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"NKR Is Formated And Annnounced As An Independent Republic On Its L

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  • "NKR Is Formated And Annnounced As An Independent Republic On Its L

    21.08.2006 09:49

    "It is a fact that NKR is an independent and self-governmental republic
    with state institutions and civic society. The Azerbaijanian government
    can not accept this fact. The Azerbaijanian people have accepted this
    fact long ago.

    The government does not accept the NKR indepedance as in order to
    stay in the government they have to look for external enimies and
    have to load people with "all-national" problems. This is a strategy
    which unfortunatly has justified itself. In reality I have not noticed
    that the Azerbaijanian authorities have the wish to find the rational
    solution of the problem", said Arman Melikian, the counsellor of
    foreign policy issues of the NKR President, to "Radionews" .

    "I am more than confident: in order to solve the problem the NKR
    participation is nessecary and there are also some other problems
    which need to be disscused", Melikian added.

    "It is not new that Azerbaijan announces Nagorny Karabagh as a part
    of Azerbaijan, but this is not the reality" told the former minister
    of Foreign Affairs, now the counsellor of foreign policy issues of
    the NKR President Arman Melikyan, evaluating the ordinary document
    that Azerbaijan is spreading within UN.

    The other day the minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan Araz
    Azimov announced that in September new proposals are awaited from
    the Co-chairs of the Minsk Group and that this time "they will here
    constructive suggestions".

    According to the words of the counsellor of foreign policy issues of
    the NKR President it is good that Azimov has such an opinion but it
    would be better if we could hear such words from the Co-chairs . "I
    do not know maybe Azimov is the confidential person for them and he
    has the "right of the first news" and he may announce the news to
    the world", said Arman Melikyan in sarcastic tone.

    "Let the Co-chairs give their suggestions and we will see if it will
    be in September or in January, the time and circumstances will show",
    he added.

    Arman Melikyan also spoke about the caracterization of the suggestions
    of the Co-chairs by Azimov as "constructive", saying "As long as
    I have noticed these past years the suggestions of the Co-chairs
    have always been refused by Azerbaijan and I want to mention that
    "constructiveness" is different for Azerbaijan than it is in our
    imagination. We mix the reality with the desired".

    "I can agree that Azerbaijan does not want the existance of a second
    or third Armenian State on their land. But NKR has been formed and
    announced about itself on their land that has nothing common with
    Azerbaijan," mentioned the counsellor of the NKR President.

    Speaking about the current status of the peace process, Arman Melikyan
    expressed the opinion that there is nothing strange that Azerbaijan
    and Kharabagh were against the suggestions of the Co-chairs, but
    Armenia was not against with some abstemiousness.

    "We have to take into account that the status of Armenia in this
    negotiations is as much mediatory as the status of the Co-chairs
    is. Armenia is interested in the protection of its national interests,
    and on the other hand Armenia is interested in the quickening of the
    peace process. In that sense the position of Armenia is milder.

    Conerning some other problems, Arman Melikyan thinks that they can
    be solved in the framework of Azerbaijan-NKR negotiations. There are
    such problems where Armenia does not have the opportunity to tell
    its opinion.

    "For example, in the solving of the problem of the Armenian refugees of
    Azerbaijan. This is a problem that NKR has to arise and to solve. Or
    the problems concerning the territories under the control of NKR,
    or the problems concerning the Azerbaijani internal displaced
    persons. There is a package of Kharabagh-Azerbaijan bilateral
    negotiations, formulated the counsellor of foreign policy issues of
    the NKR President.

    According to his considerations, superpowers and other interested big
    centers have their strategy and as they tell it is easier to solve the
    problem in the framework of bilateral that in trilateral negotiations,
    but "I think that time will show that the negotiations have to be
    continued in other framework and have to include other problems that
    do not exist in the agenda now. I am more than sure that in order to
    overcome the dead lock the participation of Kharabagh and disscusion
    and solving of some other problems is mandatory ".

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress