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Children's Theatre Raises Awareness About The Health Risks Of Smokin

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  • Children's Theatre Raises Awareness About The Health Risks Of Smokin


    Source: World Vision Middle East/Eastern Europe office (MEERO)
    Reuters AlertNet, UK
    Aug. 21, 2006

    Children's theatre performances raised awareness of the dangers
    of smoking to other children during World Vision summer camps in
    different resort towns throughout Armenia this summer.

    'The Harm of smoking' was not only performed by children of the Lori
    Theatre Group, but they also wrote the script, designed the costumes
    and composed songs to spread the message amongst their peers.

    'Theatre performance is an effective and interesting way to convey the
    message to the young audience of different age groups,' said Larissa
    Gabrielyan, the music teacher who assisted with the song compositions.

    The performance began with the famous slogan "Healthy Soul in a Healthy
    Body". It depicted a 14-year-old boy who fell into a habit of smoking
    and was teaching his peers how to smoke. During the imaginary trial,
    he had to stand the accusations of his own lungs, heart, stomach,
    and brain that suffered as a result of smoking.

    'This performance gives a deeper understanding of the heath risk that
    smoking causes. For each person health is a priority. Smoking is one
    of the factors that damages health,' said 14-year-old Anna Babajanyan,
    the young actress from Lori.

    Smoking is a worldwide problem, and a real disaster for Armenia which
    is 6th in the world due to the number of smokers. In the country where
    two in three people smoke, and the number increases very quickly,
    especially among teenagers and even children under ten, urgent measures
    need to be taken.

    'Being healthy is very important to preserve the nation,' added
    15-year-old Khachik Nazaryan, who played the role of a decent boy
    who tried to explain the negative effects of smoking to his peers.

    Young actors were very enthusiastic and willing to participate in
    the performance. They do believe through these presentations they
    can make a change.

    'Smoking damages stomach, I didn't know that before,' said 10-year-old
    Lianna after the performance. 'It causes cancer, and shortens life!',
    exclaimed 11-year-old Hamazasp.

    The actors' efforts were much appreciated. Loud applause accompanied
    them everywhere they performed.

    The performances were staged with the information and material
    support of World Vision's Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition
    (MCHN) programme.

    After the performance within the frame of MCHN project WV Armenia
    conducted trainings for children on Healthy Life Style that included
    personal hygiene, healthy nutrition, physical activity, smoking,
    alcohol and drug abuse. At the end of the training, books "Eat Healthy,
    Act Healthy, Stay Healthy" were distributed among the children.

    [ Any views expressed in this article are those of the writer and
    not of Reuters. ]