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ABC: Opinion By Mark Geragos

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  • ABC: Opinion By Mark Geragos

    ABC News International
    Dec. 1, 2006


    After an initial foray into interfaith relations by inciting almost 2
    billion Muslims with ill-advised references to the legacy of their prophet
    Mohammed, Pope Benedict XVI leaves Turkey with the press hailing the visit a

    Much like the war in Iraq, however, defining the simple concept of "success"
    has become increasingly like declaring "mission accomplished." Case in
    point, the pope's recent visit to Turkey.

    Following the pontiff's gaffe heard 'round the Muslim world, the fact that
    larger protests and riots didn't accompany his visit to Turkey must have
    certainly elicited a collective sigh of relief from the Vatican and tempted
    many prognosticators to proclaim the trip a success.

    Perhaps prompted by a sense of relief and joy at not being embarrassed by a
    rancorous reception upon his arrival to Turkey, the pontiff even took time
    to don his political advisor cap and stump for Turkey's admission into the
    European Union.

    Fortunately, the more discerning European nations see that issue in a
    slightly different light and are waiting for Turkey to adopt something other
    than medieval standards of justice before setting out the welcome mat.

    Still, as the leading spiritual figure for Christians around the world, much
    more is expected and required of the pope.

    After all was said and done, and as the cameras rolled and the press
    jockeyed to capture and transmit images of the pope being led on a tour of
    Istanbul's Blue Mosque by local Islamic and Christian leaders, the press
    failed to capture the big, fat, noisy elephant parked squarely amidst this
    assemblage - Turkey's ongoing legacy of intolerance and oppression.

    For too long, the various Christian and other minorities of Turkey have
    silently suffered the suppression of their rights and the deliberate erosion
    of their collective memories through the state sponsored destruction of
    ancient churches and other historical monuments dating back almost two

    Mark Geragos is a lawyer who has represented former Rep. Gary Condit, former
    first brother Roger Clinton, Academy award-winning actress Winona Ryder, pop
    star Michael Jackson and Scott Peterson. ry?id=2694983&page=1