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Armenian Massacres: New Records Undercut Old Blame

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  • Armenian Massacres: New Records Undercut Old Blame

    by Edward J. Erickson

    Middle East Forum, PA
    Aug. 21, 2006

    Reexamining History
    Middle East Quarterly
    Summer 2006

    The debate about the World War I deportation and massacre of Armenians
    in eastern Anatolia has become more contentious with time.

    Opponents of Turkey's European Union accession treat the Armenian
    question as original sin. Yet much of the historical debate upon
    which politicians pass judgment is tinged more by polemic than by
    fact. Nine decades after hundreds of thousands of Armenians-and
    millions of others-died during World War I, it is important to dig
    down into the archives to show what the historical record really says.

    There is little argument that many Armenians perished during World
    War I, but there remains significant historical dispute about whether
    Armenian civilians died in the fog of war or were murdered on the
    orders of the Ottoman government. More specifically, the debate
    about whether or not there was a genocide of Armenians rests upon
    three pillars: the record of the Turkish courts-martial of 1919-20
    during which the new Turkish government, formed following the defeat
    of the Ottoman Empire, tried and hanged some Ottoman officials
    for war crimes; documents produced in the Memoirs of Naim Bey, an
    account allegedly written by an Ottoman official claiming to have
    participated in the deportation of Armenians;[1] and the role of the
    "Special Organization" (Teþkilat-ý Mahsusa), somewhat equivalent to
    the Ottoman special forces.

    Recently, two researchers have debated the nature of the World
    War I Armenian massacres and, more specifically, the role in the
    massacres by the Special Organization and the group's relationship to
    a Prussian artillery officer known in the records only by his last
    name, Stange.[2] The first, Vahakn Dadrian, director of Genocide
    Research at the Zoryan Institute for Contemporary Armenian Research
    and Documentation, wrote that Stange was the "highest-ranking German
    guerilla commander operating in the Turko-Russian border," one of
    several "arch-accomplices in the implementation of the massacres," and
    a Special Organization commander.[3] Dadrian argued that the Ottoman
    government diverted the Special Organization units to deportation
    duty in rear areas where they became the principal agent in the
    Armenian massacres. He bases his claims against Stange on secondhand
    German reports of massacres in Stange's area of operations and uses
    controversial testimony from the 1919 Istanbul courts-martial
    proceedings to support his claim about Special Organization
    redeployments. Since that time, many parties have taken Dadrian's
    assertions at face value. [4]

    Last year, however, Guenter Lewy, a professor emeritus of
    political science at the University of Massachusetts, challenged
    Dadrian's findings on the grounds that Stange was neither a Special
    Organization guerilla leader nor did his unit operate in the area of
    the massacres.[5]

    In history, details matter. Given the importance that contemporary
    officials place on the events of nine decades past, clarifying
    Stange's operations is critical to the current debate. In this
    regard, the official 27-volume Turkish military history of the World
    War I campaigns, while seldom utilized in Western scholarship, is a
    valuable tool.[6] The volumes are not readily accessible to university
    researchers; they are only available at a single military bookstore on
    a restricted Turkish army compound in Ankara. Far from the politicized
    debate surrounding the massacres, these histories shed light on
    nitty-gritty details such as which officers and units were deployed
    where and when. Within the set, the Third Army histories help flesh
    out Stange's wartime record. [7] They were published simultaneously
    to Dadrian's 1993 article and so should not be dismissed as a Turkish
    response to Dadrian's work. They also provide an important source of
    information which Dadrian, genocide scholars, and other historians
    of the period have not yet taken into account.

    Ottoman Irregular Forces in Eastern Anatolia Analyzing the events of
    1915 requires an understanding of the Ottoman military for, too often,
    treatments of the period confuse units and muddle Ottoman military
    terms.[8] Between 1914-18, there were five groups of Ottoman military
    and paramilitary forces engaged on the Caucasian front. The Ottoman
    regular army was a uniformed conscript force led by professional
    officers who were trained in conventional military tactics and who
    responded to military discipline and orders.

    It fought on all Ottoman fronts during the war.

    Assisting them were the jandarma, a paramilitary gendarmerie or rural
    police force trained to military standards and led by professional
    officers. Every province had at least one mobile jandarma regiment
    and also numbers of static jandarma battalions.[9] The Ministry
    of the Interior controlled the jandarma in peacetime but, with the
    Ottoman mobilization on August 3, 1914, command passed to the Ministry
    of Defense.

    In addition, there was the tribal cavalry (aþiret, formerly
    the hamidiye). In 1910, the Ministry of Defense integrated the
    twenty-nine tribal cavalry regiments into the regular army. Used as
    both conventional cavalry and for internal security duties, members
    were mostly Kurdish and Circassian, poorly disciplined, and led by
    tribal chieftains.[10] However, in the army reorganization of 1913,
    these regiments were reclassified as reserve cavalry (ihtiyat suvari)
    regiments of the regular Ottoman army.

    The gonullu, paramilitary volunteer forces, allowed Turks and Islamic
    ethnic groups living outside the Ottoman Empire to join the war
    effort and fight together.[11] These were often poorly led and armed
    but organized into units so that they could assist the regular army
    in both combat and non-combat operations. During World War I, most
    volunteers serving in the Caucasus were "Greek Turks," "Caucasian
    Turks," Laz, or Muslim refugees from the European provinces such as
    Macedonia or Epirus lost in 1913.[12] By definition, the volunteers
    were not released Ottoman convicts.

    The Teþkilat-ý Mahsusa or Special Organization, a multi-purpose special
    volunteer force led by professional officers, was equivalent to a
    modern special operations force. It sought to foment insurrection
    in enemy territory, fight guerillas and insurgents in friendly
    territory, conduct espionage and counterespionage, and perform other
    tasks unsuited to conventional military forces. While many histories
    suggest the Special Organization received orders from the Committee
    of Union and Progress or the Ministry of the Interior, the archival
    record suggests that the Ministry of Defense commanded the Special
    Organization during World War I.[13]

    Finally, there were numbers of non-military groups operating in
    Anatolia during the war. These non-military ceteler (which may
    be translated as bandit, brigand, insurgent, or guerilla groups
    depending on context) were local groups not subject to centralized
    command and control. Ceteler was a catchall term that was used by
    both the Ottomans to describe insurgents and authentic criminal
    bands and also by foreign observers to describe groups of killers,
    whose origins were often unknown.

    The Stange Detachment Where then did Major Stange fit in? Shortly
    before the outbreak of World War I, the German Kaiser charged General
    Otto Liman von Sanders to lead a military mission to the Ottoman
    Empire to assist in rebuilding the Ottoman army after its defeat in
    the Balkan wars.

    Liman von Sanders assigned Captain Stange, a Prussian artillery
    specialist, to command the Erzurum fortress artillery.[14] Stange
    was a conventional military officer with no special knowledge of
    guerilla operations. His assignment to the Ottoman Third Army in
    Erzurum reflected his mainstream skills. He occupied his time working
    on the defenses until the outbreak of war offered him the chance to
    lead troops against the Russians.

    According to the original Ottoman war plan, the Third Army was ordered
    to stand on the defensive in the Caucasus while the bulk of the Ottoman
    army concentrated in Thrace.[15] However, in early September 1914,
    a revised campaign plan directed the Third Army to conduct offensive
    operations in the event of war. When war broke out between Russia and
    the Ottoman Empire on November 2, the Ottomans were actively planning a
    winter offensive in the Caucasus. The plan called for the three army
    corps of the Third Army to encircle the Russian army at Sarakamiþ
    with a supporting operation on the Black Sea flank between Batum and
    Ardahan, in modern day Georgia.[16] There were no regular Ottoman army
    combat units on the Turco-Russian frontier from the Black Sea south
    for about 100 kilometers for this supporting attack. Nevertheless,
    Ottoman border forces pushed across the frontier and, on November 22,
    closed in on the Russian town of Artvin.[17] Flushed with success, on
    December 6, the general staff ordered the Third Army to push onward
    toward Ardahan.[18] It was in this capacity that Stange entered the
    scene. Ottoman strategists committed every available Third Army
    division to the Sarakamiþ offensive. The Third Army headquarters
    ordered Stange to take command of the Eighth Infantry Regiment, two
    artillery batteries, and the Coruh Border Security Battalion.[19]
    This newly organized force was designated the Stange Detachment
    (Þtanke Bey Mufrezesi) and ordered to take Artvin while the rest
    of the army moved toward their main objective. None of the troops
    were trained in guerilla or unconventional warfare. Against light
    opposition, Stange pushed forward and took the town on December 21.

    At the same time, other Ottoman forces were operating in the area.

    Bahattin Þakir, a high-ranking member of the governing Committee of
    Union and Progress, commanded the Special Organization force, which
    had infiltrated its forward units near Batum to foment an uprising
    among Laz and Turkic peoples inside the Russian Empire. In addition
    to this mission, Þakir ordered Ziya Bey, an artillery major commanding
    the Special Organization men on the ground in Russia, to encircle and
    destroy ceteler that included a number of Armenians.[20] The Special
    Organization also attacked regular Russian army units, capturing four
    officers and sixty-three Russian soldiers in late November.[21] One
    Turkish source also mentions a large force of volunteers operating
    in the Coruh River valley under Yakup Cemil Bey.[22] Another Turkish
    source asserts that Yakup Cemil's detachment was a Special Organization
    force composed of ceteler.[23] In this bitter internecine fighting,
    many civilian Turks, Armenians, and other local ethnic groups were
    massacred indiscriminately.[24]

    With so many different units and organizations operating in the area,
    there was bureaucratic wrangling over how to unify the command as the
    Sarakamiþ campaign approached. In the end, Stange took command of
    the entire force-regulars, border security battalions, volunteers,
    and the Special Organization. However, the Special Organization and
    volunteers continued to receive their orders from Þakir, who wanted
    to retain control of the operation while Stange answered to the X
    Corps commander, in whose sector he operated.[25]

    On December 22, the X Corps and Third Army ordered Stange, the Special
    Organization, and the volunteers to converge separately on Ardahan. The
    Special Organization, now locally commanded by Captain Halit Bey,
    cooperated and joined the advance.[26] Despite bad winter weather,
    these forces began to encircle the city on December 29.

    Because Stange controlled neither the Special Organization nor
    the volunteers, he sent coordination copies of his own detachment
    orders to Halit, who passed these on to the adjacent volunteers.[27]
    This was a clumsy arrangement, and there is no indication that the
    Special Organization and volunteers reciprocated. The result was an
    uncoordinated attack on Ardahan. Stange's detachment suffered heavy
    casualties[28] while Special Organization and volunteer losses were
    light.[29] The Ottomans failed to hold the city for long. In early
    January 1915, the Russians retook the city with bayonet assaults.

    Over the next month, the Ottomans conducted a fighting retreat back
    toward Artvin.

    At the end of January 1915, Þakir consolidated some of the Special
    Organization units into a Special Organization Regiment (Teþkilat-ý
    Mahsusa Alay) commanded by Halit.[30] This regiment was assigned nine
    officers and 671 men.[31] Halit also gained control over a group
    of volunteers known as the Baha Bey Þakir Force. Subsequently and
    because of the deteriorating tactical situation, Þakir ordered the
    Special Organization Regiment to cooperate with Stange in defensive
    operations along the border. Additionally, a smaller Special
    Organization detachment commanded by Riza Bey conducted operations
    around Murgal, northwest of Artvin. Istanbul also sent Stange about
    1,600 replacements. Fighting was hard, and the Ottomans were pushed
    back. On February 16, three Russian infantry and two cavalry regiments,
    Cossacks, and an Armenian battalion attacked a rear guard of Halit
    Bey's Special Organization soldiers.[32] The Special Organization
    fought well and covered Stange's regulars as they retreated.

    On March 1, 1915, the Russian army launched a major attack to restore
    the frontier, pushing back Stange, the Special Organization, and the
    volunteers. In reaction to what appeared to be a disastrous retreat, on
    March 20, the X Corps reorganized the Ottoman forces on the northeast
    frontier, forming the Lazistan Area Command (Lazistan ve Havalisi
    Komutanlýgý) [See Table 1].[33] By this time, Þakir had left Erzurum,
    and Stange finally received unitary command over the regular army unit
    as well as the Special Organization and volunteers. Stange immediately
    set about coordinating a defense with a combined force of 4,286 men,
    six machine guns, and four cannon.[34]

    Table 1 Lazistan Area Command - March 28, 1915

    Lazistan Detachment No. of Men 1st Btln, 8th Infantry Regt 306 3rd
    Btln, 8th Infantry Regt 581 Mountain Btry, 8th Field Artillery 192
    Machinegun Company 97 Engineer Company 140 Cavalry Platoon 30

    Trabzon Jandarma Regt No. of Men Trabzon Jandarma Btln 400 Rize
    Jandarma Btln 450 Giresun Jandarma Btln 330 Hopa Hudut (Border)
    Btln 330

    Special Organization Regiment (Teþkilat-ý Mahsusa Alay) Zia Bey Btln
    Adil Bey Btln Muhsin Btln Salih Aga Btln Ibrahim Bey Btln Veysel
    Efendi Detachment 1,430 men (in total)

    Source: TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, Kuruluþ 12
    (Organizational Chart 12)

    The Third Army sent Staff Lieutenant Colonel Vasýf to be Stange's
    chief-of-staff in the expanded command[35] while Stange collected
    supplies, engineers, and cavalry from the Third Army Lines of
    Communications Command. In addition, the military mobilized all men
    in the Trabzon vilayet (province) between the ages of 17-18 and 45-50
    while a Special Organization unit from Istanbul joined the Lazistan
    area command's Special Organization regiment.

    Stange reorganized his augmented command into field forces and static
    forces. The field forces, which held the defensive lines against the
    Russians, were composed of the 8th Infantry Regiment, the Trabzon
    Jandarma Regiment, and the Special Organization Regiment.[36] The
    static forces, which were responsible for rear area security, were
    composed of the Riza, the Trabzon, and the Samsun Jandarma regiments.

    On April 14, 1915, Stange had over 6,000 men assigned to his
    command.[37] Table 2 shows Stange's revised command arrangements.

    Table 2 Lazistan Area Command - 15 April 1915


    Lazistan Detachment 1st Btln, 8th Infantry Regt 3rd Btln, 8th Infantry
    Regt Machinegun Company Trabzon Jandarma Regt Giresun Jandarma Btln
    Amasya Jandarma Btln Hopa Border Btln Machinegun Company Special
    Organization Regt Ziya Bey Btln Adil Bey Btln Mehmet Ali Btln Ibrahim
    Bey Btln Veysel Bey Btln Machinegun Company Field Force Troops Two
    artillery batteries (8th Artillery), Engineer Company, Cavalry Platoon


    Rize Jandarma Regt 2 jandarma btlns Trabzon Jandarma Regt 3 jandarma
    btlns (probably reconstituted from recalled men) Samsun Jandarma Reg
    4 jandarma btlns

    Source: TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, Kuruluþ 13
    (Organizational Chart 13)

    These arrangements solidified the Ottoman defense, which by mid-April
    was successfully holding a line about ten kilometers west of the prewar
    Ottoman-Russian frontier. They also show a return to a conventional
    military organizational architecture, mirroring the organization of
    regular Ottoman infantry divisions in 1915, which contained three
    regiments each with a machine gun company. A general support element
    of artillery, engineers, and cavalry augmented the regiments.[38]
    The field force was, practically speaking, staffed and organized
    as a regular infantry division. This reflects Stange's conventional
    background and the tactical necessity to put an effective and standard
    defense on the empire's northeast frontier.

    The tempo of fighting dropped, and the front remained stationary
    until early 1916. Throughout this period the Special Organization
    Regiment remained on the line and engaged in conventional defensive
    operations.[39] In late January 1916, the recently promoted Major
    Halit relieved Stange; he returned to Erzurum.

    Early 1916 was a period of disaster for the Ottoman strategic position
    in northeastern Anatolia and the Caucasus. The Russians seized Erzurum,
    Rize, and Trabzon. Regular army infantry divisions reinforced the
    Lazistan Area Command. Several Special Organization battalions in
    the sector were transferred to the adjacent Coruh Detachment in May
    1916 where they continued to participate in frontline duties.[40]
    The remaining Special Organization troops were distributed into two
    elements, which were designated as the First and Second Special
    Organization regiments and assigned to a newly-formed coastal

    Other Special Organization units were redeployed to the IX Corps
    sector on the Erzincan front near the village of Tuzla.[42] These units
    served directly under a provisional corps commanded by Staff Lieutenant
    Colonel Þevket and conducted offensive operations in conjunction with
    the Ottoman Thirteenth Infantry Division.[43] On June 6, 1916, three
    Special Organization companies were assigned to the newly formed
    Hackoy Detachment on the line south of Tuzla. The detachment also
    had an infantry battalion, two cavalry squadrons, and artillery.[44]
    The Special Organization continued to participate in conventional
    operations on the Caucasian front for the remainder of the summer. On
    July 29, 1916, the First and Second Special Organization regiments
    were inactivated and a single regiment reestablished.[45] Major combat
    operations in the Ottoman Third Army area began to diminish in the
    late summer and, by mid-fall 1916, had almost completely stopped. This
    was a result of both combat exhaustion and severe weather.

    The published paper trail of the Special Organization formations on the
    Caucasian front ends in 1917, and the Special Organization does not
    appear in the 1918 Ottoman Caucasian orders of battle. It is unclear
    what happened to the Special Organization officers and men assigned
    to the units at that time. However, the deportation of Armenians was
    completed in 1916, and it appears certain that the Special Organization
    formations in this study remained on the front during that period.

    Conclusions Many historians find military chronicles dry and difficult
    to comprehend. Nevertheless, when it comes to the controversy over
    the fate of Armenians in 1915, they are crucial. Many contemporary
    historians accuse the Special Organization and Major Stange of
    complicity in genocide. The records, though, do not lend such
    accusations credence.

    The official military histories of the modern Turkish Republic portray
    the operations of organized Ottoman Special Organization units on the
    Caucasian front from December 1914 through the end of 1916 as largely
    conventional. There is little evidence of a cover-up, especially as
    these histories are technical, not intended for the public, and predate
    the scholarly controversy over allegations of Special Organization
    complicity in Armenian genocide. Importantly, the official histories
    fully cite archival sources and often reproduce reports and orders.

    Early Special Organization operations near Batum were unconventional
    and involved guerilla warfare operations. However, the Sarikamiþ
    offensive provided the engine that drove the Special Organization
    into the arms of regular army commanders like Stange. Subsequent and
    perennial manpower shortages kept the Special Organization engaged in
    conventional military operations. From the record of unit assignments
    and locations on the front, it appears that the Special Organization
    units associated with Stange were not redeployed from the Caucasian
    front to deport and massacre Armenians.

    Nor does it seem possible that Stange was involved in the deaths of
    Armenians. The modern Turkish histories show that he commanded regular
    army forces engaged in conventional offensive and defensive operations
    until late March 1915. Although he technically commanded all Ottoman
    forces near Ardahan in 1914, he exercised no real control over the
    Special Organization or volunteers. After Stange gained command of the
    Lazistan Area Command, he held direct command over Special Organization
    forces, which he employed on the defensive line in a conventional
    manner. In effect, from December 11, 1914 through March 20, 1915,
    Stange can be characterized as a detachment commander who cooperated
    with the Special Organization in conventional operations. After
    March 20, 1915, Stange was an area commander who commanded Special
    Organization forces for conventional defensive operations. The record
    demonstrates that Stange was neither a Special Organization commander,
    nor was he a guerilla leader. Indeed, Stange was unhappy with the
    discipline and training of both the Special Organization and irregular
    forces, reflecting his lack of authority over them.[46]

    The Turkish histories do reveal an intriguing alternative possibility
    concerning who might have been redeployed to deport Armenians. The
    reserve cavalry regiments (the former aþiret or tribal cavalry) were
    grouped into four reserve cavalry divisions that were mobilized into
    the Reserve Cavalry Corps in August 1914. The tactical performance
    of this corps was abysmal, and its levels of discipline and combat
    effectiveness low.[47] Consequently, the Ottoman General Staff
    inactivated the Reserve Cavalry Corps on November 21, 1914,[48]
    and only seven of the twenty-nine reserve cavalry regiments remained
    with the colors in the Third Army.[49] The remaining regiments were
    dissolved, and "10,000 reserve cavalrymen dispersed throughout the
    region and returned to their villages."[50] Most of these men were
    tribal Kurds or Circassians and, unemployed following demobilization,
    many may have been attracted to the work of deporting the Armenians
    in the spring of 1915. Clearly, many Armenians died during World
    War I. But accusations of genocide demand authentic proof of an
    official policy of ethnic extermination. Vahakn Dadrian has made
    high-profile claims that Major Stange and the Special Organization
    were the instruments of ethnic cleansing and genocide. Documents not
    utilized by Dadrian, though, discount such an allegation.

    Edward J. Erickson, Ph.D. is a retired U.S. Army officer at
    International Research Associates.

    [1] Aram Andonian, comp., The Memoirs of Naim Bey: Turkish Official
    Documents Relating to the Deportations and Massacres of Armenians
    (Newtown Square, Pa.: Armenian Historical Society, 1965, reprint of
    London, 1920 ed).

    [2] See Guenter Lewy, "Revisiting the Armenian Genocide," Middle East
    Quarterly, Fall 2005, pp. 3-12; Vahakn Dadrian, "Correspondence,"
    Middle East Quarterly, Winter 2006, pp. 77-8.

    [3] Vahakn Dadrian, "The Role of the Special Organization in the
    Armenian Genocide during the First World War," Minorities in Wartime:
    National and Racial Groupings in Europe, North America and Australia
    in Two World Wars, Panikos Panayi, ed. (Oxford: Berg, 1993), p.


    [4] For example, see: Taner Akcam, Armenien und der Volkermord:
    Die Istanbuler Prozesse und die turkische Nationalbewegung (Hamburg:
    Hamburger Edition, 1996), p. 65.

    [5] Lewy, "Revisiting the Armenian Genocide"; Guenter Lewy, The
    Armenian Massacres in Ottoman Turkey, A Disputed Genocide (Salt Lake
    City: The University of Utah Press, 2005), pp. 82-8.

    [6] See Edward J. Erickson, "The Turkish Official Military Histories of
    the First World War: A Bibliographic Essay," Middle Eastern Studies,
    39 (2003): 183-91. No library outside Turkey holds the complete
    series. In addition to the 27-volume coverage of World War I, there
    are also fourteen volumes on the Balkan wars (1911-13) and eighteen
    volumes on the war of independence (1919-23).

    [7] These two books are T.C. Genelkurmay Baþkanlýgý, Birinci Dunya
    Harbinde, Turk Harbi, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, Cilt I ve
    Cilt II (Ankara: Genelkurmay Basýmevi, 1993). Hereafter referred to
    as TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý and TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi
    3ncu Ordu Harekatý II.

    [8] For example, "scum" cited in Dadrian, "The Role of the Special
    Organization in the Armenian Genocide during the First World War," p.

    58, or "ex-convict killer bands" in Peter Balakian, The Burning Tigris,
    The Armenian Genocide and America's Response (New York: HarperCollins
    Publishers, 2003) p. 182-3.

    [9] TCGB, Turk Silahlý Kuvvetleri Tarihi, IIIncu Cilt, 6ncý Kýsým,
    1908-1920 (Ankara: Genelkurmay Basýmevi, 1971) pp. 133-5.

    [10] Ibid., pp 129-32.

    [11] Ibid., pp. 239-40.

    [12] Ibid.

