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Arshak Sadoyan Expects Assistance Of International Organizations In

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  • Arshak Sadoyan Expects Assistance Of International Organizations In


    Noyan Tapan
    Aug 23 2006

    YEREVAN, AUGUST 23, NOYAN TAPAN. Some forces in the ruling camp
    plan to again falsify the coming elections and create a "pictured"
    parliament. Arshak Sadoyan, the Chairman of the "National Democrates'
    Alliance" (NDA) party expressed such an opinion at the August 23
    press conference. A.Sadoyan informed that the NDA has worked out a
    complex program to control the coming elections.

    The goal of the program is "to involve representatives of the
    international community led by democratic values into the process
    of controlling the Armenian elections." According to the speaker's
    words, the U.S. Ambassador's UN and OSCE representatives' attention
    was drawn to it and "it was approved by them."

    In Sadoyan's words, 2.5 mln dollars are necessary for implementation
    of the program. As the speaker stated that the NDA discussed the
    issue of giving money with "numerous international organizations,"
    but there is no result yet. The NDA Chairman believes that a
    Board of Trustees must be created which will control the process
    of spending those financial resources. The program envisages: a)
    creation of a mechanism of electronic control of the elections;
    b) mass teaching of confidants and local observers (though courses
    for members of electoral comissions were organized in July-August,
    Sadoyan insists that they were not held at the corresponding level and
    it is necessary to organize new courses), c) broadcast of everyday
    TV and radio programs and and publication of weekly to be given to
    people free of charge "with the goal of propaganda of just elections'
    importance." The program also envisages meetings with the population,
    "with participation of foreign figures having international fame."

    According to the NDA Chairman's words, the latters' presence may be
    a strait jacket for the RA authorities' illegal actions. According to
    him, "if Armenia does not go in a normal democratic way, the powerful
    states of the world will gradually push us out of all processes,
    and the Armenian people will face the danger of losing Karabakh,"
    A.Sadoyan said. He expressed confidence that in the case of again
    "picturing" the elections , falsifiers will not be forgiven any more.