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No Marionette For The President

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  • No Marionette For The President

    Naira Mamikonian
    26 Aug 06

    Tatul Manaserian says replying to the news about his membership into
    Â"Prosperous ArmeniaÂ" Party.

    Since the formation of Â"Prosperous ArmeniaÂ" Party, there is a formed
    opinion in the Armenian political and expert groups that party aims
    to compete with the opposition in the coming elections and change
    the orientation of voters.

    So it isn't accidental that some Â"unspoiledÂ" politicians, cultural
    and art workers have gathered in that party. It isn't also accidental
    that this party is inclined to include some representatives of the
    opposition who are known in the society as politicians with good
    reputation. But it shouldn't be excluded that the names of some
    oppositionists and journalists of free press are mentioned to raise
    the reputation of "Prosperous Armenia" and create mystery round it,
    on the other hand to compromise those persons. It became clear lately
    from Â"AzatutiunÂ" b/s that another non-party deputy from Â"JusticeÂ"
    bloc Tatul Manaserian is going to become Â"PAÂ" member. Other sources
    have mentioned the independent deputy Emma Khudabashian. There
    is another information that it is ordered from the presidential
    residence not to hurry to accept the membership of T. Manaserian,
    E. Khudabashian and V. Dallakian.

    We tried to find out just from Mrs. Khudabashian and Mr. Manaserian
    about their intentions.

    To our question, Mrs. Khudabashian answered, that she didn't know
    what newspapers wrote because she had lost three persons close to
    her and didn't have any mood to speak about policy. Anyway, she said,
    she had already chosen where she would go but didn't say exactly where.

    Is it just "Prosperous Armenia" or another party? "I'll say it later,
    - Mrs. Khudabashian promised and added, - let them write. A lot of
    politicians have suggested becoming their party member. Perhaps they
    are offended. If I decide to become the member of a party, I'll inform
    about it, but now I don't have any mood to speak."

    As for T. Manaserian, the latter said the following during his
    conversation with us: "I'm not inclined to give explanations. Ask those
    who write such things. I get angry at these conversations. Perhaps
    they have nothing to do and invent themes for them. Let them engage in
    a serious business. Tatul Manaserian has always been an independent
    person, and has always acted by his own initiation and I have no
    connection with the marionettes of the president and I can't have at
    all." To our question whether he has an intention to leave Â"JusticeÂ",
    he answered: Â"I shouldn't give any interpretation. SorryÂ". Certainly
    we don't have any reason to cast doubt on Mr. Manaserian's sincerity
    but the point is that Mr. Manaserian has informed some members of
    Â"JusticeÂ" about his intention to become Â"PAÂ" Party member.

    The whole nonsense in this story is that the leaders of Â"PAÂ" Party
    are very quiet and aren't going to reply to that published information.

    --Boundary_(ID_zTP2v921m0gpnp5DcGwJf g)--

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress