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The President Is Responsible for Combat Against Aids

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  • The President Is Responsible for Combat Against Aids


    [01:06 pm] 01 December, 2006

    Message by the UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan on the
    Occasion of World AIDS Day.

    In the 25 years since the first case was reported,
    AIDS has changed the world. It has killed 25 million
    people, and infected 40 million more. It has become
    the world's leading cause of death among both women
    and men aged 15 to 59. It has inflicted the single
    greatest reversal in the history of human development.
    In other words, it has become the greatest challenge
    of our generation.

    For far too long, the world was in denial. But over
    the past 10 years, attitudes have changed. The world
    has started to take the fight against AIDS as
    seriously as it deserves.

    Financial resources are being committed like never
    before, people have access to antiretroviral treatment
    like never before, and several countries are managing
    to fight the spread like never before. Now, as the
    number of infections continues unabated, we need to
    mobilize political will like never before.

    The creation of UNAIDS a decade ago, bringing together
    the strengths and resources of many different parts of
    the United Nations family, was a milestone in
    transforming the way the world responds to AIDS. And
    five years ago, all UN Member States reached a new
    milestone by adopting the Declaration of Commitment --
    containing a number of specific, far-reaching and
    time-bound targets for fighting the epidemic.

    That same year, as I made HIV/AIDS a personal priority
    in my work as Secretary-General, I called for the
    creation of a `war-chest' of an additional seven to
    ten billion dollars a year. Today, I am deeply proud
    to be Patron of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and
    Malaria, which has channelled more than 2.8 billion
    dollars to programmes across the globe. Recently, we
    have seen significant additional funding from
    bilateral donors, national treasuries, civil society
    and other sources. Annual investments in the response
    to AIDS in low-and middle-income countries now stand
    at more than eight billion dollars. Of course, much
    more is needed; by 2010 total needs for a
    comprehensive AIDS response will exceed 20 billion
    dollars a year. But we have at least made a start on
    getting the resources and strategies in place.

    Because the response has started to gain real
    momentum, the stakes are higher now than ever before.
    We cannot risk letting the advances that have been
    achieved unravel; we must not jeopardize the heroic
    efforts of so many. The challenge now is to deliver on
    all the promises that have been made -- including the
    Millennium Development Goal, agreed by all the world's
    Governments, of halting and beginning to reverse the
    spread of HIV by 2015. Leaders at every level must
    recognize that halting the spread of AIDS is also a
    prerequisite for reaching most of the other Goals,
    which together form the international community's
    agreed blueprint for building a better world in the
    21st century. Leaders must hold themselves accountable
    -- and be held accountable by all of us.

    Accountability -- the theme of this World AIDS Day --
    requires every President and Prime Minister, every
    parliamentarian and politician, to decide and declare
    that `AIDS stops with me'. It requires them to
    strengthen protection for all vulnerable groups --
    whether people living with HIV, young people, sex
    workers, injecting drug users, or men who have sex
    with men. It requires them to work hand in hand with
    civil society groups, who are so crucial to the
    struggle. It requires them to work for real, positive
    change that will give more power and confidence to
    women and girls, and transform relations between women
    and men at all levels of society.

    But accountability applies not only to those who hold
    positions of power. It also applies to all of us. It
    requires business leaders to work for HIV prevention
    in the workplace and in the wider community, and to
    care for affected workers and their families. It
    requires health workers, community leaders and
    faith-based groups to listen and care, without passing
    judgement. It requires fathers, husbands, sons and
    brothers to support and affirm the rights of women. It
    requires teachers to nurture the dreams and
    aspirations of girls. It requires men to help ensure
    that other men assume their responsibility -- and
    understand that real manhood means protecting others
    from risk. And it requires every one of us help bring
    AIDS out of the shadows, and spread the message that
    silence is death.

    I will soon be stepping down as Secretary-General of
    the United Nations. But as long as I have strength, I
    will keep spreading that message. That is why World
    AIDS Day will always be special to me. On this World
    AIDS Day, let us vow to keep the promise -- not only
    this day, or this year, or next year -- but every day,
    until the epidemic is conquered.

    Kofi Annan

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress