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RFE/RL Iran Report - 08/22/2006

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  • RFE/RL Iran Report - 08/22/2006

    _________________________________________ ____________________
    RFE/RL Iran Report
    Vol. 9, No. 31, 22 August 2006

    A Review of Developments in Iran Prepared by the Regional Specialists
    of RFE/RL's Newsline Team

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    U.K., ISRAEL, AND UN. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei wrote to
    the Hizballah chief Hassan Nasrallah on August 17 to congratulate him
    on what he termed a "victory for Islam" over Israeli forces in
    Lebanon, Hizballah's Al-Manar television and the Islamic Republic
    News Agency (IRNA) reported the same day. Hizballah faced off Israeli
    attacks in Lebanon from July 12 to August 14.
    "You imposed your military superiority over" Israel and
    "ridiculed the myth of invincibility and false aura of the Zionist
    army," IRNA quoted Khamenei as saying in the letter. He added that
    the war showed "the real face of American rulers and some European
    countries" who he described as standing by "the disgusting and hated
    face" of Israel. Khamenei claimed the Israeli operations "showed what
    disasters can befall human societies when the rulers of countries are
    detached from mercy...and reason and sincerity."
    Khamenei also said Hizballah resistance has thwarted the
    United States' and Israel's "illusory plan for the Middle
    East." But in a presumed reference to postwar plans to extend
    Lebanese government control to Hizballah-controlled areas and disarm
    the group, Khamenei warned that the "enemy is now trying to cut this
    potent...arm, sow discord among statesmen, and sow the virus of
    impatience and doubt."
    Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Larijani told
    reporters in Tehran on August 16 that the United States and United
    Kingdom are responsible for all the Lebanese who died in the recent
    conflict with Israel and for all the damage to Lebanese
    infrastructure, IRNA reported. Larijani praised what he described as
    Hizballah's victory, and he added that "Hizballah is a matter of
    honor for all Arab states." Larijani said UN Security Council
    Resolution 1701, which halted the conflict, should have come much
    sooner. He also criticized aspects of it for interfering with
    internal Lebanese politics.
    President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said during his tour of Ardabil
    Province on August 16 that the United States and United Kingdom
    should be expelled from the Security Council, IRNA reported. "Those
    intending to block global peace and tranquility from taking hold are
    not qualified to be in the [Security Council]," he said, adding that
    the United States and United Kingdom should face a war crimes trial.
    Earlier in the day, Ahmadinejad said the United Nations is a
    tool of the United States and Israel, IRNA reported.
    Also on August 16, the legislature's national security
    and foreign policy committee issued a statement calling for Israel to
    be punished for "crimes against humanity" and for it to pay
    compensation to Lebanon, IRNA reported.
    Ahmadinejad told a crowd in the northwestern city of Ardabil
    on August 15 that "we can see that God's pledges came true in
    Lebanon" as he hailed a Hizballah "victory" in the recent
    Israeli-Lebanese conflict, state television reported. Israel once saw
    itself as "invincible," Ahmadinejad continued, but Hizballah defeated
    "these idolatrous powers within 33 days with the help of God, and
    [now they] fly the flag of victory in the proud Lebanon."
    The parliament's speaker, Gholam-Ali Haddad-Adel, said on
    August 15 that Hizballah emerged as the victor in its recent conflict
    with Israel, IRNA reported. "The army of the Zionist regime showed
    itself powerless for the first time after failing to break the
    determination of the Lebanese people and the Islamic resistance
    movement [Hizballah] 33 days after the start of the war in Lebanon,"
    Haddad-Adel said. He went on to congratulate the Lebanese people --
    nearly 1 million of whom were displaced by the fighting -- and
    government, as well as Hizballah Secretary-General Sheikh Hassan
    Nasrallah. Haddad-Adel also spoke out against Arab states that were
    silent, and he criticized UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which
    ushered in a cease-fire.
    Hojatoleslam Ahmad Khatami, a substitute Tehran Friday Prayer
    leader and member of the Assembly of Experts, said on August 15 that
    the conflict in Lebanon should serve as a lesson to Israel and the
    United States if they are considering an attack on Iran, state
    television reported. "The Lebanese Hizballah's 70-kilometer-range
    missiles transformed Israel into a country of ghosts," Khatami said.
    "So if one day they decide to carry out even a minor aggression
    against Iran, they must fear the day that our 2,000-kilometer-range
    missiles strike the heart of Tel Aviv." Israel and the United States
    should forsake "their aggression and expansionist policies," Khatami
    said. (Vahid Sepehri, Bill Samii)

    parliamentarian Walid Jumblatt, who is the leader of the Druze sect
    and the Progressive Socialist Party, has spoken out against the
    Iranian and Syrian roles played in his country's affairs, "Le
    Monde" reported on August 15. Jumblatt conceded that Hizballah has
    destroyed the image of Israeli invincibility but put it in the
    context of "the Syrian-Iranian game." "Iran is negotiating on the
    scorched earth of Lebanon the terms of the continuation of its
    nuclear program," Jumblatt said. "As for Syria, it wants to avenge
    itself in Lebanon, from which its troops were chased out [in April
    2005], and it is now sidelined by Iran." Jumblatt added, "The Syrians
    and Iranians wasted no time saying that the UN resolution [1701] is
    not in Lebanon's interest." (Bill Samii)

    Ahmadinejad said in the Ardabil Province city of Kosar on August 17
    that Western states are in no position to denounce others as threats
    to international peace when "they are the only group that violates
    the independence of states," IRNA reported. "These are the people"
    who bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, he said, "and are now
    taking on a peace-loving countenance and depriving the Iranian nation
    of its right to use peaceful nuclear energy." He said Iran has
    repeatedly stated the peaceful aims of its nuclear program, and "in
    spite of [its] clarifications, they say Iran may [deviate] toward
    making a nuclear bomb," IRNA reported.
    "The governments that make this charge against Iran must
    themselves be disarmed," he said. Ahmadinejad added that when "a
    group appears and tries to stand up" to these states "and reveals
    their dirty face to the world, they label them terrorists." He said
    unspecified efforts to sow discontent in Iran would fail. "They think
    that by provoking certain people...and with their public postures,
    they can create divisions between the people of Iran," when "Iran is
    a large, close-knit family," he said.
    Speaking in Tehran on August 16, Foreign Minister Manuchehr
    Mottaki said after a meeting with Malian Foreign Minister Moctar
    Ouane that Iran is willing to discuss the suspension of uranium
    enrichment with Europe, Radio Farda and IRNA reported. There is no
    rationale for a suspension, he added, but Tehran is willing to talk
    about that or any other subject.
    Supreme National Security Council Secretary Larijani said
    during an August 16 meeting in Tehran with Chinese Deputy Foreign
    Minister Cui Tiankai that UN Security Council Resolution 1696, which
    calls on Iran to suspend nuclear enrichment activities by August 31,
    will not affect the country's nuclear policy, state television
    reported. Larijani said the issue can be resolved through dialogue
    and added that Tehran will respond on August 22 to the international
    package of incentives it received in early June. Larijani said Iran
    intends to begin industrial-scale uranium enrichment and that it is
    entitled to do so.
    Kermanshah parliamentary representative Jahanbakhsh Amini
    noted that 14 of 15 Security Council members voted in favor of the
    resolution (Qatar opposed it), "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on August 15,
    and said Tehran must take serious diplomatic measures if it wants to
    dissuade other countries from joining this group. Tabriz
    representative Eshrat Shayeq described the resolution as
    "unacceptable" and added that "neither we nor any other country
    consider ourselves as obligated to pay for the political
    reconstruction of superpowers." She accused Washington of trying to
    impose its will, and she added that the UN and the Security Council
    are not impartial.
    In an August 14 speech to the nation on the state of the
    economy, President Ahmadinejad discussed the nuclear situation,
    saying that those who have harnessed the use of nuclear power are
    trying to prevent Iran from doing so, state television reported. He
    accused other countries of trying to undermine Iranians' unity,
    and Ahmadinejad said it is bad for Iranians to speak with multiple
    voices. "They lie when they claim that they have given up trying to
    create discord among us," he charged. Ahmadinejad also detailed his
    administration's accomplishments and described the steps he has
    taken to deal with unemployment and waste. (Vahid Sepehri, Bill

    protesting the detention and fingerprinting of a group of Iranian
    academics and engineers when they tried to enter the United States to
    attend a scientific gathering. They all had valid entry visas and
    were bound for a northern Californian reunion organized by alumni of
    Tehran's prestigious Sharif University of Technology on August
    4-6. Iranians living in the United States have expressed fear that
    the travelers were victims of rising tensions between Washington and
    Behnam Kamrani was among the Iranian engineers, scientists,
    and company executives who traveled to the United States to attend a
    forum on disaster management and entrepreneurship in Santa Clara,
    Kamrani is a Sharif University alumni who currently lives in
    Sweden and works for a U.S. company. He told Radio Farda that upon
    his arrival at Minneapolis airport, he was simply told his visa has
    been revoked.
    "We had requested a visa, [and] the U.S. Embassy did a
    background check on us and gave a positive answer," Kamrani said.
    "They issued the visa, [and] we bought a ticket and informed them as
    to the date on which we would enter the U.S. Then, when we got to the
    U.S., everything collapsed. They temporarily detained and
    interrogated us and asked us strange questions."
    Despite the nine hours that Kamrani spent at the airport
    before being sent back, he considers himself among the lucky ones.
    Academics who had entered the United States at other ports of
    entry -- including Los Angeles and San Francisco -- appear to have
    faced tougher conditions. Some have described their experience as a
    "nightmare," and said that they had to spend the night in a jail
    alongside criminals.
    Kamrani recalls meeting a few of them: "They had handcuffed
    them and taken them to a prison. One lady who had two daughters said
    they had separated them during the night. The ladies said that a man
    who was in charge had told them the next day -- when they were about
    to be sent back -- that the visas were canceled because it was
    thought likely that those who come from Iran might exchange
    information about the nuclear issue."
    Some of the Iranians claim to have been told that their visas
    were revoked due to U.S. national security concerns. They were
    reportedly given the choice of withdrawing their applications or
    being deported.
    Some said they were told that they could not apply for U.S.
    visas for up to 10 years.
    Several of the detainees have said they were insulted and
    humiliated, and subjected to what they have described as harsh
    Conference organizers have said that more than 50 Iranians in
    all were refused entry and sent back to Iran.
    U.S. State Department spokeswoman Janelle Hieronymus declined
    to explain the refusals, saying only that "all visa applications are
    adjudicated in accordance with the U.S. Immigration And Nationality
    Act. Each application for a visa is adjudicated on a case-by-case
    State Department official Laura Tischler would not comment on
    specific cases to RFE/RL, but she noted that U.S. officials are
    obliged to turn away anyone whose visa has been revoked.
    Tischler suggested that the Iranians' visas might have
    been revoked "when they arrived, or when they were in transit."
    Some observers speculate that the travelers are victims of
    growing U.S.-Iranian tensions over the current conflict in Lebanon
    and Iran's refusal to abandon sensitive nuclear activities.
    Najmedin Meshkati, a graduate and professor at the University
    of Southern California's Viterbi School of Engineering and an
    alumni of Sharif University, told RFE/RL that the treatment the
    academics received at U.S. hands has outraged Iranian-Americans.
    Meshkati said the U.S.-based Sharif University of Technology
    Association is taking steps to protest the incidents and encourage
    some investigation.
    "One [step we'd like to take] concerns the legal aspect
    -- we want to find out what the rights of the people who were
    returned are and what can be done legally. The other [step] is public
    relations," Meshkati said. "The third step is to contact U.S.
    authorities -- including senators from California -- so the issue is
    investigated in the U.S. Congress. If they treat Iranians who visit
    this country legally in this heinous manner, then [there is a risk
    that] there is no difference for Iranians who live in this country
    legally. I really think that enough is enough -- we are really hurt
    about this disrespect. We should really stand up to it."
    Meshkati said Iranians should not be punished for the
    policies of their government.
    "I don't know why Iranians who travel to the U.S. must
    pay the price for the Iranian government's actions," he said.
    "Are Saudi citizens paying the price for the actions of [Saudi-born
    Al-Qaeda leader Osama] bin Laden? No. I don't understand why
    everything goes wrong when it comes to us Iranians."
    The United States cut diplomatic ties with Iran following
    that country's Islamic Revolution and the abduction of U.S.
    diplomats at its embassy in Tehran in 1979.
    But limited cultural, scientific, and sports exchanges have
    continued between the two countries. (By Golnaz Esfandiari; Radio
    Farda correspondent Elaheh Ravanshad contributed to this report from
    Sweden; RFE/RL correspondent Heather Maher contributed from
    Washington, DC.)

    CHINA GETS NEW IRANIAN ENVOY. Iran has appointed Javad Mansuri, a
    former ambassador in Pakistan and former deputy foreign minister, as
    its next ambassador in China, Mehr reported on August 9, adding that
    he will be taking up his post "in the coming days." Mansuri was
    proposed by Foreign Minister Manuchehr Mottaki and approved by
    President Mahmud Ahmadinejad, the agency stated. Mansuri was a deputy
    foreign minister for cultural and consular affairs, then Asia-Pacific
    affairs, between 1981 and 1990, Iran's envoy in Pakistan until
    1993-94, after which he has been an adviser to the foreign minister,
    Mehr stated.
    Separately, Iran's ambassador in Turkey, Firuz
    Dolatabadi, said Iran will continue its support for Lebanon's
    Hizballah, RFE/RL's Radio Farda reported on August 9, citing an
    interview with the Turkish daily "Radikal." Dolatabadi reportedly
    accused Great Britain and the United States of trying to dismember
    Lebanon and Iraq, using the Kurdistan Workers Party to do that in
    Iraq. (Vahid Sepehri)

    Ebrahimi, a member of the conservative Tehran Militant Clergy
    Association (Jameh-yi Ruhaniyat-i Mobarez-i Tehran), said on August
    16 that President Mahmud Ahmadinejad's trips to the provinces and
    his legislative measures are well-intended but that some cabinet
    members seem unable to execute the relevant tasks, ISNA reported.
    Ebrahimi advised the president to ensure that the cabinet's level
    of commitment equals his own. Ebrahimi also recommended warning or
    replacing unnamed government managers who he said do not implement
    presidential policies for political reasons.
    Reformist former legislator Davud Suleimani criticized the
    cabinet for its failure to fulfill campaign pledges to improve
    people's economic well-being, "Etemad" reported on August 15. He
    called for a report on the government's performance that would be
    publicly available so people can judge for themselves, and he
    recommended a complete change in the cabinet.
    Ilam parliamentary representative Dariush Qanbari said in
    "Etemad" that the cabinet has been unsuccessful, adding that
    Ahmadinejad intends to change his commerce, roads and transportation,
    and welfare and social security ministers. Qanbari added that many of
    his colleagues would like to see the agricultural jihad, education,
    and health ministers replaced as well. (Bill Samii)

    revoked and Managing Editor Negar Eskandarfar received a suspended
    one-year prison sentence on August 14 for articles offending morality
    and chastity, ILNA reported. The Tehran Penal Court's decision
    follows a ban on the same publication by the Press Supervisory Board.
    Eskandarfar has appealed the decision.
    Also on August 14, "Cheshmandaz" Managing Editor Lutfollah
    Meysami was found guilty of publishing materials that damage the
    system and the country, insulting and libeling the police, and
    propagandizing against the system, ISNA reported. The Tehran Penal
    Court acquitted Meysami on charges of publishing false reports,
    publishing anticonstitutional reports, publishing materials that are
    offensive to Islam, and insulting the country's judiciary.
    On August 7, the Press Supervisory Board instructed "Sharq"
    newspaper to replace its managing director, ISNA reported on August
    12, because the paper has received 70 warnings to date. These
    warnings relate to the alleged publication of atheistic materials,
    divisive materials, and materials that violate Supreme National
    Security Council directives.
    President Mahmud Ahmadinejad recently offered congratulations
    on the eve of Journalists Day (August 8), IRNA reported. (Bill Samii)

    Behjatabad residential district on August 14 and confiscated
    residents' satellite dishes, Radio Farda and ILNA reported.
    Tehran police chief Morteza Talai described it as a "routine task."
    "The police are duty-bound to enforce the law," he explained, "and as
    long as the use of satellite dishes is illegal, we have to perform
    our duty to that end." Residents complained that they did not receive
    advance notice of the raid.
    Tehran prosecutor Said Mortazavi said in early August that
    the headquarters for the promotion of virtue and prohibition of vice
    recently discussed satellite dishes, "Etemad" reported on August 7.
    Some people set up the dishes where they are visible, he said, and
    the action is necessary because this is a violation of social norms.
    Special teams will be trained to deal with satellite dishes, he
    added. If people turn their dishes in, he continued, the police will
    not take action against them. (Bill Samii)

    governor-general, Ali Nikzad, announced on August 13 that President
    Ahmadinejad would visit on August 15, provincial television reported.
    Nikzad said the president and his cabinet will visit nine cities.
    Also on August 13, commanders of the Ashura and Al-Zahra
    battalions of the Basij met in Asadabad's Jameh Mosque for a
    briefing on upcoming war games, provincial television reported.
    One week earlier, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps'
    new Imam Hussein base was inaugurated in the province's Aslanduz
    district, provincial television reported, and the Ashura battalions
    began a three-day exercise at the IRGC's Qods garrison in
    Meshkinshahr. (Bill Samii)

    POLICE AMBUSH BACKFIRES. Eight policemen were killed and three others
    were wounded in an August 12 gunfight with bandits along the
    Bam-Zahedan road in southeastern Iran, state radio reported. "The
    incident took place during an ambush laid by the [police] to capture
    the bandits in that region," Interior Minister Purmohammadi said on
    August 13, according to ISNA. Eastern Iran has been plagued by
    violence for many years in what appears to be a low-level insurgency
    and also in incidents relating to smuggling, and Purmohammadi said
    more military bases will be established in the region. (Bill Samii)

    KURDS SHELLED BY IRAN AND TURKEY. As operations against the Kurdish
    Pejak group continue, Iranian and Turkish artillery fired on areas
    predominantly inhabited by Kurds along their shared border on August
    13, Iraq's Al-Sharqiyah Television reported (see "RFE/RL Iran
    Report," July 7, 2006). Pejak is affiliated with the Kurdistan
    Workers Party (PKK). The Iranian artillery reportedly shelled
    Khumyrah, Lulan, and Nazdaridakh, and Turkish artillery shelled Qabir
    Zahir, Khwakurk, and Gurghan. (Bill Samii)

    Mohammad Fazeli, a computer technician from California, was sentenced
    by a U.S. federal court on August 7 to one year in prison for his
    effort to ship dual-use products to Iran, "The San Jose Mercury News
    Reported" on August 8. The 103 Honeywell pressure sensors that Fazeli
    tried to send to Iran via the United Arab Emirates detect pressure in
    liquids or in gases and can be used as components in detonators for
    explosives. (Bill Samii)

    the head of the Gilan Medical Science University in northern Iran,
    told Fars News Agency on August 9 that "about a month ago," local
    authorities detected bird flu among poultry on a farm near the town
    of Imamzadeh Hashem in the northern Gilan province, prompting
    officials to kill all domestic poultry within a 2-kilometer radius as
    a precautionary measure. He said the symptoms have not been seen
    among wild birds, but "there is still bird flu in Gilan." He added
    there are no cases so far in Iran of bird flu spreading to people.
    Police and local authorities have also killed 1,800 chickens,
    turkeys, and ducks suspected of having bird flu at an unspecified
    date in "villages around the town of Masal" in Gilan, the daily
    "Aftab-i Yazd" reported on August 10.
    Separately, Health Minister Kamran Baqeri-Lankarani said on
    August 9 that Iran is taking precautionary measures to prevent
    cholera entering into the country from neighboring states, IRNA
    reported. "Neighboring states are denying there is endemic cholera in
    their countries, but preventive measures are being carried
    Iran," he said. Baqeri-Lankarani added that Health Ministry officials
    are trying to obtain "clear information from these countries" on the
    disease. Preventive moves may include "quarantine" in frontier zones,
    especially on the eastern frontier, he said. (Vahid Sepehri)

    CRACKDOWN ON ILLEGAL FOREIGN WORKERS. Police in the eastern Iranian
    city of Mashhad have arrested more than 1,000 foreigners recently who
    did not possess valid documents, ISNA reported on August 15. In the
    month beginning October 22, new measures will be implemented in an
    effort to curtail the employment of foreigners working illegally in
    Iran, "Kayhan" reported on August 13.
    Mohammad Hussein Salehi-Maram, director-general of
    foreigners' affairs at the Labor Ministry, said 1 million
    foreigners -- mostly Afghans -- are working illegally in Iran and
    they take jobs from Iranians. Many foreigners work in construction,
    tailoring, or textiles, he added.
    Salehi-Maram said foreigners are used because they are cheap,
    because some employers are ignorant of the law, and because the
    foreigners themselves are unfamiliar with the relevant legislation.
    He added that some contractors in the state sector and the parastatal
    sector also use illegal foreigners, and this sets a bad example.
    Under the new plan, those who employ illegal foreigners will be fined
    five times the daily minimum wage, 300,000 rials ($34). (Bill Samii)

    IRAN WILL IMPORT FUEL TO MEET DEMAND. Iran will not curb domestic
    gasoline consumption despite expected shortages but rather import
    more to meet demand, Reuters and RFE/RL's Radio Farda reported on
    August 17. Iranian officials are expecting shortages in the second
    half of the Persian year running to March 20, 2007. Iran recently
    bought several cargoes of gasoline for delivery in September,
    indicating a decision to renew imports after a month-long suspension
    of such purchases, Reuters reported on August 15.
    On August 16, Farhad Rahbar the head of the Management and
    Planning Organization, said "gasoline rationing is off the government
    agenda until further notice," Mehr reported. "There will be no
    rationing...while the state of not organized," he
    told a Tehran seminar. Rahbar said people's "living and welfare
    situation" will suffer if they have to buy expensive gasoline above a
    fixed weekly or monthly amount charged at current, subsidized prices.
    He added that the government is working on expanding public
    transportation and removing old, fuel-inefficient cars.
    Petroleum Minister Kazem Vaziri-Hamaneh said in Tehran on
    August 8 that gasoline consumption in Iran is equivalent to a liter
    per day for every Iranian, "and this is unprecedented in the world,"
    "Aftab-i Yazd" daily reported on August 9. He said fuel wastage has
    become "ordinary for the people and government" and Iran's
    government has "not been prepared to put pressure on the people to
    reduce their consumption."
    Vaziri-Hamaneh said the government is planning to introduce
    an unspecified number of minibuses to increase the public-transport
    He said separately that President Mahmud Ahmadinejad has
    instructed the petroleum and finance ministers to "examine the
    executive procedures" of a plan -- apparently proposed by Ahmadinejad
    -- to sell crude oil cheaper to poorer countries. "This is the
    president's own viewpoint," Vaziri said. He said Iranian
    officials have not yet discussed the use of oil as a "political
    instrument" -- for example, in response to UN sanctions over
    Iran's nuclear activities -- but "we shall use any factor in the
    system's interests, even oil," "Aftab-i Yazd" reported. (Vahid

    ********************************* ************************
    Copyright (c) 2006. RFE/RL, Inc. All rights reserved.

    The "RFE/RL Iran Report" is a weekly prepared by A. William Samii on
    the basis of materials from RFE/RL broadcast services, RFE/RL
    Newsline, and other news services. It is distributed every Monday.

    Direct comments to A. William Samii at [email protected].
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    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress