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ARF Dashnaktsutyun Keeps Traditions And Secrets

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  • ARF Dashnaktsutyun Keeps Traditions And Secrets

    29 Aug 06

    Hrair Karapetyan, the leader of the parliamentary faction of the ARF,
    announced August 29 at the Pastark Club that the tenth general meeting
    of the ARF will take place on September 7, which will outline the
    manner and purpose of participation of ARF in the election.

    Although today it is already clear that "the ARF runs in the
    elections alone". As it became clear from the following words of
    the ARF representative, besides being a century-old and traditional,
    the ARF is also reticent as usual. The opening of the General Meeting
    of the ARF will take place at the hall of the government and will be
    open for everyone, whereas the meeting itself will be confidential.

    Hrair Karapetyan did not know where the meeting will take place, but
    he noted, "Since the resolutions, circulars of the General Meeting
    are published, it is pointless to speak about confidentiality."

    Besides, the ARF is not only reticent but also conformist. The ARF
    is for a 100 percent proportional system. Hrair Karapetyan announced
    that if as a result of a political arrangemeent 90 seats are elected
    under the proportional and 41 seats are elected under the majority
    system in 2007, the ARF will consider it a progressive step compared
    with the present 47/56 proportion. And if the proportion set down
    in the Electoral Code remains, ARF will agree to it and hope that
    eventually in 2012 there will be a 100 percent proportional system in
    Armenia. And the race of political rats determined by the developments
    connected with the Republican Party and Bargavach Hayastan does not
    worry ARF. "In fact, there is a process of moving from one party to
    another, but even in the years when our friends were in prison, and
    the party was banished, not a single member quit the ARF." It became
    clear that it is very difficult to become member of the ARF. "It is
    difficult to become a member.

    Mass membership is impossible. Only one out of 20-30-40 applications
    are accepted." In addition, "Our electorate is sustainable." At
    the same time, Hrair Karapetyan states that the ARF gets more
    votes at every election, and he is hopeful that this tendency will
    continue. "Unfortunately, however, in voting people do not take into
    consideration the age of the political party, and the influence of
    the Soviet anti-Dashnaktsutyun campaign persists.

    People do not trust the ARF." Hrair Karapetyan thinks that now the
    true history is taught at schools and the time will come when the
    ARF will be evaluated duly.

    The chair of the parliamentary faction of the ARF, likely to run
    in the election alone, notes that there are political parties whose
    programs have a number of points in common with the program of the
    ARF, and cooperation with these parties is not only possible but also
    inevitable. The struggle inside the government is also inevitable
    and natural, which will become tenser as the elections draw nearer,
    says the ARF representative.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress