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Lebanon: Gen Awn's Bloc Issues Statement On Developments

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  • Lebanon: Gen Awn's Bloc Issues Statement On Developments


    Lebanese National News Agency website, Beirut
    21 Aug 06

    Text of report headlined: "The Change and Reform Bloc welcomes
    the deployment of the Lebanese army in the south; demands reliable
    mechanism for monitoring the management of aid and reconstruction;
    says past experience not encouraging; the government should prepare
    a list of priorities" carried by Lebanese National News Agency website

    Beirut, 21 August: The Change and Reform Bloc held its weekly meeting
    under Gen Michel Awn at his home in Al-Rabiyah. During the meeting,
    the conferees discussed the current situation in the country. After the
    meeting, a statement was released and was read by Chamber of Deputies
    member Ghassan Mukhaybir. The statement welcomed "the deployment of
    the Lebanese army in southern Lebanon, and the preparedness that
    certain countries have expressed to participate in the additional
    UN Interim Force in Lebanon, UNIFIL. UNIFIL troops are being sent to
    Lebanon in implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701 to
    assist the Lebanese army in extending the government's authority to
    southern Lebanon to defend the land and the people and keep law and
    order. The statement said the bloc is in favour of the Armenian stand
    opposing participation of Turkish forces in UNIFIL."

    The statement questioned the "reason for the absence of any reaction
    by the international community to Israel's breach of the UN resolution,
    as Israeli forces carried out a landing operation in the Buday area in
    Al-Biqa plain. It also highlighted the absence of any international
    reaction to Israel's continued threats to Lebanon, the blockade of
    the Lebanese ports, airports and entry points, and prevention of the
    Lebanese army from deploying up to the Blue Line under unacceptable
    pretexts and conditions."

    The statement also questioned the "seriousness and credibility of
    the international community's support for the Lebanese government,
    noting that the Lebanese government has done all it can, dealing,
    positively and seriously, with Resolution 1701. In particular,
    the Lebanese government has displayed unequivocal commitment to
    preventing the firing of rockets at Israel and to keeping law and
    order in southern Lebanon and throughout Lebanon."

    The statement reasserted the stand of the Change and Reform
    Bloc, calling for the "creation of a strong, democratic state that
    represents, thoroughly, fairly and even-handedly, the various Lebanese
    forces and segments in keeping with the National Accord Document. This
    will restore confidence in the state as the sole point of reference
    for national decision-making, particularly with regard to peace and
    war decisions." The statement said: "All that the Change and Reform
    Bloc sees of the current majority are slogans without practice. This
    indicates that the current majority has its own concept of a state
    based on monopolizing power and bypassing the principle of consensual
    democracy and effective participation. This majority also unilaterally
    makes decisions, thus breaching the constitution and scuttling national
    accord. Lebanon today is in dire need of cementing its domestic unity
    to confront the serious forthcoming stage, which requires the creation
    of a collective authority that is capable of making major decisions
    and implementing them, i.e. peace, war and reconstruction."

    With regard to reconstruction, management of the aid and grants,
    and the use of foreign support in these fields, the statement said:
    "Previous experience was not encouraging; therefore, we demand an
    effective, transparent and reliable mechanism for monitoring the use of
    aid and preventing exploitation, deviation, sharing, selectivity and
    unilateralism." The statement called on the government to "quickly
    prepare a list of priorities for the exceptional needs urgently
    required at this stage. It called on the Chamber of Deputies to play
    its monitoring and legislative role in this respect."

    The statement called on the government "to deposit in the Foreign
    Ministry or the Chamber of Deputies documents of the official minutes
    of all the talks it held with international envoys in and outside
    Lebanon, including the visits and consultations that the Lebanese
    government's envoys held in foreign capitals during the Israeli
    aggression against Lebanon, in preparation for informing the Lebanese
    people on this stage leading to the issuance of Resolution 1701".

    The statement called for "forming a parliamentary committee to
    interrogate Acting Interior Minister Ahmad Fatfat and Brig-Gen
    Adnan Dawud, commander of the security force in the south, over the
    ramifications surrounding the Marj Uyun Barracks case".

    The statement called on the Lebanese people "to pay no attention to
    attempts at intimidation and exaggeration, to which certain people
    resort to pit them against one another and foment suspicion among
    them". It stressed that Lebanon will rise from this war stronger,
    more cohesive and with firmer national unity to build a prosperous,
    safe and stable future.

    After the meeting, the following question-and-answer session took
    place between Deputy Mukhaybir and journalists:

    Asked how the Change and Reform Bloc reads the repeated Israeli
    threats of a second round of war, Mukhaybir said: "The bloc sees
    all these statements as part of the media war being launched by
    Israel simultaneously with its military war. At this stage, Lebanon's
    administration and diplomats should respond to the Israel threat with
    a united national stand, particularly regarding the deployment of the
    Lebanese army in the south and quickly facilitating the deployment of
    international forces along with the Lebanese army in the south. We
    support this approach, and our stand in this respect was clear in
    the statement we released. This is part of the bloc's response to any
    threat. In this fragile stage, we must strengthen Lebanon's position
    leading to the implementation of Resolution 1701."

    Asked about the objective of the Bloc's demand for publishing
    the negotiation sessions between the government and international
    envoys, Mukhaybir said: "From the standpoint of activating the role
    of the chamber of deputies and people's role in monitoring all that
    is taking place, we considered that the political and diplomatic
    talks that accompanied the governments diplomatic effort abroad are
    important. This is particularly true if the talks are conveyed to the
    Foreign Relations Committee in the Chamber of Deputies to enhance the
    monitoring role o both the chamber of deputies and the people. This
    will also enhance our role as a monitorial opposition bloc at the
    Chamber of Deputies. At the same time, we call for cooperation and
    unity among all the Lebanese people without a monitoring opposition
    role in the creation of democracy."

    Asked about the case of Brig-Gen Dawud and the ramifications of this
    case, Mukhaybir said: "Even when the interior minister handed the
    report on this case to Chamber of Deputies Speaker Nabih Birri, the
    interior minister wished that the latter would take the appropriate
    measures regarding this case. What we deem appropriate is to explain to
    the public the case beyond the text of the report that Speaker Birri
    received. We hope that a parliamentary committee will be formed to
    follow up the ramifications of this case in order to raise the morale
    of the Lebanese army and security forces so that the security forces
    will not have to face similar incidents in the future."

    Asked if the bloc fears for the Lebanese army in the south, Mukhaybir
    said: "We do not fear for the Lebanese army, nor any adverse reaction
    from the Lebanese people in the south. There is fear of renewed
    Israeli attacks against the Lebanese army and citizens. Along with
    others parties, we seek to prevent repetition of similar aggressive
    wars in the future. We hope that the latest war will be the last,
    so that we can strengthen Lebanon's independence and the unity of
    the Lebanese people."