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Boxing: Arthur Abraham Interview: "I don't wish Miranda's childhood

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  • Boxing: Arthur Abraham Interview: "I don't wish Miranda's childhood
    Aug. 25, 2006

    Arthur Abraham Interview: "I don't wish Miranda's childhood on

    25.08.06 - By Izyaslav "Slava" Koza: Last Saturday, I spoke with the
    IBF Middleweight champion Armenian, Arthur Abraham, effectively a
    week before what was to be the second defense of his title against
    Colombian, Edison Miranda. As it turns out, this Saturday we will not
    have the chance to see the bout due to the champion coming down with
    the flu (Author's note: the interview took place before the fight was

    Leading up to the bout, which as of today is scheduled for September
    23rd, there were many verbal jabs and hooks traded between both camps
    in order to spice up the interest and the bout. However, after
    speaking with Arthur this past week, I feel this is more a matter of
    competitive hostility rather than all out animosity. Hopefully, the
    fight will come off successfully and Arthur gets better fast.

    ESB: Good Evening, Arthur! How is it going? What's new in your life?

    Arthur: Evening! Everything is ok. I just finished training for the
    fight and I will rest a bit now.

    ESB: How was the training?

    Arthur: Everything was great. Good sparring partners, gave me a good
    work out, I listened to my trainer a lot and now I am just ready to
    fight and to win.

    ESB: Who did you spar with and how many rounds did you go?

    Arthur: With Ashira, with Stepjan Bozic, and a third guy, a Russian,
    but I forgot his name. Bozic is Croatian and he is a good fighter,
    too. I did about 6-8, depending on the day, something like that.

    ESB: Often times, many fighters say it is harder to defend a title
    than to win it. Do you think the fight with Jantuah was harder than
    with Ikeke?

    Arthur: Yeah, of course. Slavik, this is absolutely true, it is
    extremely difficult. It is hard to win the title of course but to
    hold it, is even harder. Jantuah was my toughest fight and he was
    very uncomfortable as an opponent.

    ESB: Some of our readers want to know, if when you were fighting
    Jantuah, was it your plan to fight all 12 rounds or was it a matter
    of what he was doing?

    Arthur: I don't have plans of this nature. You can't determine what
    the result of any given fight will be beforehand and say, 'I want a
    KO or a points win.' Everybody wants a first round knockout but this
    is quite rare. It all depends on your opponent and the tactics he
    uses and you can only truly see that when you are in the ring with

    ESB: What are yours plans going be for the week before the fight?

    Arthur: Oh, the usual: press conferences, light training, weigh-in
    and that is it, the fight. The most important thing is the fight.

    ESB: Regardless of the result, what plans do you have after the
    fight? What will you do? Will you go home, maybe?

    Arthur: I have no plans really, cause I am just too focused on the
    fight. As far as going home, yeah, I will go for a few days, then my
    dad will come here. My mom is already here.

    ESB: Will Alex go, too?

    Arthur: No, he will stay. I will go for only about a week.

    ESB: How are negotiations going with Jermain Taylor and HBO? Any new

    Arthur: Sure, that is still happening, my promoter Wilfried Sauerland
    is handling this, as usual. Of course, I can only think one step
    ahead. I want to face them all but only one at a time. As we say,
    'The quieter the ride, the longer the distance.' (Laughing)

    ESB: (Laughing)

    Arthur: Yeah, if everything will go ok, then next year, I will
    probably be fighting in America. It's possible that Jermain Taylor
    will be the opponent, although that is what I know things can and do

    ESB: Did you watch Jermain Taylor vs. Winky Wright? Who did you think

    Arthur: Of course! And I think Wright won. I didn't score it but I
    thought he looked stronger.

    ESB: Well, then, that begs the question, if you think he won, then
    why not try to fight him or is it harder to agree to terms there?

    Arthur: It's very simple, actually, because whoever the champion is,
    he's the guy I want to fight. I want to become the "Super" champ, you

    ESB: I understand. Well, why do you think Felix Sturm lost to
    Castillejo? Are there any negotiations with Castilejo?

    Arthur: Felix lost because he chose the wrong tactic. He wanted to
    brawl with him but he is not a brawler; rather, he's a technical
    boxer and so he lost.

    ESB: Are you acquainted with Felix Sturm?

    Arthur: Of course, we speak often. Maybe we aren't friends, so to
    say, but we are well acquainted.

    ESB: Did he say something in regards to his loss?

    Arthur: No, and really a week after the fight, his mother died, so he
    is in mourning now and he is not talking much. It's hard to talk
    about that, you know?

    ESB: I understand. Would you want to fight Castillejo?

    Arthur: For me, it's not that interesting and Jermain Taylor is the
    better fight. Although he (Castillejo) is the champion now, so it is
    possible. However, he has a rematch clause with Sturm in his
    contract, so it would be difficult to set up in the near future.

    ESB: Why do you think Miranda is trying to insult you so much?

    Arthur: Really? well, what did he say this time?

    ESB: Oh, you know, the usual, 'I will knock him out,' and so forth.

    Arthur: How many times has one guy said, "I will knock him out and
    then ended up being knocked out themselves?" I am not that kind of
    person; If I say something, then I will do it. If not, then after I
    do it, I will talk. I try not to throw words out into thin air. Let
    him talk cause when he will feel one of my punches, then everything
    else becomes irrelevant and he is thinking about something else.

    ESB: Do you think it is a psychological ploy?

    Arthur: Nah, he is not that big to do that. Nobody has ever done it
    to me, anyway (laughing).

    ESB: Maybe it's a way to market the fight to the public and to
    entertain them?

    Arthur: Well, if he is the kind of guy who likes to entertain the
    public with his mouth, then it will be interesting. I would rather
    try to entertain the public with my skill in the ring.

    ESB: They say Miranda had a difficult childhood. How does your own
    stack up?

    Arthur: Everybody has their own difficulties and problems in life.
    Mine was not as difficult as his and I don't wish Miranda's childhood
    on anybody. I had my share of problems but I don't want to talk about
    them now. Thank God everything is ok now, and we are living well, and
    we have everything we need.

    My childhood was normal. Good family, hard working parents, and so
    on. We studied sports from an early age, about 7, Karate then before
    that Gymnastics. We never had issues with our parents and we still
    live with them together in the same house.

    ESB: Yeah, relative to say, Roy Jones Jr. or Floyd Mayweather Jr.,
    this seems rare.

    Arthur: Yeah, we love them very much, and my brother and I said, they
    shall not work anymore and we will do everything we can so they live
    well. We bought them cars, a house and everything else they may need.

    ESB: What kind of cars?

    Arthur: Mercedes

    ESB: Weren't they going to move to Germany?

    Arthur: Yeah, well, mom is here now and dad will come soon on
    September 11th, cause mom's birthday is coming up. I wanted them to
    come after the fight because they don't like to watch my bouts.

    ESB: Wish her well from us. Recently in another interview, you said
    Miranda has no real strengths as a fighter. However, against Eastman,
    he won via knockout and you by points. Do you think he is a stronger
    puncher than you?

    Arthur: Probably, he is a stronger puncher, but a tractor is also
    stronger than a BMW, but who is better on the road?

    ESB: (laughing) Nicely put.

    Arthur: Exactly, because in the ring, the winner will be the guy
    whose head works better, not who can swing the hardest. The smarter
    guy will win.

    ESB: Yeah, sort of like that big, fat, white guy, Butterbean. Have
    you seen him?

    Arthur: Of course, if you don't let him hit you, he doesn't know how
    to win.

    ESB: How are things with your brother? Anything new about his next

    Arthur: Yeah, he will fight on the 23rd of September here in Germany
    and is training now to be in good form. Nothing is known about his
    next fight but it will be somebody good we hope.

    ESB: He will be at the fight right? Will he be in your corner?

    Arthur: Of course, I can't fight without him. It is very important
    for him to be there because he often notices little details about the
    opponent. He won't be in the corner though as that is the trainer's
    job, but when I am on the stool, I can only hear his voice or the
    voice of my trainer.

    ESB: Which boxers do you communicate with most often in your free

    Arthur: Mostly with our guys, Markus Beyer, Marco Huk, Pablo
    Hernandez. That is our group and we are like friends. We celebrate
    almost all our events together.

    ESB: How about Artur Grigorian? He is a trainer now I think.

    Arthur: Yeah, we meet up a few times a year and keep in touch.

    ESB: How about the Armenian, Vahtang "Vic" Darchinyan?

    Arthur: Of course, and he is a great guy. We competed together for
    the Armenian national team in Erevan and played cards often
    (laughing). He is a great boxer and a great person.

    ESB: Did you watch the Rahman vs. Maskaev fight? Do those sorts of
    bouts motivate you to fight harder sometimes?

    Arthur: I didn't watch it but heard that Maskaev won by KO. I usually
    watch other fighters, like Barrera and Morales, and each one has
    their own style. For instance, I could never fight like Roy Jones
    Jr., or Mike Tyson, but I can take little things from any good

    As far as seeing them being real men and showing their character in
    hard situations, yeah, this is a good stimulator for me.

    ESB: Any predictions for the fight with Miranda?

    Arthur: Predictions? Well, my prediction is I will win but by points
    or KO, that I don't know (laughing).

    ESB: What do you want to say in closing to your fans and viewers?

    Arthur: I want to tell the viewers that they will hear a lot more
    about me and will see many more great things as well. I don't box for
    myself I box for my fans and supporters.

    ESB: Arthur, thanks for your time. I wish you all the best and that
    you will be able to come out victorious.

    Arthur: Thanks! Until next time.

    ESB: Sure and hopefully I can offer up my congrats by then. Good Bye.

    I want to thank Heiko Mallwitz for setting up the interview and once
    again I hope Arthur will get better soon and this fight will be
    rescheduled sometime in the near future.