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California Courier Online, December 7, 2006

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  • California Courier Online, December 7, 2006

    California Courier Online, December 7, 2006

    1 - Commentary

    1 - U.S. Embassy Releases Study
    On Armenian-Americans (Part II)

    By Harut Sassounian
    Publisher, The California Courier

    2 - Phillips Sisters Lead Marlborough High School
    To California State Cross Country Championship
    3 - AUA Celebrates 15th Anniversary
    With Gala Banquet in Los Angeles
    4 - ANCA-WR Donates AFF Documentary Film Series
    To Armenian Genocide Institute Museum in Yerevan
    5 - Correspondent Robert Fisk
    To Speak at U of M-Dearborn
    6 - AGBU Sponsors Armenian Philharmonic
    Orchestra's Concert Tour of Central Europe
    7 - Senators Calls on White House
    To Withdraw Hoagland Nomination
    8 - Amb. John Evans to be Honored by
    USC Institute of Armenian Studies
    9 - Take a Friend to the Movie
    'Screamers' This Weekend
    ****************************************** ************************
    1 - Commentary
    U.S. Embassy Releases Study
    On Armenian-Americans (Part II)

    By Harut Sassounian
    Publisher, The California Courier

    Last week, we published excerpts from a "sensitive" internal study on
    the Armenian-American community, prepared by the U.S. Embassy in
    Yerevan. This week's column covers the second and third of the seven
    clusters of Armenian-American organizations as defined by this study:
    2) "Dashnaks (ARF), ANCA, Prelacy"
    According to the Study, "the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF)
    is a worldwide organization that reports affiliates in over 200
    countries including a strong presence in the United States. The ARF
    is widely known by its nickname 'Dashnaksutyun.' â~@¦Active since
    1890, the organization is the most politically oriented of the
    Armenian Diaspora groups around the world and has traditionally been
    one of the most vocal supporters of Armenian nationalism. â~@¦The
    ARF's U.S.-based political advocacy arm is the Armenian National
    Committee of America (ANCA). ANCA is the principal political
    spokesperson for ARF policies in the United States."
    The study also states that "together with its vocal grassroots
    campaigns on political issues, the ARF has created one of the most
    successful networks of cultural and youth organizations among
    Armenian-Americans. The Armenian Relief Society (ARS) is a nationwide
    women's auxiliary association that serves as the ARF's charitable and
    educational arm. The Armenian Youth Federation (AYF) coordinates
    summer camps and political education programs for young
    Armenian-Americans in conjunction with worldwide ARF programs."
    The study next covers "the unofficial link" between the ARF and the
    Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church which "recognizes the
    authority" of the Cilician See in Antelias, Lebanon. "The ARF-Prelacy
    alignment coincided with the outbreak of the Cold War. With Diocese
    leaders based in Soviet Armenia, nationalistic ARF activists opted to
    operate through Prelacy congregations in the United States which they
    felt were less susceptible to Soviet influences and could best
    advance their cause for an independent Armenia. Prelacy congregations
    are by no means exclusively populated by ARF supporters. The
    perception exists among many, however, that 'Dashnaks worship with
    the Prelacy.' While there are fewer adherents of Prelacy
    congregations than Diocese congregations in the United States, this
    group remains a significant and active part of the Armenian-American
    religious community." The study also notes: "There are no liturgical
    or theological differences between the two branches of the Armenian
    Apostolic Church. Relations are cordial if not warm."
    "Making Sense of the AAA/ANCA Divide"
    The study explains that while the platforms of the ANCA and AAA
    (Armenian Assembly) "are not diametrically opposed to one another,
    their different approaches on key topics such as relations with
    Turkey and the Nagorno-Karabagh conflict at times give the impression
    to observers both in and outside the Armenian-American community that
    they are competitors. While the two organizations often pool their
    resources for joint projects (including April 24 commemoration
    initiatives on the Hill, lobbying efforts aimed to increase U.S.
    Government assistance funds destined for Armenia et al.), the highest
    levels of their respective membership rosters rarely overlap. ANCA's
    grassroots strategy often appears to the public as more aggressive
    and politically charged than the AAA's. Professional representatives
    from two groups regularly hold informal consultations on key issues,
    but high-ranking representatives agree that significant rifts about
    where to invest political and human capital are commonplace." The
    study notes: "While the AAA might at times be critical of ANCA's
    methodology, it appears that AAA often benefits from the increased
    awareness or heightened visibility that ANCA's activities offer the
    Armenian-American community."
    AAA: "Independent, but close to Diocese/AGBU Cluster"
    The study states that the Armenian Assembly of America (AAA) "most
    often aligns itself with the AGBU/Diocese cluster on political policy
    issues. The AAA's membership is probably the most inclusive of
    Diaspora organizations because it has gone to great lengths to
    involve both the Diocese and Prelacy religious communities. According
    to [U.S.] Embassy sources, the AAA's dues-paying membership totals
    approximately 3,000 in the U.S. with 7,000 to 9,000 AAA 'activists'
    regularly volunteering on AAA grassroots advocacy efforts."
    3) "Organizations Close to the 'Hnchaks' "
    The study points out that the "activities of the smallest, and yet of
    the most well-known politically based groups of Armenian-American
    organizations centers around the ideology of the Armenian Social
    Democratic Hnchakian (or Hnchak) Partyâ~@¦. The party and its
    affiliate organizations in the U.S. (fraternal societies, a women's
    advocacy group and various youth groups) played an historically
    conservative role among Armenian-American groups during the second
    half of the 20th century. â~@¦ Disputes among party leadership and
    two subsequent splits in the party during the late 1990s weakened the
    party's standing in Armenia and consequently the influence of
    Hnchak-related groups in the U.S. Hnchak party leaders tell the
    [U.S.] Embassy that the party's aging membership in the United
    States, coupled with the recent internal disputes, have seriously
    weakened their influence as an arm of the Armenian-American lobby.
    The memory of the Hnchaks' historically large membership and the
    roster of influential Hnchaks in recent Armenian-American history,
    however, continue to lend the group a certain degree of clout within
    the Armenian-American community. Hnchak organizations support the
    weekly 'Massis' newspaper which claims the second-largest circulation
    among Armenian-American publications and posits 'traditional Hnchak'
    views on Armenian political developments." The study notes: "While
    both the Ramkavars and Hnchaks retain organizational structures and a
    public profile, they appear to be fading as significant forces in the
    Diaspora, including in the U.S."
    (Next week: The final segment of the study covering Protestants,
    Catholics, professional and humanitarian groups)
    ****************************************** ********************************
    2 - Phillips Sisters Lead Marlborough High School
    To California State Cross Country Championship
    LOS ANGELES - What seemed highly improbable four years ago became a
    reality on November 25, when the Marlborough High School cross
    country team, lead by Armenian American sisters Christina and Ashley
    Phillips convincingly won the California State CIF Division IV cross
    country championship. Fittingly, the victory was at Woodward Park in
    Fresno, a city steeped in Armenian history and tradition.
    Ashley finished the grueling 5,000 meter course in a personal best
    time of 19:23, good for 19th place overall. Christina was close
    behind in 25th place, also in a personal best time of 19:35. Their
    teammate Kate Grace, daughter of fitness video icon Kathy Smith, won
    the race. The Phillips are the first two girls of Armenian descent
    ever to compete in the California State cross country finals.
    Marlborough's team beat runner up Carmel by a combined team time of
    over two minutes, providing the small all-girl college preparatory
    school in the Hancock Park area of Los Angeles with its first State
    Championship in its 116 year history. The school has the Phillips
    sisters to thank for that in more ways than one.
    When Christina Phillips, now 17 and a senior, started at Marlborough,
    the school did not have enough athletes to field a cross country
    team. Having both an interest and talent in long distance running,
    Christina encouraged some of her friends to go out for the team. Two
    years later, Ashley, now 15 and a sophomore, joined the squad, and
    the positive results were quick to follow. Backed by a base of solid
    training and good coaching, the Phillips girls started developing
    into national class high school runners.
    This season, the sisters traded places, one usually placing as the
    second, third or fourth best on the team, with the other usually very
    close behind. The State Meet was preceded by a dominant victory at
    the Sunshine League finals at Griffith Park, where Ashley finished
    3rd overall with Christina in fourth. Their team went into the State
    finals race as the number one rated team, and the performance of the
    Phillips and their teammates led them to the team championship.
    "I am extremely proud of Christina's and Ashley's performance at the
    State finals," said Vicken Simonian, an assistant coach of the
    Phillips, and a world class distance runner in the 1970's and 1980's.
    "The girls have tremendous talent, determination and intelligence,
    and I am not surprised at all by their success. This historic victory
    serves as a source of pride for the Phillips family, their school and
    the Armenian community," said Simonian.
    Christina and Ashley are the daughters of renowned attorneys Gary and
    Arsine Phillips and live in Hancock Park. Gary is the managing
    partner of the prestigious law firm of Astor and Phillips and Arsine
    is a partner in the preeminent national law firm of Parker, Milliken,
    Clark, O'Hara and Samuelian.
    Both girls are straight A students with promising college careers.
    Christina has applied to several of the top universities in the
    country, including USC, where her parents are both alumni, but still
    hasn't made a decision on where she will attend college next year.
    Ashley has two more years in high school, where she will be vying for
    a second State team championship, and the overall individual
    "The potential of Christina and Ashley Phillips is limitless," said
    Simonian. "The girls are extremely talented, very coachable and
    despite their success, neither has a big ego. I predict that both
    girls will run well in college, and that will hopefully translate
    into international distance running honors in the future."
    More information about the Phillips' cross country season can be
    obtained at the Marlborough High School website at
    ************************************************* ************************
    3 - AUA Celebrates 15th Anniversary
    With Gala Banquet in Los Angeles
    LOS ANGELES - As Armenia commemorates its 15th year of independence
    as a republic, the American University of Armenia also celebrates the
    15th anniversary of its own founding. The University hosted a gala
    banquet Nov. 12 at the Sheraton Universal Hotel in Los Angeles to
    honor the efforts of all who have contributed to the rapid
    development of the University. In particular, a moving tribute was
    given to Gerry & Pat Turpanjian, and the late Vartkes Barsam and his
    wife, Jean Barsam, all dedicated supporters of AUA since its founding
    AUA has truly filled a niche in Armenia, by providing Western-quality
    graduate education that prepares the region's youth for leadership in
    social and economic development. AUA anticipates a largely increased
    enrollment due to the institute's candidacy for accreditation by the
    Western Association for Schools and Colleges.
    Proceeds from the 15th anniversary banquet will support the
    completion of an earthquake-reinforced educational facility, which
    will house additional classroom, lecture hall, and laboratory space
    to accommodate the University's growth.
    The evening began with an introduction by MC Charles Ghailian, and
    the playing of both the American and Armenian national anthems were
    played. The Invocation was given by Father Bartev Gulumian,
    representing Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian. Welcoming words were
    offered by Sinan Sinanian, the banquet committee chair and CEO of
    Sinanian Development of Tarzana. Following was a warm greeting from
    Dr. Rory Hume, Provost of the University of California system and the
    new Chairman of the AUA Board of Trustees.
    AUA President Dr. Haroutune K. Armenian presented a speech on the
    theme of excellence and integrity in education. He concluded that,
    "Our motto at the AUA will continue to be excellence through
    relevance to the broader Community.. Thus, AUA is not just about the
    youth in Armenia, but is of relevance to your own children and
    grandchildren. Soon it will be possible for them to attend a
    university in Armenia that is US accredited."
    Keynote speaker, the former California Governor George Deukmejian,
    addressed the banquet guests by lauding AUA's commitment to its
    original goals and taking a visionary look at the future. He spoke
    of the Turpanjian Rural Development Project to expand educational
    opportunity across Armenia, as well as the numerous opportunities now
    open to AUA as a result of its accreditation candidacy.
    The honorees of the evening's festivities were then introduced by Dr.
    Armenian and AUA President Emeritus, Dr. Mihran Agbabian. Jean
    Barsam and her son, Charles Barsam, on behalf of Vartkes Barsam, and
    Gerry and Pat Turpanjian accepted honorary plaques and framed State
    of California resolutions as symbols of appreciation. The sons of the
    honorees, Charles Barsam and Paul Turpanjian, offered a personal
    response on behalf of their family members.
    Archbishop Hovnan Derderian then invited Gerry and Pat Turpanjian to
    the podium and read the encyclical of Catholicos Karekin II, and
    pinned St. Gregory the Illuminator on them. Archbishop Derderian
    concluded the ceremonies by giving the Benediction.
    ************************************* *************************************
    4 - ANCA-WR Donates AFF Documentary Film Series
    To Armenian Genocide Institute Museum in Yerevan
    GLENDALE, CA - Earlier this month, Armenian National Committee of
    America - Western Region announced the donation of the Armenian Film
    Foundation's documentary series to the Armenian Genocide
    Institute-Museum in Yerevan.
    During a meeting at the museum this past August, ANCA-WR Chairman
    Steven J. Dadaian and museum director Dr. Lavrenty Barseghian
    discussed ways in which the ANCA-WR could assist the museum and its
    research efforts. As a first step, the ANCA-WR found it fitting that
    the Armenian Film Foundation documentary series would be a valuable
    resource to the institute's collection.
    On October 28, Armenian Revolutionary Federation Western U.S. Central
    Committee Chairman Avedik Izmirlian and member Hagop Tufenkjian
    visited the Armenian Genocide Institute-Museum, a division of the
    National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, to deliver
    the documentary series on behalf of the ANCA-WR. The gift was
    cordially accepted by Yeranouhi Margaryan, Deputy Director of the
    "I was impressed with the professional work the Institute has done
    at the Museum, as well as the politeness and knowledge of Ms.
    Yeranouhi Margaryan," remarked Izmirlian. "I believe that the J.
    Michael Hagopian Film Library donated by the ANCA-WR fills an
    important gap and is a great contribution to the Museum".
    Established in 1979, the Armenian Film Foundation (AFF) is a
    non-profit, educational and cultural organization dedicated to the
    documentation and preservation of Armenian heritage in multi-media
    formats. The ANCA-WR honored AFF founder and board chairman, J.
    Michael Hagopian with its "Man of the Year" award at its 2000 Annual
    ********'************************* ****************************************
    5 - Correspondent Robert Fisk
    To Speak at U of M-Dearborn
    DEARBORN, MI- Foreign Correspondent Robert Fisk, the author of
    several books, including the recent The Great War for Civilization
    will speak at the University of Michigan-Dearborn campus on December
    20, reported the Armenian National Committee of Michigan.
    The event, co-hosted by the Armenian National Committee of Michigan
    (ANC of MI), the Armenian Research Center (ARC) at the University of
    Michigan-Dearborn, and the Center for Arab American Studies (CAAS) at
    the University of Michigan-Dearborn, will bring in audiences from
    various communities in the Michigan area to listen to Fisk speak.
    "We are honored to have an opportunity to co-host the event with the
    Armenian Research Center and the Center for Arab American Studies at
    the University of Michigan-Dearborn. Working together to promote
    ethnic ties is important," reported Narses Gedigian of the ANC.
    The event, entitled: "The Middle East: The Roots and Realities of
    Enduring Conflicts,"at Kochoff Hall, the University Center at 4901
    Evergreen Road, will include a reception from 5:30-6:30pm, following
    his lecture from 6:30-8:30pm, and is open to the general public.
    Seating is limited, and there will be a question & answer segment.
    Robert Fisk will also have a book-signing opportunity immediately
    following the lecture. Books will be available for purchase at the
    As one of the world's best known journalists through his
    distinguished work as Middle East correspondent for the UK based
    The Independent, Robert Fisk has informed the world about the
    Armenian Genocide more widely and thoroughly than any other
    journalist. In his latest book, The Great War for Civilization, Fisk
    dedicates an entire chapter to the Armenian Genocide, which he titles
    "The First Holocaust." He provides the historical details of the
    genocide, reveals interviews with survivors in Lebanon and decries
    the Turkish and U.S. governments' complicity in denying the genocide
    ********************************** ***************************************
    6 - AGBU Sponsors Armenian Philharmonic
    Orchestra's Concert Tour of Central Europe
    NEW YORK - The Armenian Philharmonic Orchestra (APO) embarked on a
    four-city concert tour of Central Europe from September 27 to October
    6, 2006. The 110-member orchestra was invited to showcase its talent
    in music festivals held in Nuremberg, Germany, Bratislava, Slovakia
    and the Czech Republic's two largest cities, Prague and Brno.
    While on tour, APO performed alongside some of Europe's most talented
    classical musicians, demonstrating its status as an orchestra of the
    highest caliber receiving invitations to perform at the most
    prominent music festivals and concert halls in Central Europe.
    As the leading symphony of Armenia for the past eighty years, APO
    presents weekly concerts in Yerevan's renowned Aram Khachaturian
    Concert Hall. The performance venue of 1,300 is a cultural landmark
    and architectural gem in the center of the Armenian capital city.
    The Orchestra's musicians are drawn from the top graduates of
    Yerevan's Komitas Conservatory and Russia's leading conservatories in
    Moscow and St. Petersburg. Since 1990, the Armenian Philharmonic has
    produced and released a long list of CD recordings and hosted leading
    international figures, including Italian baritone Renato Bruson,
    American maestro Alexander Treger and Canadian soprano Isabel
    Headlining APO's upcoming schedule of events is a six-city tour of
    France in February 2007. The tour will be sponsored by AGBU as part
    of the organization's Centennial celebrations and France's Year of
    Armenia festivities.
    APO has been primarily subsidized by AGBU since 1992 in recognition
    of the importance of the performing arts in Armenia. Annual grants
    are allocated for weekly concerts, new instruments, administration,
    salary supplements, international guest artists and special
    festivals. APO has successfully toured Austria, England, France,
    Germany, Greece, Iran, Lebanon, Russia, Turkey, UAE and the United
    States, and has produced dozens of CD recordings. For more
    information on APO, please visit
    For more information on AGBU and its worldwide programs, visit
    ****************************** ********************************************
    7 - Senators Calls on White House
    To Withdraw Hoagland Nomination
    WASHINGTON, DC - Citing the opposition of the Armenian American
    community and the growing controversy within Congress surrounding the
    nomination of Dick Hoagland to serve as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia,
    incoming Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) and New Jersey
    Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) today called on President George W. Bush
    to withdraw this nomination and propose a new candidate to serve in
    this important diplomatic post, reported the Armenian
    National Committee of America (ANCA).
    In a Dec. 1 letter to Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, Senators
    Menendez and Reid recommended that the best way to move this process
    forward would be for "the President to withdraw his nomination of
    Richard Hoagland as U.S. Ambassador to Armenia and to propose a new
    candidate to serve in this important position." Noting the broad-
    based opposition within Congress, the extensive media coverage this
    issue has received, and the strong stand of the Armenian American
    community against this nomination, the two Senators noted that, "It
    would serve neither our national interests nor the U.S.-Armenia
    relationship to expect Ambassador-designate Hoagland to carry out his
    duties under these highly contentious and profoundly troubling
    "Armenian Americans welcome the principled stand taken today by
    Senators Menendez and Reid in defense of our nation's fundamental
    commitment to recognizing, preventing and punishing genocide," said
    ANCA Chairman Ken Hachikian. "We deeply appreciate their leadership
    and value their understanding of the simple truth that a denier of
    the Armenian Genocide cannot effectively promote U.S. interests or
    American values in Armenia - a country that rose from the ashes of
    Turkey's brutal campaign of extermination and exile."
    In announcing his decision to block the Hoagland nomination on
    September 12, Sen. Menendez highlighted the principled stand taken by
    former U.S. Ambassador John Evans, who, by all accounts, was fired
    for speaking truthfully about the Armenian Genocide. .
    ************************************************ ****************************
    8 - Amb. John Evans to be Honored by
    USC Institute of Armenian Studies
    LOS ANGELES - John Marshall Evans, former U.S. ambassador to Armenia,
    will be the guest of honor and keynote speaker at the Second
    Anniversary Banquet of the USC Institute of Armenian Studies, to be
    held at the Century Plaza Hyatt Regency Hotel, on March 4, 2007.
    The Leadership and staff of the Institute feel privileged that
    Ambassador Evans has chosen the USC Institute of Armenian Studies as
    his first venue to speak in public after leaving his diplomatic post.
    On this auspicious occasion the Armenian community of Southern
    California will have the opportunity to salute Ambassador Evans for
    his distinguished service to the United States, the Armenian Republic
    and his sacrifices for the Armenian cause.
    For more information about the Second Anniversary Banquet and all of
    Institute's programs, contact 213-821-3943 or
    [email protected].
    ********************* ************************************************** ***
    9 - Take a Friend to the Movie
    'Screamers' This Weekend
    LOS ANGELES - Film director Carla Garapedian urges the Armenian
    community to support the campaign for genocide recognition by seeing
    this movie the first weekend of its release in Los Angeles and Orange
    County, Dec. 8, 9 and 10.
    "Attendance is crucial on these three days -- it will send a message
    to the rest of the country that the Armenian communitiy really cares
    about this issue," Garapedian said.
    "Screamers" recently wont the AFI Film Festival's prestigious
    Audience Award and has been selected by the Skirball Cultural Center
    fro its "Under-18 Selection."
    See it at the Mann Marketplace in Glendale, the Mann Grauman 6
    Hollywood, the Mann Criterion Santa Monica and the AMC
    Block 30 in Orange. See for more
    ******************************** ******************************************
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