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Armenia's National Anthem To Be Revamped

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  • Armenia's National Anthem To Be Revamped

    Edmond Y. Azadian

    AZG Armenian Daily

    How does a song become a national anthem? As we listen to the anthems
    of many great nations, we seldom find behind them prominent composers
    or major poets. A song, sometimes even of a folk nature, captures the
    imagination of the people and inspires patriotic feelings, thereby
    carving its place in history.

    Perhaps an exception was recorded when the European Union adopted
    the choral section of Beethoven's 9th Symphony, based on Schiller's
    exhilarating lyrics.

    On the eve of its 15th anniversary of independence, the Republic of
    Armenia is at a crossroad, trying to adopt a new national anthem,
    which reflects today's realities and expresses the nation's hopes
    for the future.

    In the early days of independence, a haphazard decision was made to
    adopt Mer Hayrenik ("Our Fatherland") under suspicious circumstances,
    along with the old flag and coat of arms. At that period, President
    Levon Ter-Petrossian believed that by some cosmetic compromises
    he could win over the ARF (the Dashnag) party. Therefore, some
    arm-twisting took place and some of the members of the Parliament were
    asked to press the right buttons to muster the necessary votes. In
    the meantime, the conductor and composer Loris Tjeknavorian - to
    whom Armenia owes so much for brightening its dark and cold days -
    performed the old anthem with the Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra to
    revive the popularity of Mer Hayrenik, which was the national anthem
    during the First Republic.

    The adoption of that anthem, along with the other national symbols, was
    one of the rash decisions of the first president, the other one being
    the selection of Catholicos Karekin I for the throne of Echmiadzin,
    in the naive belief that he could break the Dashnag party's back and
    also magically solve the church division. Both blew up in his face!

    There was no serious criticism about the flag. We can even safely
    state that it had unanimity around it. But the coat of arms remained
    an eyesore, and Mer Hayrenik an earsore, so to speak. Some critics even
    ridiculed the coat of arms as that of a zoo with extinct animals in it.

    The diaspora did not have much say and followed through by singing
    the national anthem obediently.

    However, the anthem did not generate much enthusiasm and there was
    always resentment for its continued use.

    A few words in the lyrics were changed: "Our Fatherland, miserable
    and abandoned" became "Our Fatherland, free and independent," yet
    the anthem did not fire up popular imagination; while singing there
    was always a Freudian slip and the bleak previous lyrics popped up
    again. One would only feel like crying rather than being fired up by
    patriotic sentiments. Although the lyrics were by a historic freedom
    fighter and national poet, Mikael Nalbandian, it was a song originally
    called Italian Girl's Song, a far cry from Armenia's destiny.

    We believe that the coat of arms, symbolizing the First Republic
    needs reconsideration or revamping, but at this time the issue is
    the national anthem.

    Positive steps have already been taken and a competition has taken
    place. The issue was brewing for some time. The drive to change the
    anthem was mostly conducted by poets, composers and intellectuals. One
    particular writer, poet David Hovhanness, ran a series on the
    national TV, discussing the possible alternatives and he invited a
    national debate on this hot issue. His views were well documented
    and for a frivolous poet, very well balanced. He presented all the
    alternatives and offered his comments on them, without excluding
    others' suggestions, including those of his detractors. His final
    recommendation was to adopt the song Hayastan ("Armenia") popularized
    by celebrated singer Armenak Shahmouradian. The song's composer
    was Gabriel Yeranian (Dicran Chuhajian's teacher) and the lyrics
    by Mirza-Vanantetzi, not necessarily household names, yet they had
    produced a piece of music and lyrics which touched the Armenian
    soul. The song was later rearranged by Komitas, who characterized
    it as a highly patriotic song, not necessarily based on Armenian
    authentic traditions.

    The lyrics, especially, are not very sophisticated, but the refrain,
    the repetition of the word "Hayastan" with ascending crescendo inspired
    patriotic fervor.

    The only drawback would have been the nature of lyrics, mostly written
    in classical Armenian.

    Today, Armenia is at the threshold of adopting a new national
    anthem. Minister of Culture Hasmik Poghosian has already held a
    competition and a select committee has screened 85 entries. The
    commission, which has screened the submissions, includes Vigen
    Sargsian, Karen Avagian, respectively aides to the president and the
    prime minister; poetess Silva Kaputikian, composer Edward Mirzoyan
    and the artistic director of the Armenian Chamber Orchestra, Aram
    Gharebekian. All are respected authorities. Except for Gharabegian, the
    diaspora is not represented in a meaningful way in that commission. It
    is true that the selection of a national anthem is mostly an affair
    to be conducted by the state, but we are a divided nation and only
    by mobilizing all our forces can we achieve success. For example,
    during the election of the catholicos of all Armenians, the diaspora
    has an imposing presence.

    Similarly when telethons are organized to rebuild Karabagh and Armenia,
    the diaspora is not excluded.

    Besides, when an anthem is selected, those of us in the diaspora will
    sing along with Armenia. Children from Sydney to Syria, from Buenos
    Aires to Los Angeles, will sing the anthem in unison.

    It is also reported that all 85 entries to be considered were
    from Armenia - that does not sound very credible. Some diaspora
    participation must have been included, although no attempt was made
    to invite diaspora participation.

    The first round of the selection process has already been
    announced. The results are out and the majority of votes went to the
    composition of Tigran Mansourian, based on the Yeghishe Charentz lyrics
    (Yes eem anoush Hayastani). He is followed by Yervand Yerznkian's
    work based on a poem by Ararat II; Edgar Hovhannissian's work based
    on the poem by Vahagn Davtian and finally the composition of Robert
    Amirkhanian based on a poem by Ludwig Nourian. Given Amirkhanian's
    popularity as a composer of many patriotic songs, his fifth-place
    showing does not seem to be believable.

    Aram Khachaturian's music, based on new lyrics by Soghomonian, was
    also included. This was the national anthem of Soviet Armenia, but at
    this time it is presented with new lyrics. However, people familiar
    with it will not be able to overcome the old lyrics ("Sovetekan Azad
    Ashkar Hayastan" - "Armenia, free Soviet country").

    Not all the finalists are familiar. Segments were played by the
    minister of culture on tape during a newscast on national TV. Charentz'
    poem is extremely popular as a catchy patriotic piece, further
    popularized by Ashot Satian's music, but it does not necessarily
    reflect all the attributes of an anthem.

    Mansourian's music seems outstanding, like Amirkhanian's, whose
    lyrics may be more apropos, although written by a lesser composer
    than Charentz.

    Edgar Hovhannisian's music has always been performed with extreme
    patriotic fervor.

    What will be the destiny of Mer Hayrenik, the anthem mostly cherished
    by Dashnags, which was opposed to Soviet Armenia for so long. It
    looks like the party - and the anthem - were abandoned, especially
    since the song was not even among the five finalists.

    After a critical article by Ara Martirossian, in the daily Azg, blaming
    Dashnags for abandoning Mer Hayrenik, it seems that a proprietary
    feeling has been triggered and the ARF has made a last stand by
    a martial announcement. Indeed, Gegham Manukian, a parliamentary
    deputy from the ARF has announced that the party will likely draft
    a bill to uphold the status of Mer Hayrenik and he hopes that the
    bill would pass. We do not believe that the bill stands a chance,
    unless Robert Kocharian's administration caves in, like it did when
    Echmiadzin was deleted from the new constitution, as the center of
    Armenian Apostolic Church, by sheer political expediency. The ARF
    pressured and the administration did not appreciate its historic
    significance and gave in.

    Singing Mer Hayrenik has made us cry over almost a full century. We
    do hope that crying is spared this time around and more joyous
    alternatives are chosen, as Armenia needs those alternatives to
    brighten its future.

    We concur with the minister of culture who has stated: "It is very
    difficult to make the right choice." No matter what the outcome,
    there will always be detractors and critics.

    Under no circumstances can Mer Hayrenik and Sovetakan Azad Angakh be
    adopted, both for political and aesthetic reasons.

    It looks like Mansourian's and Amirkhanian's works stand the best
    chance, possessing all the attributes of a proper anthem. Perhaps
    Mansourian's international stature may weigh heavier.

    But yet, we don't know where the political currents may lead our
    national anthem.