    [13] Askeri Tarih ve Stratejik Etut (ATASE), BDH Koleksýyonu Kataloðu-4
    (Ankara: undated). First World War Catalogue, no. 4, of the military
    archives lists files of the Special Organization detachments, proving
    that these detachments were under Ministry of Defense command.

    [14] Ismet Gorgulu, On Yýllýk Harbin Kadrosu 1912-1922, Balkan-Birinci
    Dunya ve Istiklal Harbi (Ankara: Turk Tarýh Kurum Basýmevi, 1993),
    p. 105; Deutsche Offiziere in der Turkei (Bonn: Militar, 1957), p. 10.

    [15] TCGB, Birinci Dunya Harbinde, Turk Harbi, Inci Cilt, Osmanlý
    Imparatorluðunun Siyasi ve Askeri Hazýrlýklarý ve Harbe Giriþi (Ankara:
    Genelkurmay Basýmevi, 1970), pp. 212-38.

    [16] Fahri Belen, Birinci Cihan Harbinde Turk Harbi, 1914 Yýlý
    Hareketleri (Ankara: Genelkurmay Basýmevi, 1964), p. 96.

    [17] TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, Kroki 36 (Map 36).

    [18] "Ottoman General Staff Orders, ATASE Archive 2950, Record H-6,
    File 1-267," reproduced in ibid., pp. 339-40.

    [19] TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, p. 349.

    [20] Ibid., p. 344.

    [21] Ibid., p. 293.

    [22] Ibid., Kroki 37 (Map 37).

    [23] Gorgulu, On Yýllýk Harbin Kadrosu 1912-1922, pp. 109, 111.

    [24] Muammer Demirel, Birinci Cihan Harbinde Turk Harbinde Erzurum
    ve Cevresinde Ermeni Hareketleri (Ankara: Genelkurmay Basýmevi,
    1996), pp. 41-5; Dadrian, "The Role of the Special Organization in
    the Armenian Genocide during the First World War," p. 62.

    [25] TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, p. 602.

    [26] Ibid., p. 605.

    [27] "Detachment Orders, ATASE Archive 5257, Record H-1, File 1-10,"
    cited in ibid., p. 603.

    [28] "Detachment Orders, ATASE Archive 5257, Record H-1, File 1-12,"
    reproduced in TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, p. 603.

    [29] TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, p. 603.

    [30] Ibid., p. 608.

    [31] "Strength Report, ATASE Archive 5257, Record H-3, File 1-4,"
    reproduced in ibid., p. 603.

    [32] TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, p. 607.

    [33] Ibid., p. 614.

    [34] "Reports, ATASE Archive 2950, Record H-3, File 1-49," cited in
    ibid., p. 614.

    [35] TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, p. 615.

    [36] "Detachment Orders, ATASE Archive 2950, Record H-4, File 1-8,"
    cited in ibid., p. 615.

    [37] "Strength Report, ATASE Archive 5257, Record H-4, File 194,"
    reproduced in TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, p. 616.

    [38] TCGB, Turk Silahlý Kuvvetleri Tarihi, pp. 199-203, 266-72,
    for information on the architecture of Ottoman army infantry divisions.

    The Lazistan Detachment was a regimental equivalent.

    [39] TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý II, p. 86.

    [40] "Orders, ATASE Archive 3974, Record H-2, File 1-59 and 73,"
    cited in ibid., p. 181.

    [41] TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý II, p. 251.

    [42] Ibid., p. 233.

    [43] Ibid., p. 240, Kuruluþ 11 (Organizational Chart 11).

    [44] Ibid., p. 247.

    [45] "Strength Report, ATASE Archive 2950, Record H-58, File 1-329 &
    333," cited in ibid., pp. 369-70.

    [46] TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, p. 618.

    [47] Belen, 1914 Yýlý Hareketleri, p. 116-24.

    [48] TCGB, Kafkas Cephesi 3ncu Ordu Harekatý, p. 311.

    [49] Ibid., Kuruluþ 1 (Chart 1).

    [50] Ibid., p. 322.

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