Baku believes USA, Russia
    and France can be such scapegoats. It is interesting to know who will
    be the first one?