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AAA: Journey For Humanity Takes on Washington

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  • AAA: Journey For Humanity Takes on Washington

    Armenian Assembly of America
    1140 19th Street, NW, Suite 600
    Washington, DC 20036
    Phone: 202-393-3434
    Fax: 202-638-4904
    Email: [email protected]

    December 1, 2006
    CONTACT: Karoon Panosyan
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Young Armenian-American Activists Meet with Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs

    Washington, DC - After walking cross-country for four months from Los
    Angeles to Washington, a group of Armenian-American activists who formed
    Journey for Humanity, led a final march to the United States Capitol
    this month. Along with Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny, the
    group met with the Armenian Caucus Co-Chairs Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ)
    and Joseph Knollenberg (R-MI) to discuss their 3,000 mile journey and
    efforts to advance the cause of genocide prevention as well as honor the
    victims and survivors of all genocidal acts.

    "I commend the dedication of these six Armenian students, as well as the
    Armenian Assembly for their efforts in raising public awareness and
    affirmation of these crimes against humanity," said Pallone and
    Knollenberg. "Awareness and education are the keys to prevention."

    While in Washington, the group also participated in a panel discussion
    hosted by the George Washington University Armenian Student's Network.
    The event was cosponsored by Georgetown University Armenian Student's
    Association, Students Taking Action Now for Darfur (STAND), Progressive
    Student Union, Hillel and the Armenian Assembly. In addition to Journey
    for Humanity, featured speakers included Lisa Rogoff of the U.S.
    Holocaust Memorial Museum, Jana El-Horr of the American Islamic
    Congress, Julia Fitzpatrick of Citizens for Global Solutions and Martha
    Heinemann-Bixby of the Save Darfur Coalition.

    "I applaud the entire Journey for Humanity team for their courageous
    spirit," said Ardouny. "It is heartening to see this group of
    thoughtful, civic-minded individuals devote their time and energy to
    raising awareness of the need to remember and learn not only about the
    Armenian Genocide, but all genocides in order to prevent future

    Journey for Humanity's next step is to create a speakers bureau which
    will travel to universities, middle schools and high schools to discuss
    genocide prevention.

    To learn more about Journey for Humanity, visit their Web site at

    The Armenian Assembly of America is the largest Washington-based
    nationwide organization promoting public understanding and awareness of
    Armenian issues. It is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt membership organization.


    Photograph available on the Assembly's Web site at the following link: /2006-103-1.JPG

    Caption: L to R: Representative Frank Pallone, Jr. (D-NJ), Vahe Abovian,
    St. Mary's Armenian Church Youth Director Daron Bolat, Sarkis Nazaryan,
    Albrik Zohrabyan, Assembly Executive Director Bryan Ardouny, Hasmig
    Tatiossian, Edward S. Majian, Represenative Joseph Knollenberg (R-MI)
    and Levon Sayadyan.