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Is NATO Ready for Georgia?

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  • Is NATO Ready for Georgia?


    Is NATO Ready for Georgia?
    [12:27 pm] 01 December, 2006

    A week before the first summit of a 26-member NATO in
    Riga, Georgia has been buoyed by support from the US
    Senate for its NATO aspirations. But questions remain
    as to how ready Georgia is to join the alliance.

    Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili has declared
    2006 `the year of NATO' and promised that Georgia will
    join the alliance before his first term finishes at
    the end of 2008. Saakashvili said that progress
    towards membership was `irreversible' after Georgia
    was invited in September to move to the next phase of
    cooperation with NATO known as `intensified dialogue'.

    On November 16, the US Senate gave Saakashvili a boost
    by unanimously passing a bill expressing support for
    the accession of Albania, Croatia, Georgia, and
    Macedonia into NATO. The bill says promises 20 million
    US dollars of aid for the four aspirants, half of
    which will go to Georgia.

    `Potential NATO membership motivates emerging
    democracies to make important advances in areas such
    as the rule of law and civil society,' said Senator
    Richard Lugar, chairman of the Senate Foreign
    Relations Committee. `A closer relationship with NATO
    will promote these values and contribute to our mutual

    The next day, a session of the NATO Parliamentary
    Assembly, meeting in Canada, called on alliance member
    states and partners `to support fully Georgia's
    aspirations for Euro-Atlantic integration and its wish
    to move, in due course, to the next level of
    co-operation with NATO, namely the Membership Action
    Plan (MAP). '

    NATO expansion is not formally on the agenda at the
    November 28-29 summit in Riga, which will be dominated
    by NATO's operations in Afghanistan and other issues.
    But the Georgian government has been encouraged by a
    statement by NATO Secretary-General Jaap de Hoop
    Scheffer, who said an `encouraging signal' would be
    given at the summit to the new aspirant countries.

    Of the four countries mentioned by the Senate, Georgia
    is furthest back in the queue and can only hope that
    the Riga summit will bring it an invitation to begin a
    MAP that will lead towards eventual accession.

    Many American experts and politicians are promoting
    Georgia's NATO ambitions on the grounds that it will
    buttress Georgian democracy and strengthen NATO in the
    Black Sea region.

    Ambassador David Smith, who is director of the
    Georgian Security Analysis Centre, said that Georgian
    accession would create an arc in the Black Sea region
    (with the potential of becoming a ring, if Ukraine
    also becomes a NATO member), which will bring
    stability both to the alliance itself and to the
    entire region.

    Smith said that creating a ring of NATO Black Sea
    members would be able to fight international crime
    (illegal trade in drug, arms, trafficking, etc), as
    well as terrorism and the proliferation of nuclear

    However, many European countries are more cautious,
    citing worries about how Russia and the breakaway
    territories of Abkhazia and South Ossetia will react
    to potential Georgian membership of the alliance. At a
    recent European summit meeting in Finland with Russian
    leader Vladimir Putin, France's president Jacques
    Chirac said that relations with Moscow were a higher
    priority than the issue of Georgian-Russian relations.

    Russia has explicitly warned against the expansion of
    NATO, which it still regards with suspicion as an
    anti-Moscow alliance formed during the Cold War.

    `NATO plans to enlarge, but we consider this to be a
    mistake, although we perceive it as a reality,' said
    Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov in September.
    `In the era of global challenges, which we all face,
    instruments of the Cold War are no longer effective.'

    For most Georgians, joining NATO means being protected
    from Russia. Opinion polls suggest that more than 70
    per cent of Georgians support accession to NATO, with
    only a tiny number - around two per cent in one recent
    poll - against.

    `For Georgia, NATO means alleviation of the threat
    coming from Russia,' said David Darchiashvili,
    executive director of the Open Society-Georgia
    Foundation. `After Georgia is admitted to NATO, the
    threat will be neutralised, as any threat to Georgia
    will be translated as a threat to the alliance. Also,
    accession to NATO will mean irreversibility of the
    course towards democratic development.'

    However, much needs to change before Georgia actually
    qualifies for NATO membership.

    De Hoop Scheffer has repeatedly said that `although
    the doors of the alliance are always open', he could
    not predict when Georgia would be judged ready
    actually to pass through them. No timetable has been

    With regard to Abkhazia and South Ossetia, de Hoop
    Scheffer, said that NATO must recognise Georgia's
    territorial integrity and that `intensified dialogue
    (for Georgia) means everyday efforts to find ways for
    peaceful resolution of the conflicts'.

    Some argue that Georgia's drive towards NATO will only
    push the two breakaway territories further away and
    into the embrace of Russia.

    Georgian experts respond that it is unacceptable to
    make peaceful resolution of the Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia conflicts a condition of Georgia's NATO
    accession, as that is tantamount to giving Russia a
    veto on the process.

    `While the conflicts may pose an obstacle to Georgia's
    admission to the alliance, they are also a tool for
    Russia to obstruct Georgia's integration into
    Euro-Atlantic structures,' said Temuri Yakobashvili,
    executive vice-president of the Georgia Foundation for
    Strategic and International Studies. He argued that if
    Russia tried to use this tool, it should trigger a
    `political decision in Brussels' to support Tbilisi.

    `Statements that accession to NATO means a loss of the
    territories for Georgia are absolutely groundless,
    both politically and legally,' argued Darchiashvili.
    `NATO supports a peaceful resolution of the two
    problems. So accession to NATO will speed up the
    peaceful resolution of the problems.'

    Another vital issue is how well equipped Georgia is
    technically to join NATO. A NATO evaluation mission
    made a cautious assessment of the state of the armed
    forces after visiting Georgia in March this year,
    saying that changes had evidently been made, but
    substantial reforms were still needed.

    Military expert Vakhtang Kapanadze said progress had
    been made on institutional reforms and that the
    structure of the general staff was now in line with
    NATO standards. But he gave a downbeat assessment of
    the overall professionalism of the defense ministry.
    `They need professionally qualified staff with the
    appropriate military education, preferably from
    western military academies, and the military
    experience. But nowadays the ministry is mainly
    staffed by policemen,' he said.

    Kapanadze said the other major issue was civilian
    control of the armed forces `expressed through control
    of the appointments of the staff to high military
    posts, control over expenses and the use of force'.

    Nika Tarashvili is a correspondent for 24 Hours
    newspaper in Tbilisi. Institute for War and Peace
    Reporting, Caucasus Reporting Service